To promote a thriving Diggle Village Community

Minutes of Open Meeting held on 5th September, 2013 at the Diggle Band Club.

PRESENT:- Stuart Coleman (Chair), Julie Johnson (Secretary), Charlotte Coleman,

Lynda Elmore, Glenise Eason, Kirsty Jones, Ken McWatt, Kathleen

Lambert, Jeff Brannan, Royce Franklin, Garth Harkness, Mark Clough,

Peter Carter, Val Carter, Bernard Holden, Alison Coates, Alan Roughley,

Thomas Robinson, Barbara Barnes, Margaret Payne, Rachael Wood,

Dylis Redfearn, John Redfearn.

  1. Apologies Ray Withnall, Margaret Hardy, Charles Baumann, Nigel Shaw, Marlene

Mclean, Nick Cox.

2. Minutes from last Meeting – Signed off as true record.

3. Matters Arising– None

4. Chairman’s Update

Grasscroft & Greenfield Residents Meeting with Deborah Abrahams – Nothing to report

regarding Saddleworth School.

28th Aug. OMBC Planning Meeting. Outline planning for the building of 12 dwellings

on land at Ward Lane was given.

29th Aug. Committee members from Saddleworth Community Associations met to discuss

the questions we need to ask at the Saddlleorth School Open Meeting to be held

on the 16th October. Decided to get together again after more information is


18th Sept. Parish Council meeting to discuss a 5-year plan for Saddleworth, involving local

community groups and the District Partnership. It will help Diggle to have a higher


‘Diggle News’ – Not had a great deal of time recently but hope to update the site shortly.

  1. Police Report – Mark Clough

11 Incidents from 4th July – 4th Sept.

Clydesdale Rise , Diggle - Offenders approach the garage to the front of the house and using unknown means force door to the garage causing slight damage to rail. Offenders then make their way to the rear of the garage and enter the main area of the house via an insecure internal door. Offenders then take keys and a wallet from the stairway leading from the garage and make their way back into the garage taking a number of Items from within and loading items into the residents own van. Offenders then make off In the vehicle.

Spurn Lane, Diggle - Offender/s approach secure building which is under renovation and force rear ground floor door .They enter and using unknown implement remove copper wire from within. Offender/senter adjoining building via rear window and also remove copper from within. Offender/s exit property by unknown means and make good their escape.

Ambrose Crescent, Diggle - Unknown offenders approach from rear of property and use unknown means to force patio door handle off the door. Entry not gained and offenders make off in unknown direction - Unknown offenders approach property again using unknown Implement and force patio door - Entry not gained - Offenders make off in unknown direction .

Diglea, Diggle – Offender approaches insecure vehicle whilst it is being unloaded and steals handbag of the front seat.

Huddersfield Road Diggle – Damage to vehicle

Royce said that at t recent Home Watch meeting, it was discussed that not all crimes are

reported. Mark stressed that all crimes need to be reported in order to maintain police numbers. There has been considerable restructuring in Saddleworth and across the borough, resulting in loss of police and further cutbacks are expected.

Members were asked to report anything suspicious by contacting Mark on 0161-856-4525.

Anyone requiring tamper screws to secure numbers plates contact Mark.

6. Village Green

Alan Evans, Solicitor at OMBC has informed Nick that only two out of the three proposals

were valid so he would not be recommending Village Green Status.

7. Ward Lane Planning Proposal

Outline planning permission was given at the recent Planning Meeting.

OMBC now to advertise the land for sale.

No one was allowed to speak and no mention of the fact that planning permission

had been refused in the past. It was mentioned that the Parish Council had not recommended

that planning permission be granted.

  1. Update on Saddleworth School

No announcement has been made but the general consensus of opinion is that this will be built in Diggle.

A press release on the situation is expected tomorrow.

Councilors Garth Harkness and Alan Roughley have written to Central Government requesting information but so far have no had any response.

Stuart was concerned about the presentation by OMBC at the meeting to be held at the Civic

Hall on the 16th October. What input would we have if everything has already been decided

and what is the value for the DCA?

If extra money is available from OMBC we may be able to have some influence on how this is spent.

Councilor Alan Roughley told the meeting about his visit to a school in Doncaster built to a

similar standard to the one proposed for Saddleworth. He was very impressed with the quality of the building and the versatility of the interior, in terms of classrooms etc. The head Teacher had quite a lot input and was also able to make some changes to the exterior, although he said that the outside appearance would not win any prizes architecturally.

