MCHS Choir Boosters

Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2016

Booster President, Nadine Baxter, called the meeting to order at 7:14

Secretary’s Report: Attendees were asked to review the secretary’s report from the 04-19-16 meeting. Two changes: Date of the meeting was actually 4-19-16, not 4-17-16. Additionally, there is a minor change in with regard to points awarded for the mattress fundraiser. Every choir student receives one point and all workers earn an additional point per two-hour shift. Vanessa Holloway motioned to accept the minutes with the corrections; Molly Babyak seconded the motion. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: Attendees were next directed to review the treasurer’s report. Neena Hilt reported that it’s updated to reflect the mattress sale and Night of Entertainment. Lauri Rhoades motioned to accept; Carla Pinnick seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Director’s Report:

We are racing to the end of the school year. Next year’s choral calendar was discussed.

Honors recital: The eleven students who performed did very well.

Last Tuesday we enjoyed the final concert of the school year, as well as the awards program.

This week is busy with finals, and jazz/madrigal auditions, which should conclude tomorrow.

Please start thinking about madrigals costumes over the summer. If your student is in need of a new costume, lease let Mr. Benware know. 2016 will be the 20th Anniversary of Madrigals at MCHS, with an alumni reception afterward. Rehearsal starts the first days of school, even though they are shortened days. Mr. Benware will have the Madrigals groups posted on Thursday, and the parent/student commitment letter needs to be signed and returned ASAP.

Sunday is graduation; Concert Choir should be here at 5:15, prepared to perform outdoors, in appropriate dress. Students must stay for the entire program.

Vocal lessons: The three vocal teachers are offering lessons over the summer break: Mrs. Kieswetter, Mrs. Hunt and Mr. Benware (also piano lessons). Please sign up right away. Cost will be $22 per half-hour lesson.

Mr. Benware generously thanked the Booster Officers for their time and efforts this school year.

Old Business:

President Nadine Baxter reported that Night of Entertainment was a good event that ran very smoothly.

Mattress Sale: This was our ‘inaugural’ effort. 34 mattresses sold! This effort will be brought back next year.

Scholarships: Three $500 scholarships were awarded this year! Kelli Andersen, Kayla McComb, and Nate Zurawski. Kelli Anderson wrote a very kind thank you card, which Nadine Baxter read for the boosters.

The two $250 camp scholarships awarded this year went to Hannah Babyak and Ben Dow


Nadine asked for a motion to accept the nominations: Nadine Baxter to return as President; Brenda Cichon to return as Vice President; Johana Richart to return as Secretary, and Molly Babyak to join the Booster Board as Treasurer.

Joann Maurzak motioned to accept these nominations and Lauri Rhoades seconded. All in attendance were in favor with no opposition. Special thanks to Neena Hilt for her hard work this year, and a warm welcome to Molly!

New Business:

The Board is working on a realignment of concert duties for each choir so that more parents can be involved. We are working on having streamlined duties, and possibly some online signup sheets. We’re planning on a super-organized fall.

Brenda Cichon: The very beginning of the school year is super busy, so she has a signup sheet for Blast Off help, which is set for Saturday, September 9 from 6-9 in the Central Campus Cafetorium.

School starts Monday, August 15 with our first booster meeting Tuesday, August 16 which is a longer evening, due to the new parent meeting.

Vanessa Holloway reported that two students, Maddie Holloway and Alex Wende sang the National Anthem yesterday at the girls lacrosse playoff game, which was hosted at our home football field.

Mr. Benware asked how can we attract more people to the Booster Meetings …. We like to see a higher percentage of parents attend so we can grow in our fundraising efforts, especially with next year being a tour year. Nadine had the idea providing attendees of the first parent meeting the results of a “sample” student’s fundraising efforts, so they can understand how important it is to become involved early on so they have enough funds for tours, voice lessons, etc.. Lauri Rhoades suggested having students perform or attend the meetings. Carla Pinnick suggested the general parents should encourage each other to come, which fits along with the plan to have parents serve as choir parents

Molly Babyak suggested a phone tree to remind of the booster meetings. That way it’s no one person’s responsibility. One way to have fun would be to have a party at the end of the year, perhaps a potluck. Blast-off is something like that, encouraging the parents to interact. Carla Pinnick offered to be part of the phone tree.

Jocelyn Delgado suggested that attendance could give extra credit, or prizes.

Discussion continued. Maybe all attendees could have their name in a hat, with a drawing for a prize.

Mrs. Harding shared that she volunteers because she remembered hearing other parents give testimonials about how they’ve earned money for their students during the Blast Off.

Mr. Benware shared some information about the 2017 tour. He asked for feedback on parent’s ideas about tour dates and other factors, so he handed out a choir survey. He’s waiting to receive approval from Student Activities before he can make any announcements.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Vanessa Holloway and seconded by Joann Maurszak; motion carried. Next meeting is Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 7 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Johana Richart, Secretary