Request for Proposal 2012-01

State-Wide Registration of Heavy Plant

10 September, 2012 to 30 June, 2015

Proposal Issue Date: 3 September, 2012

Part C - Proposal Response

Part C: RFP2012-01 (State-wide Registration of Heavy Plant) 1

Part C – Proposal Response

Enquiries should be directed to:

Coordinator – Heavy Plant Programme

NSW Rural Fire Service


Tel: (02) 8867 7900

Fax: (02) 8867 7982






1.  Submissions must include the following (if handwritten, please print clearly):

a)  Schedule 1 – Business Particulars of this Part (including):
i.  Copies of insurance certificates of currency
ii.  Attachments for any of the questions in this Schedule
iii.  Copies of current Demolition Licence and/or Asbestos Licence (for Proposers that are offering demolition Services) / □

b)  Schedule 2 – Schedule of Rates table of this Part / □
c)  Deed of Agreement (last page of Part D), signed by the Proposer / □

2.  Schedules 1 and 2 must be completed and signed by an authorised representative of the Business (note that answering NO to any question will not preclude your Proposal from being considered).

3.  Submissions must either be:

·  Mailed to, Attention Coordinator –Heavy Plant Programme, “RFS Heavy Plant Request for Proposal”, NSW Rural Fire Service, Locked Mail Bag 17 Granville NSW 2142 (mark as “Private and Confidential”).
·  Emailed to

Submissions sent via NSW Rural Fire Service offices on behalf of Contractors will not be accepted.


The following information will be used to assess the submission. It is essential that all questions are answered.

1.  Registered Company Name (and trading name if applicable) / No. Years trading in this name? / []
Public Company [ ] Private Company [ ] / Sole Trader [ ] Partnership [ ] / State Government Entity [ ] Local Government Authority [ ] / Trust [ ] Other (specify):
2.  Australian Business Number (ABN) / Small-to-Medium Enterprise? / []
3.  Business Address
4.  Postal Address
5.  Company Representative (Name and position)
6. Email
7. Phone / Fax / Mobile
8. Bank Name: / Branch: / BSB:
Account Name:
Account No.:
9. Insurance Policies.(Write in the policy expiry date)
Public Liability Insurance ($10M minimum) / Workers Compensation Insurance / Plant & Vehicle Insurance
Leave Expiry date blank if this policy is not held. Please attach a copy of each policy with your submission.
10. Industry Sector
What is the industry sector that your business mainly supplies Services to? (indicate number of years)
Forestry [] Agricultural [] Civil Construction [] Mining [] Demolition []
11. Service Category
Is your proposal for: (write ‘Yes or No’)
Fire Work [] Non-Fire Work [] / 12. Service Location
Are you offering Services for your: (write ‘Yes or No’)
Local Area [] State Wide []
13. Conflict of Interests
In lodging your Proposal, are you aware of any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interests which require your disclosure? (includes personnel being members of the NSW Rural Fire Service) (Write ‘Yes or No’) []
If ‘Yes’, please attach full details
Declaring any Conflicts of Interest will not preclude your Proposal from being considered.
As an authorised signatory of the Company/Entity, I declare the information provided is true and correct.
Name and Position Signature Date
14. Management Systems
Does your business have documented systems for? (Write ‘Yes or No’)
Work Health Safety (or OHS) management [] Environmental management [] Quality Management []
If ‘Yes’, please provide an overview of your management system(s)
In the last 12 months, has your company experienced any of the following? (Write ‘Yes or No’)
Work related fatalities [] Work related Lost Time Injuries (LTI) that resulted in more than 5 days lost []
If ‘Yes’, please attach full details
Can you provide your company’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate for the past 3 years? (Write ‘Yes or No’) []
If ‘Yes’, please attach full details for each of the past 3 years
15. Legal Proceedings
Is your business (directors or close associates) currently or within the past 5 years been the subject of or pending legal proceedings and/or investigations by? (Write ‘Yes or No’)
WorkCover [] Fair Trading/Trade Practices [] EPA/Environmental management []
Industrial Relations Commission [] Due to insolvency/bankruptcy [] ICAC or other public body []
If ‘Yes’, please attach full details
16. Previous Experience
Fire Experience (Years)
Urban interface
Demolition (licensed) / []
[] / Agency experience (Years)
Fire & Rescue NSW
National Parks & Wildlife Service
Forests NSW / []
[] / ACT RFS
Queensland RFS
Other: / []
17. Referees
Provide name and contact details of 3 current customers (other than NSW Rural Fire Service customers).
18. Proposed Sub-contractors
Attach completed Schedules 1 and 2 for each proposed sub-contractor and mark “Sub-Contractor to (your Company) in Section 1.
19. Employee Qualifications & Experience – Do employees have training and/or equivalent experience in (write ‘Yes or No’):
Industry Sector Work Health Safety procedures
Licenses/authorisations for plant operation
Operating in isolated and remote situations
Access track/fire trail construction
Mechanically assisted hazardous tree falling operations / []
[] / Soil & water protection practices
Observing site environmental requirements and approvals
Machinery hygiene and bio-security practices
Bushfire awareness (or bushfire fighter training) / []
No. of employees requiring Bushfire Awareness (BFA) training? / [] / Attach copies of certificates for personnel that have already completed BFA training (or higher)
20. Compliance with Proposed Agreement
Do you agree to be bound by all the conditions contained in Part D – Deed of Agreement? (Write ‘Yes or No’) []
If ‘No’, please attach details of the clauses that you don’t comply with
Do you currently comply with your Work Health & Safety (W H & S) statutory obligations? (Write ‘Yes or No’) []
Will you continue to comply with your W H & S obligations, including your obligations to performance monitoring and Sub-Contractor performance under this Agreement? (Write ‘Yes or No’) []
If ‘Yes’, please attach full details of how you will ensure that Sub-Contractors will perform in accordance with W H & S obligations.
If ‘No’, please attach details
As an authorised signatory of the Company/Entity, I declare the information provided is true and correct.
Name and Position Signature Date

