Suggestive Selling (Part 2): Sales Skills Multiple Choice Questionnaire

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Date: / Score: / / / 22 / %:
Select the correct option by ticking the appropriate box in the right hand column.
Marker: The ticked answers are the correct option.
1. / In order to establish whether your guest is ‘decided or undecided’, the first step is to -
(a) / Ask leading questions. / q
(b) / Make sure he has a menu and then leave him alone to decide for himself. / q
(c) / Offer him everything from starters to desserts and then wait for him to make up his mind. / q
2. / The best time to make recommendations to your guest is –
(a) / When they are ready to order. / q
(b) / While you are taking the first drinks order. / q
(c) / Once they have had time to read the menu. / q
3. / If your guest is undecided, the correct procedure to follow is to -
(a) / Badger them with a lot of “yes/no” type questions to find out what they want? / q
(b) / Ask them one or two leading questions in order to gain information? / q
(c) / Leave them alone for 5 minutes and then ask them for their order / q
(d) / (a) and (c) above / q
Score for this section / _____ / / 3
4. / When “pitching the sale”, which of the following would be a good example of the type of question you should ask?
(a) / What would you like to eat? / q
(b) / Are you in the mood for something spicy or garlicy? / q
(c) / Can I get you something? / q
5. / Which of the following gestures (from guests) show positive buying signals?
(a) / Smiling. / q
(b) / Nodding. / q
(c) / Making direct eye contact. / q
(d) / All of the above / q
6. / If your guest gives negative buying signals to your suggestions you must -
(a) / Drop whatever you are talking about immediately and ask more questions in order to get more clues. / q
(b) / Drop whatever you are talking about immediately and leave the guest alone for a while. / q
(c) / Drop whatever you are talking about, fold your arms and patiently wait until he decides what he wants from the menu. / q
(d) / All of the above. / q
7. / When a guest orders coffee, to ‘up sell’ you must always offer one of the following -
(a) / Sugar and milk. / q
(b) / An Irish or Kaluah coffee. / q
(c) / A port, Sambucco or brandy. / q
(d) / Answers (b) and (c) above. / q
8. / Why is it vitally important to always write down your guests order?
(a) / So that you have proof of their order should they complain to you later that you brought them the wrong meal. / q
(b) / For safety, in order not to make mistakes and to ensure that you don’t forget anything. / q
(c) / You will easily be able to see what extra items your guest has forgotten to order and then be able to up sell or sell more and increase your tips! / q
(d) / Answers (b) & (c). / q
Score for this section / _____ / / 8
Select the correct option by ticking the appropriate box in the right hand column.
Marker: The ticked answers are the correct options.
1. / Always give your guests at least 5 choices at a time. / T / F
2. / Once your guests have decided on their meal and placed the order, it is not possible to increase the sale. / T / F
3. / The easiest way to increase your average spend per head is by simply keeping the guest’s drinks full. / T / F
4. / Try to sell a “bigger” starter when your guest places his main course order. / T / F
5. / One should only recommend sauces when selling steaks and burgers. / T / F
6. / Suggesting items such as burgers and sodas wastes time, as guests are likely to order these items anyway. Rather use your “selling time” on items such as wine, cocktails, starters and unusual main courses. / T / F
7. / Don’t forget to ask “Is everything alright?” each time you approach your guests table! / T / F
8. / It is good manners to always thank each guest every time they place an order with you. / T / F
Score for this section / _____ / / 8