Record of Training in Radiation Protection

Name :

Department :

Personal Registration issued on :

Dates of completion of training:

a) Departmental training - Departmental Procedures

- Training by Academic/Section Supervisor

b) Seminar by Radiation Protection Advisor .

c) Other relevant courses attended (specify below):

Authorisation from Radiation Protection Office has been granted for use of :-

( list isotopes or whether X-rays or neutrons )

covered by the following RP Registration number:

Radiation Worker's Acknowledgement

I am aware of the hazards associated with my work and the care that needs to be taken when working with ionising radiations. I have been trained in (or I am familiar with) the techniques and procedures associated with my planned work and will undertake such further training as is necessary (see below). I am aware of the departmental procedures associated with record keeping and the management of isotope stocks and waste (if appropriate). I have read the appropriate sections of the University's Local Rules and am aware of my duties and responsibilities under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 and the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 (if appropriate).

Further training required in:

Signed: Date:

Important Note: Please inform your Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) when you have received training from your academic/section supervisor and are in a position to sign the declaration and commence work with ionising radiations.

This record, together with certificates of attendance and course details, must be kept safely and must be available for inspection at any time by your RPS, Radiation Protection Office or external inspectors.

Introduction to Departmental Procedures

-work with radioactive materials

Department of


This forms part of the statutory requirement for training in radiation protection. Please initial those items covered and indicate 'n/a' for those items not applicable.

Requirements for Registration of Work Certificates
Requirements for Registration of Laboratories
Departmental procedures for ordering and receiving of radioisotopes
Storage of radioisotopes
Completion of Radioisotope Record Sheets
Disposal of wastes - including all relevant disposal limits
Monitoring of work areas
Use of TLD badges - how to wear and procedures for exchange
Use of finger dosimeters - issue of, how to wear, and return of. (if applicable)


The above named person has received a brief introduction to departmental procedures.


Name (PRINT) : ( RPS or person authorised by RPS )

Date : .

Training by Academic Supervisor

Department of


The above named person has received appropriate training or has demonstrated appropriate knowledge in the following laboratory techniques and precautions required for the handling of radioisotopes during experiments for which I am the academic responsible.

(Please initial those items covered and indicate n/a for those items not applicable)

Use of the Local Rules applicable in my laboratories.
The Local Rules that are applicable have been explained, emphasising the limitations of where the work can be done and what isotopes/chemicals can be used. The procedure for making amendments to Local Rules has been indicated.
Organisation of isotope work in my laboratories
The areas of my laboratories that are designated for use with isotopes have been indicated. Procedures for receipt of isotopes delivered to my laboratory, and safe storage in designated store (location must be marked on isotope record sheet). The use of Benchkote to protect benches from spillage and the marking of designated areas with radioactive tape. Steps to avoid spread of radioactive contamination and the system for separation of contaminated glassware from general washing up have been shown.
Completion of isotope record sheets (if not covered by RPS)
How to complete the Isotope Record Sheets accurately, and account for decay and disposal of radioactive materials. What to do if material is received from or sent to other Establishments (if that is likely within your research group).
Calculation of radioactive decay (if applicable)
Methods for correction for radioactive decay of the isotopes that are used by my group, and how to use this in completion of Record Forms
Monitoring procedures and precautions for use with 3H, 14C, 32P, 33P, 125I * other isotopes (specify)
The necessity of using appropriate methods for monitoring the work area before and after a piece of work, using OM counters or wipe tests, and how to record the results of such monitoring for inspection. Special precautions required for work with the isotopes that the worker will be using – eg use of shielding, gloves, goggles, TLD badge and finger dosimeters at appropriate stages of use and/or dispensing. What to do in case of accidental spillage.
Precautions for release of gaseous waste
How to vent release of radioactive gas safely, and show designated Fume Cupboards
Disposal of solid and liquid wastes (including animal waste*)
Use of the different bins for disposal of solid wastes with short and long half-lives, how to label them correctly, and how to get them removed from the lab when full. The methods of disposal of liquid wastes - e.g. via a designated sluice, low levels via designated sink. How to dispose of animal carcasses via the macerator (if relevant).
Door signs, labelling of solutions
The meaning of the door signs in my laboratories, the necessity of labelling fridges and other stores where isotopes are stored, the importance of clearly labelling all radioactive materials and solutions with an identifying number so that they can be linked to the Isotope Record Sheet
Other Techniques (specify):

(* delete as appropriate)

I undertake to provide appropriate additional training as required and to ensure that the above named receives an appropriate level of supervision throughout his/her work in my laboratory.

Academic Supervisor

(signed): Date:

Name (Print) :

Other person providing training

(signed): Date:

Name (Print):

Position :

Training : revised 10/11/2008 Page 3 of 4