The Paglesham Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 19thMarch 2015

at The Paglesham Mission Hall,East End, Paglesham

at 8 p.m.

157 14/15To Record the Members and Public Present: 8 pm

Councillor Mr D Whittingham [Chairman]

Councillors: Mr J Coubrough, Mrs J Wooding andMrs V McVittie.

Ward Councillor Mrs T Capon.

Members of the Public: Mr R Fance (PVPA)

The Clerk Mr. B. Summerfield.

158 14/15Apologies and reasons for absence:

To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone.


15914/15Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors and the public to the meeting.

The Chairman reminded the meeting: of the fire exits and collection point, in the event of an emergency.

16014/15Declarations of Interests: on items on the Agenda.

iTo receive all declarations of interests including (dispensations under the relevant provision s.33 of the Localism Act 2011 as applied to the Paglesham Village Trust – ref: Minute 92 14/15).


iiThe Chairman reminds Councillors to declare any further interests now and as they became evident to them, during the progress of the meeting.

16114/15Public Recording of Meetings (Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014)

iCouncillors and the public may make a record of a meeting of the Parish Council by any media device capable of recording sound and image.

iiCouncillors and the public’s use of any media device, may not disrupt or distract the meeting by any mechanical noise, audio noise, oral commentary, light emissions or the movement or repositioning of visual recording devices.

iiiThe Chairman of the meeting will ask any member of the public who disregards the above to refrain from using the media device and where appropriate to leave the meeting.

16214/15Public Questions:

(Specifically for Guest Speakers, visiting Ward/County Councillors and questions from members of the public).

iWard Councillor Mrs T Capon reported on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England and the RDC Working Group recommendations on the name for the extended Wardcovering Paglesham Parish Council.

The LGBCE proposal was to name the Ward ‘Rochford North’ but, the RDC Working Party has recommended to put forward the name ‘Rochford Rural’ (covering Paglesham, Canewdon, Stambridge and parts of Rochford) to better identify the vast area combining a part of Rochford with its rural neighbours.

iiMr R Fance (PVPA) with the Council discussed the pipe under the road for the Pond to maintain the pond height - the selling price for the old mower, (cricket club may be interested) and blade sharpening estimates to be obtained – Robbie has kindly mown the field.

163 14/15To Receive the Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of 19th February 2015. The Minutes were read and were resolved to be agreed.

Proposed by Councillors: Mrs V McVittie seconded by Mr D Whittingham and agreed by all.

The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a correct record.

164 14/15Matters Arising from the Minutes(not on the Agenda)

i(Minute 133/ii)PPC Website:

Clerk requested a photograph of the Village Sign for the front page. Chairman to provide.

ii(Minute 133/iv)The local PCSO invited to attend the next PagleshamVillage Summer Show on 29th August 2015.

Clerkto invite (2-5pm).

iii(Minute 133/vi) A surface Solar pump for skimming the duck weed.

Councillors reported that the duckweed is presently disappearing down the overflow pipe.

iv(Minute 134/ii) Government Boundary Commission re: proposed new Ward Boundaries

As discussed by the Ward Councillor Mrs T Capon.

165 14/15Correspondence:(emails forwarded and paper received)

iEmailed correspondences were received.

ii A letter January 2015 to RDC re:The Precept Demand 2015-2016 was recorded.

iii An e/letter January 2015 from RHALC re: last Minutes was recorded.

iv Correspondence January 2015 from the Chairman re: Waterside Road condition and Spring 2015 appraisal was recorded.

vAn e/letter February 2015 from LondonSouthendAirport re: Airspace Change Proposal was recorded.

vi An e/letter March 2015 from RDC re: Publication of Council Tax was recorded.

vii An e/letter March 2015 from Councillor Mrs J Wooding re: alleged Boatyard sale and PVPA March report was recorded.

viii An e/letter March 2015 from PKF Littlejohn re: Annual Audit Return 2014-2015 was recorded.

ix An e/letter March 2015 from E-on re: Energy supply price rise was recorded.

xAn e/mail letter from RoSPA March 2015 re: booked Francis Field/Pond area inspection was recorded.

xi An e/letter March 2015 from Albert Bugeja re: New Monitoring Officer for the RDC was recorded.

xiiPrinted Publications and General Information received by the Clerk, placed on the table.

166 14/15Planning:

iApplication no 15/00093/FUL 1, Jubilee Cottages, Paglesham Road, Paglesham, Essex.

(Demolish Existing Rear/Side Projection and Construct Single Storey Flat Roofed Rear/Side Extension with Roof Lantern to Rear Element and Pitched Roofed Porch to Front).

The Paglesham Parish Council support.

The Chairman allowed a late application:

iiApplication no 15/00087/LBC Well House, East Hall Road, Paglesham.

(Refurbish One Internal Fireplace).

The Paglesham Parish Council support.

