Welcome to Band!!!!

I am very excited to have you in the Maury River Band this year! This year will be the start of something that you can take through the rest of your life. You will grow to have pride in what you do- it is not something that everyone else can do- it is a special talent that you will share with one another in the band as we grow together as a team.

I can’t wait to get started with you!!

Get current concert schedule and other information:


Everything you need to know…..

Be prepared!

Everyday of class students will need:

♪ instrument and method book: “Standard of Excellence”

♪ required supplies, specific to instrument (valve oil, reeds, etc.)

♪ binder with class music (see below)

♪ PENCIL (not pen)


Every student in the Maury River band is required to have a 3-ring binder dedicated to band class. Enclosed we will keep important information, worksheets, articles of interest, practice logs, and of course- MUSIC!

MRMS Band logo binders are available for $4!

Classroom Goals

1. Respect yourself, others, and property

No food, candy, or gum in the band room (bottled water OK).

Do not play other people’s instruments (this includes percussion!)

Do not harm school property, we must be grateful for what we have

Treat stands like they are prized possessions

Do not leave your seat without being given permission

2. Follow directions the first time that they are given

3. Work together to create a positive learning environment for everyone

Bring a positive attitude to class

Be prepared

Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking.

Everyone has different talents and skills- try to learn from each other.

Classroom Goals (continued)

4. Actively participate

Always be prepared

When not playing, listen to other students play and learn from what they are doing.

Daily Routine

1.  Students will enter the band room, set-up their instruments, and go directly to their assigned seats. Any case that will not fit under a chair must be left to the back or sides of the band room, out of the way

2.  Students should be sure that they have all required materials at their seat (PENCIL!) and begin working on the music indicated on the board.

3.  When Mr. Schucker stands on the podium, students put their instruments in the ‘ready’ position and await instruction

4.  At the end of class, students will patiently put their instruments in the lockers and sit down in a chair.

5.  When the bell rings, students will wait for Mr. Schucker to dismiss the class.


Actions that do not help the band reach the goals described above will result in individual consequences, to be decided on an individual basis. Examples of consequences include silent lunch, time out, and after school detention.

Grading (based on the Virginia Music Standards of Learning)

Students will earn their grade through demonstration of:

♪ 25% Practice- 10 minutes a day is required.

♪ 35% Classroom Performance

à students will earn 5 points a day by being on time, being prepared, and staying on task.

♪ 25% Written work/ Performance Opportunities

à performance opportunities will take place to mark individual progress.

♪ 15% Attendance at band concerts (this is mandatory)

Extra credit is available through:

♪ Attending concerts outside of class- a written paragraph as well as an accompanying program must be submitted to be rewarded for this effort. See Mr. Schucker for more details. (Max points: 4)

♪ Extra practice- ‘bonus’ practice weeks will be scheduled.

♪ Auditioning for special honor bands throughout the year.

(Max points: 2)

♪ Participating in special honor bands throughout the year.

(Max points: 3)


Students are expected to practice outside of class every day and record their progress. This is essential for personal growth and for the success of the band- we are a team and everyone must do their part. A guideline to aim for is a minimum of 10-15 minutes a day; this is very easy to accomplish and will help you and the band immensely.

Concert Date!

**PLEASE NOTE: Any absence from a concert or other required event must be brought to the attention of the director at least 2 weeks prior to the event in order for the absence to be excused, and for replacement work to be assigned. After 2 weeks before the concert has passed, only emergencies will be accepted as excused absences. Sporting events are not a reason to miss a scheduled, for credit, academic activity.

Concert Attire

Black and white performance attire is a music performance standard.

Girls: Knee length (or longer) black dress or skirt, or black slacks, white sleeved blouse or shirt, and black dress shoes

Boys: Black dress pants, black socks and dress shoes, and white long or short sleeve dress shirt. Appropriate dress ties are welcome.

Stage appearance no-no’s: jeans, athletic shoes, white socks, hats, shirts untucked, brown boots. Do not wear these to a concert!


Due to the hands-on nature of this class, all students are required to own or rent a personal instrument and maintain it in proper working order. This instrument must be treated respectfully!

IF PURCHASING AN INSTRUMENT: I cannot insist strongly enough that a student’s instrument is purchased from a reputable music store. Cheap instruments bought at convenient locations can greatly limit a student’s chance for success.

Method Books

Every student must own a copy of the Standard Of Excellence method book for their instrument and bring it to class every day. If you have not gotten a copy, please see the attached form for more information. (If you have ordered a starter pack from Star City Music, you’re all set!)


Harness the power of technology! SmartMusic is a piece of software designed to help students practice more effectively. Additional background music accompanies the student’s playing, and students can alter tempo (speed), assess themselves, and listen to their part. The software will label which notes are played incorrectly and provide fingering instruction for the proper notes. The base subscription gives access to thousands of pieces of music! In fact, concert music that we are working on in class can often be downloaded so the students can hear the rest of the band playing while at home. Due to Maury River’s base subscription, each student can buy their own home subscription for only $36. www.SmartMusic.com


Before the winter concert, Mr. Schucker will select several full-time percussion players through tryouts. Other students may also have the chance to try percussion during a concert.

Jazz Band

Maury River has a jazz band that practices after school and works to explore this exciting genre of music. This band is open to 7th and 8th grade only. Work hard and next year you might be asked to join!!


I am always available before and after school to help any students who want individual attention. Please be sure to verify a date and time with me.

I answer all e-mails same-day if sent during school hours.

I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to having a lot of success in band this year!

Matthew Schucker, band director

600 Waddell Street

Lexington, VA 24450

(540) 463-3129