NSWRFS RFP2012-01 (State-wide Registration of Heavy Plant) 6

Part C – Proposal Response

SCHEDULE No. 2 - SCHEDULE OF RATES (Contract Prices)

Business Name & Base / Earthmoving Plant Standard: / ROPS, FOPS, OPG, Sweeps –
“N” = No protective structures fitted
“1” = Certified to AS2294.1 Supp 1 (2003)
“2” = Certified to other standard (ISO, SAE)
“3” = Uncertified protective structures fitted
OPG – add “M”= Mesh, ”P”= Perspex or “B”= Both / Attachments/Comments key (select or write in)
C/W – “C’ = Crawler, “W” = Wheeled machine
CAB – “Y” = Enclosed cabin, “N” = Open cabin
Lights – “Y” = Work Lights, “N” = None / 1.Bull Blade
2. 6-way/PAT Blade
3. Stick Rake
4. Ripping tynes
5. Snigging winch / 6. Tree pushing arm
7. 4-in-1 bucket
8. Bucket with thumb
9. Log Grab
10. Loading forks / 11. Boom mulcher
12. Strip mulcher
13. Tree Felling Head
14. Plough/slasher
15. Boom spray (span)
Reg. No. / Plant ID / Plant Type / Make / Model / Year / Earthmoving Plant Std / Attachments/Comments / Capacity (L or kg) / CONTRACT PRICES (Ex-GST)
C/W / CAB / Lights / ROPS / FOPS / OPG / Sweeps / Fire ($/hr) / Non-Fire ($/hr) / Transport Rate
Working / Standby / Working / Standby / $/hr / $/km
Labour Rate ($/hr) For travel more than 150km one way / Rate ($/km) For vehicle used to transport personnel
As an authorised signatory of the Company/Entity, I declare the information provided is true and correct.
1. No photographs of plant are required to be attached.
2. Lists can be sent as a MS Excel document.
Name and position / Signature / Date


Business Name & Base / Earth Co Earthmoving P/L
Dubbo NSW / Earthmoving Plant Standard: / ROPS, FOPS, OPG, Sweeps –
“N” = No protective structures fitted
“1” = Certified to AS2294.1 Supp 1 (2003)
“2” = Certified to other standard (ISO, SAE)
“3” = Uncertified protective structures fitted
OPG – add “M”= Mesh, ”P”= Perspex or “B”= Both / Attachments/Comments key (select or write in)
C/W – “C’ = Crawler, “W” = Wheeled machine
CAB – “Y” = Enclosed cabin, “N” = Open cabin
Lights – “Y” = Work Lights, “N” = None / 1.Bull Blade
2. 6-way/PAT Blade
3. Stick Rake
4. Ripping tynes
5. Snigging winch / 6. Tree pushing arm
7. 4-in-1 bucket
8. Bucket with thumb
9. Log Grab
10. Loading forks / 11. Boom mulcher
12. Strip mulcher
13. Tree Felling Head
14. Plough/slasher
15. Boom spray (span)
Reg. No. / Plant ID / Plant Type / Make / Model / Year / Earthmoving Plant Std / Attachments/Comments / Capacity (L or kg) / CONTRACT PRICES (Ex-GST)
C/W / CAB / Lights / ROPS / FOPS / OPG / Sweeps / Fire ($/hr) / Non-Fire ($/hr) / Transport Rate
Working / Standby / Working / Standby / $/hr / $/km
12345C / HP123 / Bulldozer / Caterpillar / D6R III XL / 2007 / C / Y / Y / 2 / 3 / 1M / Y / 2, 5 / N/A / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$
56789C / HP456 / Loader / Caterpillar / 926E / 1992 / W / Y / Y / 2 / 3 / 1M / N / 11, 13 / N/A / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$
89107C / HP127 / Excavator / Hitachi / EX350LCH-5 / 2001 / C / Y / Y / 2 / 3 / 1B / N / 2, 9, 12 / N/A / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$
ABC123 / HP100 / Float, tri-axle / Ford / L9000 / 2001 / 21000 / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / N/A / $$
WYZ789 / HP901 / Water cart / Isuzu / FTS750 / 2007 / Dribble bar, batter sprays & monitor / 5000 / $$ / $$ / $$ / $$ / N/A / $$
Labour Rate ($/hr) For travel more than 150km one way / $$ / Rate ($/km) For vehicle used to transport personnel / $$
As an authorised signatory of the Company/Entity, I declare the information provided is true and correct.
1. No photographs of plant are required to be attached.
2. Lists can be sent as a MS Excel document. / Name and position / Signature / Date

NSWRFS RFP2012-01 (State-wide Registration of Heavy Plant) 6