American Lit
CCSS English III / Instructor: Jessica Kidd
Room: 141
Planning Periods: 3A, 2B
Remind 101: 918-708-1049
A Day: @kiddenga
B Day: @kiddengb
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English III is a course on American literature. We will be reading novels, historical documents, plays, short stories, and many other works written by American authors. Learning will take the form of large and small group discussions, short and extended writings, group and individual projects, and examinations and quizzes. This class is student centered and student driven.



§  Fahrenheit 451 (Buy NOW)

§  The Great Gatsby (Buy Soon)


§  3-Ring Binder

§  Dividers

§  Paper

§  Folder with brackets

Class Rules:

§  Be Respectful

§  Be Prepared

§  Be on time

§  Do your best

Policies and Procedures

Missed Assignment Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to contact Mrs. Kidd if a class is missed. If a class is missed, yes, material was missed. Please collect your missed work by email, during a planning period, or before or after school. Do not ask Mrs. Kidd for makeup work during class.

Cell Phone Policy

BHS policy states that unless students have been given permission to use phones during class, your phone should not be visible whatsoever. Cell phone use during class will result in the confiscation of the phone for the remainder of the day. Repeat offenders will have their phones given to the office.

Classroom Behavior

Room 141 is a community. As such, our community is held to a set of covenants that provide for a safe, encouraging, loving, and fun environment.

We will use encouraging words and language.

We will be quiet while Mrs. Kidd is speaking.

We will be quiet and listen when a student has been invited to speak.

We will participate in classroom discussions and come to class prepared.

We will clean and care for the classroom community and leave it better than we found it.

We will love and treat each other with respect. We will remember we do not know what someone else is going through. We will remember that we all have bad days. We will forgive others. We will laugh together. We will live life together.

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Year Schedule: Be More.

§  1st nine weeks: Censorship
o  Summer Reading Project
o  Fahrenheit 451 (novel)
o  The Bill of Rights (historical document)
o  The Crucible (play)
o  Mini Research Lessons 1-3
o  Commercial Project (persuasive/creative project)
§  2nd nine weeks: Conformity
o  The Crucible (play)
o  The Great Gatsby (novel)
o  “The Lottery” (short story)
o  Mini Research Lessons 4-6
o  Short Story Project (writing project)
§  3rd nine weeks: Civil Disobedience
o  “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (historical letter)
o  Declaration of Independence (historical document)
o  Patrick Henry’s Speech from the Virginia Convention (speech)
o  Mini Research Lesson 7-8
o  Declare Your Independence Project (creative project)
§  4th nine weeks: Citizenship
o  Research Project
o  The United States of America Constitution (historical document)
o  Social Situation Book of Your Choice
§  Jodi Picoult books
§  The Help
§  Into the Wild
§  Through Painted Deserts
§  Blue Like Jazz
§  On the Road
§  V for Vendetta
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