Trinity CE/Methodist Primary School WEEK 3

Lunch Menu for W/C 1st May, 22nd May, 12th June, 3rd July, 24th July.

Please make your choice of main meal for each day of the week and return your order to school.

If your order is returned late, our school cook cannot guarantee availability.

Where applicable, you must write clearly on the order if the vegetarian option is required.

Vegetarian option should be ordered in the choices box.

Day / Option A / Option B / Option C / Option D
COLD HOT / My Child’s Choice
A, B, C, D
Name ______
Class_____ WK3
Monday / Oven Baked Pork Sausages, Mashed Potatoes & Baked Beans. / Tomato Pasta, Homemade Garlic Bread,
Salad Bar. / Freshly Baked Jacket Potato with a choice of filling (V).
Salad Bar. / Ham Cheese
Egg / Monday
Tuesday / Cajun Chicken Savoury Rice, Brocolli.
Salad Bar. / Homemade Deep Pan Pizza, Vegetable Sticks.
Salad Bar / Freshly Baked Jacket Potato with Choice of filling (V)
Salad Bar / Ham Cheese
Egg / Tuesday
Weds / Topside of Beef, Yorkshire Pud, mashed Potato, Seasonal Veg. / Mac & Cheese Bites, New Potatoes, Garden Peas and Carrots / Freshly Baked Jacket Potato with a choice of filling (V).
Salad Bar. / Ham
Egg / Weds
Thursday / Chicken Korma, Mixed Rice & Naan Bread. / Cheese Whirl, Half Jacket Potato,Garden Peas and Sweetcorn. / Freshly Baked Jacket Potato with Choice of filling (V).
Salad Bar. / Ham
Cheese Tuna
Egg / Thursday
Friday / Mild Chilli Mince in a Taco Shell, Tortilla Chips and Tomato Salsa. / Harry Ramsden’s Chip Shop Battered Fish Fillet, Chips and Mushy Peas. / Freshly Baked Jacket potato with a Choice of filling (V)
Salad Bar. / Ham Cheese
Egg / Friday