167 14/15Automated External Defibrillators, two container boxes, the adoption of two Paglesham Telephone Boxes, two electrical installation costs, training and recommended ancillary items.

iThe Clerk’s progress report:

iThe BT adoption and electricity supply confirmed at 7 years, is now completed.

iiiThe Clerk has been informed by the Heartstart Trust that supplies,including red paint, etc and the two yellow AED boxes will be coming in the middle of nextweek.

iiMr Martin J Render of the Community Heartstart Trust has confirmed that two AED’s have been donated by the East of England Ambulance Service and will be delivered next week.

iiiThe two yellow AED boxes will need to be set up in the telephone boxes together with the defibrillators in situ

andbefore the deadline of 31st March 2015.

This is to comply with the conditions of the supply/donation of the two AED’s.

ivThe Clerk will complete the official forms with the code numbers for the yellow AED boxes and forward to the East of England Ambulance Service, who will in turn, notifythe 999 emergency service.

vWiring estimates of the yellow boxes need to be obtained (Clerk).

viFuture uses of the boxes were discussed: library, notices, etc, etc and regular cleaning/inspections.

viiThe Public notices of change of use of the telephone boxes and new signage are in situ.

iiThe above project costs to date were discussed and the PVPA have offered to offset some of the costs.

The Clerk will forward to the PVPA via Councillor Mrs J Wooding (Hon Sec of the PVPA) a ‘costs donation request’ when the full amount is known.

168 14/15Finance

iThe RPC and PVT Financial Statements ending February 2014 were recorded.

iiAn Invoice March 2015 from B Summerfield re: Annual Office expenses for 2014-2015 @ £88-18 was recorded.

iiiAn Invoice March 2015 from B Summerfield re: Annual Fuel allowance for 2014-2015 @ £48-30 was recorded.

ivThe payment of March 2015 to B Summerfield re: Annual Salary 2014-2015 nett @ £400-00 was recorded.

(Clerk’s Annual Gross Salary for 2014-2015 @ £500-00 less PAYE-RTI @ 20% = £100).

vThe payment March 2015 to HMRC re: Annual (2014-2015) PAYE-RTI salary/office @ £117-63was recorded.

viAn Invoice March 2015 from re: Printing 1,000 copies of the Paglesham Footpath Walks @ £180-00 was recorded as not as yet received.

viiAn Invoice March 2015 from RCCE re: Village Halls & Community Buildings Annual subscription @ £48-00 was recorded as not required.

viii The payment January 2015 to Information Commissioner re: Data Protection Act renewal @ £35-00 and to receive their emailed receipt of payment was recorded.

ixThe payment January2015 to Mr S Reader re: Website setup costs @ £150-00 was recorded

x The payment February 2015 to BT re: adoption of the two telephone boxes in Paglesham @ £2-00 was recorded.

xiThe payment of February 2015 to The Community Heartstart Trust re: Invoice 134. two container boxes, training seminar, recommended ancillary items, delivery and vat @ £1,728-00 was recorded.

xiiThe DD payment February 2015 to E-on re: streetlight energy @ £33-31 was recorded.

xiiiThe DD payment March 2015 to E-on re: streetlight energy @ £30-08 was recorded.

xivAn E-on notification re: an energy price rise for Streetlighting from May 2015 (9.20p per kWh to 12.40p per kWh). was recorded

xvThe receipt of an EPFA overpayment of subscription 2014-2015 @ £25-00 was recorded.

xviResolved: all payments, financial statements, receipts, transfers, ratified and agreed countersigned cheques, etc, above.

Proposed by Councillors: Mrs V McVittie, seconded by Mrs J Wooding and agreed by all.

169 14/15PagleshamVillage Trust

iThe Chairman’s reported the Pond Opening Day Date as confirmed as 7th June 2015.

iiThe Francis Field works

A updated certificate for electrical installations to be investigated - Football goal posts to be finished.

iiiThe Oyster Pits.

Councillor Mr R Bessey report: None.

Clerk to enquire re: insurance (Public Liability) cover for the Oyster Pits plus inspection cover by ROSPA.


Councillor reports: None.

170 14/15Highways

iTransport – Councillor Mrs V McVittie report: No meeting held.

iiThe Chairman’s completed Paglesham Roads survey report was forwarded by the Clerk to Councillor Mr R Bass, ECC.

171 14/15Street lighting.

Councillor reports: All working.

172 14/15Next Agenda Items from Councillors. for next Agenda and exchange of information only.

Items: Boatyard developments

173 14/15The General and Parish Council Elections:

iThe Nominations papers for the forthcoming Paglesham Parish Council Election were discussed.

All Nomination papers to be personally handed in to the elections office for checking at the RDC.

174 14/15Date of the Annual General Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting 2015.

Agreed:Thursday 21st MAY 2015.

(at the Paglesham Mission Hall, East End, Paglesham commencing at 8 P.M.)

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.50 pm.

16th May 2015.B. Summerfield. Paglesham Parish Council Clerk.