Real Estate Tax Relief Working Group

Subgroup: Application Process and Outreach

Monday, November 7, 2016

Present: Patty Sullivan, Evelyn Gee, Peggy Jones, Aaron McCready, PatFindikoglu


I. Discussions:

*Kim Rutgers visits (first ½ hour)


--No specific outreach to public for Real Estate Tax Relief presently, always tied to other communication around assessment and taxes, late notices etc.

--Clarification of dates for our timeline

--Delinquency rate is very low in the county

--Several late notices might be followed up by Enforcement Team visiting home. This is usually very close to the application deadline of August 15

--Of the $250,000 outstanding taxes owed, ¼ could have qualified for tax relief.

--As soon as DHS begins processing an application for Tax Relief, everything in the Tax Office (late notices, etc.) is put on hold until one is denied or accepted in the program. If denied people have 30 days to pay.

----TAP, loan program through John Marshall Bank and how it works was explained to us

*Outreach is crucial.

--How to get to the adult children of elderly?

--Those late paying taxes are getting outreach and interventions? What about others who manage to pay their taxes on time and yet may be struggling?

--How to get the program better known in the whole community?

*Deferment only versus Exemption and/or combination of both.

*Who should manage the program?

--Started listing the pros and cons of Tax Office and DHS managing the program.

*Comparing State and Local Code.

--Staff is working on a side by side document. Seems changing deadlines would be allowed.

II. Review of the questions we were presented.

We want to make the clarity of the application process and outreach and education to the community about theTax Relief Program a priority of our work

III. Recommendation we are likely to make, at this point:

--Keep application online throughout the year. People who are considering applying may like to take look.

--Move the deadline for the application to November 15

--Explore the possibility of giving people tax relief retroactively.

--Tax late notices should alert people to the Tax Relief program for the disabled and those over 65 and the TAP program for loans. An insert that catches the eye of all might be helpful as neighbors often know who needs help in the neighborhood.

IV. Questions:

--Are we sure information about Real Estate Tax Relief information is given in the first assessment that goes out to all homeowners?

--What is the appeal process? Is it mainly getting missing papers?

--Should we recommend a sheet of simple directions for filling out the application? How much help do people need?

V. To Do:

--Aaron will put together the timeline... with tax notices, reminders, late notices, due date for application and renewal applications.

--Each of us will submit a list of 25 possible ways to conduct outreach and information about RETR.

--Look at the Renewal Application for possible simple changes. (Some confusion around the dates.)