Minutes EEG2 meeting 18 and 19 September 1997

Minutes EEG2 meeting 18 and 19 September 1997



1. Opening

The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed the EEG2 members. He thanked Editransport Denmark for sponsoring the meeting.

The Chair of Editransport Denmark gave a presentation of the structure, membership and activities of the organisation. Editransport Denmark participates in the work of developing (together with the other Scandinavian countries) Nordic implementation guides, in particular for IFTSTA/IFTSTQ and IFTFCC. Further work is done in the area of domestic distribution and on reference manuals comparing German and Nordic guides, and the ISA guide.

Mrs. Depauw has resigned from the EEG2 membership as she has left the Port of Antwerp. The Chair thanked her for her contributions over the years.

A “new” member of EEG2 is mr. Bulon who will represent Siprocom from Belgium.

Mr. Davies introduced mr. Thurgood who will be attending the WETIGG meeting on behalf of the UK.

The agenda was approved.

2.Minutes of the last meeting (17 and 18 June 1997, Cardiff)

The minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following change:

  • page 7, point 11, “The issue was raised of data element 0057 and the need to develop a 3 alpha codelist.”.

The action list was updated, see action list in these minutes.

3.Notes from the Chairman/Secretariat

The Chair reported on the following issues:


the EEG2 Terms of Reference (EEG2/97.025) were approved with some last change;


At the Anaheim JRT the future strategy and organisation of UN/EDIFACT will be discussed, including a draft mandate for the JRT. A decision will be taken at the March 1998 session of UN/EDIFACT.

In Europe there is consensus on continuing to be represented at European level. The Western European Rapporteur is needed for the smooth transfer to the new organisation next year.

The Chair reported shortly on the new track 3: Object Oriented EDI.


  • A new organisation has been formed named ISSS, which will work on Electronic Commerce issues through Open Workshops. There is a threat of a split between EDI and Electronic Commerce through this reorganisation;
  • The Chair reported on the election of a new Chair for TCC;
  • reports were made of the number of DMR’s for interactive EDI; a kind of Quality Control process may be needed for Interactive EDI;
  • report was made of the idea to merge TCC and TAG;


The Secretary reported on the following issue:

  • TAG is reviewing the issue of repeated composites (on level 4) in segments.

4.Implementation guidelines (WETIGG)

At the JRT on Friday 26 September 1997 an ITIGG Executive Committee meeting will be held to discuss the future of ITIGG and to elect a new ITIGG Chair replacing mr. Keogh.

The meeting discussed the European position for this Executive Committee meeting and endorsed mr. Spoormaker to be the European candidate for the ITIGG Chair.

It was decided that the WETIGG subgroups will continue to work on the different issues.

The ITIGG meeting at Anaheim was prepared using the documentation from the ITIGG Website. The European input to the ITIGG meeting was endorsed by EEG2.

Reports were made of the meetings with Mr. Zlotkowski on his trip to Europe, especially for the Inland subgroup and the CUSCAR guideline.

SMDG reported on the outcome of the recent SMDG meeting. The SHPDAT en TANSTA messages are being discussed within SMDG at the moment. A subgroup has been formed for the BERMAN message. There is some use of the TFPREP message (which at present is at status 0). Changes will come up for the IFTSAI message. Also some changes will be put forward for the COARRI and COPRAR messages.

The WETIGG Container subgroup met in August, resulting in 4 documents from mr. Waagmeester.

Editransport is working on the issue of tracking of transported vehicles, especially for inland transport.

IATA has now published the new version of the Cargofact manual which contains important differences to the ITIGG guidelines. Mrs. Probert is producing a comparison of the Cargofact manual and the ITIGG rules, planned to be available for the next EEG2 meeting.

The EDIFOR guidelines have been translated into English. The Chair will ask for a copy to be made available for EEG2. EDIFOR will study the DESADV message (instead of the HANMOV message). Mr. Vienot is studying the DESADV message for using it for the packing list.

EAN is producing more MIG’s including MIG’s for transport. EAN has requested codes (for packaging, equipment, means of transport and goods), which are not in line with the transport usage of codes. Mrs. Probert will look into the EAN DMR’s.

The Insurance Group is working on a new message IFTCLA for claims which has a different approach to the message design, e.g. using the PNA segment. The issue will be brought forward to the joint meeting in Anaheim.

5.Data Maintenance Requests

The following DMR’s were discussed:

  • EEG2/97.039: DMR on de 8051 was approved;
  • EEG2/97.041: approved, but to be checked whether this DMR is in process already;
  • EEG2/97.042: approved, but description will be reviewed by Secretary;
  • EEG2/97.043: pending; mr. Dermience will check whether the existing code for door-to-door can be used;

Mrs. Probert will sort out the EAN DMR’s and if necessary forward them for discussion at the next EEG2 meeting.

6.Other message progression


Report was made of progress made at the SMDG meeting with regard to the BERMAN message.


See report under item 4 (WETIGG).

7. Preparation of JM4

The following EEG2 members are expected to attend the JM4 meeting in Anaheim:

Mr. Dermience, mr. Pauna, mrs. Poppleton, mrs. Probert, mr. Sitov, mr. Spoormaker, mr. Vankemmel, mr. Van Maaren, mrs. Verhelst, mr. Vienot and mr. Waagmeester.

The following EEG2 members are expected to attend the ITIGG Executive Committee meeting: mrs. Poppleton, mrs. Probert, mr. Spoormaker, mr. Vankemmel and mrs. Verhelst.

The agenda of the Anaheim JM4 meeting was discussed. Most of the specific issues are dealt with under the respective points of the EEG2 minutes.

Mrs. Probert reported on the T8 (Implementation Harmonisation Group) meeting. A documentation with draft general recommendations will be further studied at the Anaheim JRT.


Mr. Davies demonstrated a first prototype for the BEST Website and BEST logo. It is planned that the BEST Website will go life this year.

9.Electronic Commerce

Mr. Van Maaren reported on developments of the MIST (Multi Industry Scenario’s for Transport) working group. A report of the work on scenario’s for road transport will become available in November 1997. A presentation of this report is planned on the afternoon of 24 November 1997.

The Chair reported on the work on Building blocks for E-commerce , which can be downloaded from the EBES Website.

Mr. Davies reported on the UK project for aligned documents and electronic equivalents. A matrix of common data elements is being drawn up.

Mr. Vankemmel reported on the Editransport project in France for IFCSUM. It is expected that work for maritime transport will start in October 1997 for declaration of dangerous goods and for Bill of Lading.

10.Transport statistics

Mrs. Probert reported on the developments in the statistics area. The 3rd year pilots are on their way. Directives for road and air transport are in development.

11.Any other business

A discussion was held on the use of software tools (specifically EDISIM) for producing and maintaining the guideline documentation.

EEG2 - ACTION LISTMeeting 18 + 19 September 1997
