Works Cited Help
Credit should always be given for anyone else’s ideas or words used!!!
Your Works Cited List

The works cited list should appear as a separate page at the end of your paper. It provides the information your reader would need to locate and be able to read any sources you cite in your paper. Each source you cite in the essay must appear in your works cited list; however, you may include sources on your works cited page which are not cited in your text. Here are some guidelines for preparing your works cited list.

List Format

·  Begin your works cited list on a separate page from the text of the essay

·  At the top of the page, center the words: Works Cited (do not use quotation marks, underlining, bold, or italics)

·  The first line of each entry in your list should be all the way over to the left margin.

·  Every line except the first line in each entry should be indented one-half inch. This is known as a hanging indent.

·  Double space all entries, with no skipped spaces between entries.

·  Alphabetize the list of works cited by the first word in each entry (usually the author's last name)

Basic Rules for Citations

·  Authors' names are inverted (last name first); if a work has more than one author, invert only the first author's name, follow it with a comma, then continue listing the rest of the authors.

·  If no author is given for a particular work, alphabetize by the title of the piece and use a shortened version of the title for internal citations.

·  Capitalize each word in the titles of articles, books, etc. This rule does not apply to articles, short prepositions, or conjunctions unless one is the first word of the title or subtitle.

·  Underline or italicize titles of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and films.

·  Use quotation marks around the titles of articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers.

·  Also use quotation marks for the titles of short stories, book chapters, poems, and songs.

·  List page numbers efficiently, when needed. If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225 through 250, list the page numbers on your Works Cited page as 225-50.

·  If you're citing an article or a publication that was originally issued in print form but that you retrieved from an online database, you should provide enough information so that the reader can locate the article either in its original print form or retrieve it from the online database.

·  If there is no publisher or site sponsor info, use N.p.

·  If no date is available, use n.d.

·  Anything else for which you can’t find the required information, skip it and go to the next item of the entry. However, a lot of missing information should call into question source credibility!

Works Cited Page SAMPLE
Works Cited

Barrie, James M. Peter Pan. Neverland: Second Star Publishing Inc., 1911. Print.

Constan, Randy. Home Page of Peter Pan. 12 April 2006. The Webby Awards. Web. 2 May 2006>.

Darling, Wendy. “Peter Pan Biography.” Enchanted Encyclopedia. 2000. Print.

Hook, James S. ed. The Untold Story of Peter Pan. Starboard: Scoundrels and

Theives, 1938. Print.

Tinkerton, Bella. "Do You Believe in Fairies?" Young at Heart 20 March 2006: 133-138.

Web. 1 May 2006 <>.

Toodles, John, and Billy Pockets. Lost Boys’ Memoirs. New York: Imagination Inc., 1912. Print.