Notes of a Circle 33 Tenant Scrutiny Panel meeting

held on 25 January2016


Members:Jomo Browne; Graham Day;Charles Everett;Patsey Modeste-Rowe (Chair) from 6.30pm; Saira Grice from 6.45pm; Paul Lubwama from 6.50pm

Independent mentor (and note-taker): Sue Farrant

Apologies: Nicole Seneque (Vice Chair); Mags Zia

  1. Opening of the meeting

Sue welcomed the members and explained that Patsey would be late and Nicole Seneque had resigned from the Scrutiny Panel. Sue said she would take the chair until Patsey arrived.

  1. Notes of the meeting held on 7 December 2015

There were two matters arising from the notes:

  • Item 8: Date for Christmas meal. Friday 15 April agreed.

Action: Natalie to be asked to get some menus so the members could decide where they would like to go.

  • Item 10.1: Appraisals for individual Panel members.Individual appraisals were discussed and Jomo asked for the form to be circulated in advance so the Panel could suggest any improvements.(See item 6 in the notes of this meeting)

Action: Sue

The notes were approved.

  1. Balanced scorecard –presentation by Peter Elegbede, Business Performance Analyst

Peter's role is business process improvement and dealing with performance data.

He told the Panel that measuring performance is about measuring the completion of a set task.

Circle 33 uses:

  • Performance indicators to help define and measure progress towards goals
  • The balanced scorecard, which is a 'dashboard' report. It uses red, amber and green colours to show performance against targets. It gives an overview of the most important indicators for managing performance
  • Performance clinics – monthly meeting for ADs and operational managers to go through the balanced scorecard

Peter explained some of the features of the balanced scorecard.

The figures in the Tolerance column set what was considered to be an acceptable level of performance even if the target was not met. Some change from month to month when there is a pre-set, step target e.g. rent collection throughout the year.

The targets for the key performance indicators (KPIs) are set by Circle Group Board for all the RPs within the Group e.g. all the targets in the Finance group of indicators (including rent and service charge collection, arrears) are set by the Group Board.

There are also somelocal performance indicators(LPIs) and the targets for these are set by Circle33 managers, heads of service and Peter’s team e.g. % ASB cases open for three months, properties recovered as a result of tenancy fraud. They should be achievable but stretch the service.

Satisfaction with the landlord. The target and tolerance for this KPI is set by Group. Centra Living carries out 130-150 surveys a month by ringing tenants to ask about their satisfaction with Circle. They ring people who have been in contact with Circle within the last three months.

There is a separate repairs satisfaction survey.

Source and accuracy of the data. Some of the data comes from the IT system and Peter can just run reports. Most of the KPI information comes from the system and is accurate. Other data comes from managers who keep spreadsheets and relies on staff entering their data.LPI data more likely to come from other sources and might not be accurate.

For example, property and income data is accurate but the neighbourhoods data is less accurate.

Peter explained that performance management will be changing in next couple of monthswithin Circle as part of the restructure to make it consistent across the Group.

Action: Peter tosend the Panel (via Natalie) a version of balanced scorecard showing which are KPIs and which are LPIs and to provide more information on the customer and repairs satisfaction surveys

Patsey thanked Peter for his very helpful presentation and he left the meeting.

  1. Training – Facilitation and Chair Skills workshop

The Panel had been asked to suggest dates and times. They agreed to ask Circle 33 for the training to be spread over two sessions, one on 5 April and the second on 12 April, to run from 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

Action: Natalie to ask the trainer about availability

  1. Election process for Chair and Vice Chair

The Panel discussed how they would elect their Chair and Vice Chair for the year April 2016 - March 2017.

They agreed that members who wish to be Chair or Vice Chairshould circulate a brief 'manifesto' saying why they would like to do the job to Natalie by 5.00pm on Thursday 14 April. Natalie will be asked to send out the manifestos on Friday 15 April for members to consider over the weekend. Then voting will take place at the start of the Panel meeting on 18 April. The Chair and Vice Chair will begin their terms of office at that meeting.

Action: Natalie to note the timetable

  1. Individual appraisals

These will be relaxed, individual discussions between each Panel member and Natalie/Sarah and Sue.It is an opportunity for members to think about what they have enjoyed during the year and if they would like any further training or development opportunities. A form will be completed during the discussion and will be confidential to the member and Circle.

The form is to be circulated as soon as possible to give people time to comment on the form and to think about what they would like to say at their meeting.

The appraisals will be carried out at the March meeting.

Actions: Sue to circulate the form

Natalie to set up the meetings