Calderdale Framework Facilitators Network, 2nd July

The third meeting of the Calderdale Framework facilitators was held on 2nd July 2015.Excellent attendance from pretty much all organisations involved was good to see.

Kevin Moore updated the group on HEYH activities and the fact that more collaboration will be on the cards within the newly formed Northern Region.

This would be around adopting best practice from areas and the CF work regionally will be looked at in terms of the wider transformation agenda and as such this group may morph over time to accommodate that whilst still ensuring CF Facilitators are supported.

Jayne & Rachael reminded people to use the CF forum on the website to link up .However; Emily from York flagged up the “Facilitator Activity at a glance “information didn’t appear to be in the member’s area. Jayne and Rachael will check this out and also refine it to a “ google map “ style format with pins in the organisations undertaking CF ,which once you click on them , will give the detail of who’s doing what in each place ( good idea Jonathan !)

A brief summary of key progress across Phase one and Phase two Trusts to date was shared, including the development of Assistant Practitioner in continence services.

This is very exciting as the AP working in conjunction with the specialist nurse can potentially be replicated not just regionally for continence services but to support specialist nurses of all specialisms. Early returns on this investment are reduced length of stay on acute wards, reduced readmissions, increased activity in outpatients so waiting times are reduced along with increased capacity and reduction in onward referrals to other registered nurses. This demonstrates an improved patient experience with added cost benefits and career progression for the non-registered workforce.

A huge well done to Lyndsey and Katie in Barnsley!

Next up were Cathy Skilbeck (York ) and Sharon Burrows ( Harrogate ) who were presented with their CF Facilitator certificates and flowers.Cathy was a CF early adopter and has done some fantastic work across several services. She shared the work they have done on band 2 and the group felt this would be a good addition to the CF member’s area.

We also thought afterwards that it would also be good to get full CF outcomes and outputs from previous work in York up on the “ at a glance “ section …jobette there for you Cathy !York have taken a very strategic ,proactive approach to CF implementation ,so it will be interesting to see how this delivers in comparison to other ,more clinically based ones.

Left to right : Sharon Burrows and Cathy Skilbeck

Sharon Burrows was next. What can we say other than well done!

The outcomes of the organisational wide implementation of CF to identify where (and where not) Advanced Clinical Practitioners are appropriate to meet patients’ needs are brilliant.

It demonstrates how a true Top down /Bottom up, cross cutting implementation works best, including education provider’s .Other organisations can really learn from this and Kevin is prepared to talk to Trusts who are struggling to get this strategic approach adopted.

The presentation will be uploaded onto CF website for you to read as will the resources that came out of the implementation.

This work has been submitted as an HSJ entry into Workforce category in conjunction with HEYH and EWS Ltd …fingers crossed !

This leads us nicely onto sharing all this work going forward.

A room discussion around how best to do this was had. CF website agreed as a starter for ten.

The IP of outputs from CF will remain with EWS Ltd and the products will be free to use across organisations in HEYH.

A mechanism to get things up and accessible needs working up and we will do this leading up to next CF Facilitators meeting.

One key message that needs to be reiterated here is that although the resources will be available ultimately, they mustn’t be used to substitute the CF Process: Please do ALL 7 Stages as we know if any are missed it doesn’t work..CF fairy dust not available –sorry!

The group were finally asked how useful they felt the session was and how long /frequently they should be.

General response was now people getting stuck in and stories are available to be told it was useful.

Perhaps an earlier start and stick to quarterly were the main comments with each session to have space for case studies as well as round table discussion.

Anyway ,think that’s all folks ..Look forward to seeing you all soon and hearing what you’ve been up to !