Alan outlined the decision-making process and the key stages involved in the development of the project.

£15m. is available from Central Government for the school building. The site will be

purchased by OMBC and the internal equipment will be brought from the existing school

or purchased by OMBC. The school will be built to accommodate 1,500 pupils (existing school caters for 1,300 pupils)

Alan said that OMBC are at present in the process of trying to buy a site but has no idea where this will be. Diggle is a distinct possibility but he suggested that the Garden Centre would be a much better option, but the owner would need to be in favour of selling the land.

The Greenfield Paper Mill would be an excellent site but the landowners do not wish to sell and compulsory purchase is not an option as this would take several years to obtain.

Alan reassured members that in his opinion we would get a good school for Saddleworth providing a very good standard of education. Saddlleworth School is at present ahead of The Blue Coate School and Crompton House in terms of results and he see no reason why this will not continue.

Members expressed their concerns if the Shaw’s site was chosen for the school. The main concern was the traffic issues along Huddersfield Road, if funding is not available to build an

access road to the site. Also the preservation of the clock tower building.

Peter and Val Carter expressed concerns about traffic issues arising for residents living opposite the site.

The location of the school was also a concern; it was agreed that it would be preferable

if the front field could be used for sports facilities and the school built behind.

It was agreed that a school would be a better option than a housing, development , which would inevitably be the alternative.

It was pointed out that Saddleworth desperately needs a new school and that if too many objections are made, we could loose the funding altogether, as the whole project has to be completed in time for the new school year September 2015 and delays could prevent this.

It was agreed that we should support the building of a new school in Diggle but try to get the best solutions possibly regarding the traffic issues and the positioning and appearance of the school.

9. Treasurer’s Report - None available

10. What’s on

Saddleworth Olympics 7th – 22nd Sept. To be held at Saddleworth School.

See programme of events in the Sept. issue of the Saddleworth Monthly Magazine.

The Diggle Olympic Team of volunteers have been working very hard organising and

coaching Diggle children over the past months. Members were unanimous in their praise

and appreciation and asked that a letter from the DCA be sent to thank the team.

Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund

10 mile run to take place on Sunday 8th Sept. from Hyde to the Hanging Gate

4 mile walk “ “ “ 8th Sept. “ Mossley “ “ “


National Heritage Day – St. Chad’s Church, Uppermill

13 – 15th September.

Diggle Band Club

Sat 7th Sept

Monthly Auto Jumble Classic Bike Parts. Stall holders from 7.30am and public

8.30am, stalls are £10. Tea/Coffee, Sausage/Bacon butties also available.

Wed 11th Sept

Shop 2 Drop Fashion Show. 75% off high-street and designer clothing 7pm Tickets are £3

free prize draw and are available from the bar or the post office.

Fri 20th Sept, 8pm

B Band Concert for all to enjoy. Entry is free but as always there will be a raffle.

Fri 27th Sept

Morning, Paula and her team are hosting a Macmillan Coffee Morning

Sat 28th Sept

DIGG-FEST! From 2pm £5 tickets (available from the bar) or £6 on the day. An amazing

Mini Family Festival In aid of The National Autistic Society, Springhill Hospice and the

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation .Live bands all day, BBQ & Lamb roast, bouncy


Sat. 12th Oct

Monthly Auto Jumble Classic Bike Parts . Stall holders from 7.30am and

public from 8.30am, stalls are £10. Tea/Coffee, Sausage/Bacon butties also available.


Sat 26th October

Fantastic live band the BO Weevils £5 on the door, supper, 7.30pm

Fri 1st Nov.

Kids Fancy Dress Halloween Party 6pm-9pm £1.50 per child. Games disco & prizes.

Sat 30th Nov

Fantastic return of the Junkhouse Dog Blues Band £5 on the door, supper, 7.30pm start

‘I Dig Diggle'' t-shirts and bags for sale. T-shirts £8 (adults) children’s £6. Bags £5 and are

available to order behind the bar.

11.. Any Other Business

Garth - OMBC now charge charities £40.00. for 20 stalls at flee markets/table top

sale, plus a further £2. for each additional table.

The District Partnership have written to OMBC objecting to this charge and a petition

is in circulation.

  1. Date of next meetig

7th November, 2013.

Meeting closed.