Excellence in Informatics Scholarship

Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program

Criteria and Guidelines

The Biomedical Informatics program is committed to honoring students who exhibit excellence while in their graduate programs. We are now offering second year on-campus students an opportunity to apply for the Excellence in Informatics Scholarship. This scholarship will award $5,000to one second year on-campus student as a tuition waiver to be disbursed in two waivers of $2,500 each, during winter and spring terms.

Application Requirements:

  • Completed application including personal statement of 500 words or less (required), advisor reference form (required), statement of financial need (optional).
  • Provide your advisor the recommendation form at least 2 weeks prior to the December 1stdeadline. Your advisor may request to see a draft of your application to assist in writing a strong recommendation letter.
  • Deadline: December 1. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
  • Award recipient will be notified by the end of December.

Application Criteria:

  • Second year MS or MBI student, either Medical Informatics track or Bioinformatics and Computational Biology track
  • On-campus, year-round, part-time or full-time status
  • Successful performance in program (GPA 3.5 or better)
  • Timely progression toward degree
  • Voluntary contribution to the program such as HIMSS student rep, DMICE committee participation, posters, publications, professional conference presentations, recruitment activities, etc.
  • Financial need is not a requirement for eligibility but will be considered

Responsibilities of Awardee

  • Become a member of a department advisory committee
  • Present his or her final capstone or thesis at a public forum

Submit completed application to:

Andrea Ilg

Educational Program Director

Biomedical Informatics Program

Mail code: BICC 504

Oregon Health & Science University

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.

Portland, OR 97239 OHSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution

Excellence in Informatics Scholarship

Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program


Email Address
Program Track
Cumulative OHSU GPA
Expected Graduation Date

Program and community involvement, service, awards and publications

List all activities from the last year of your college experience in chronological order beginning with your most recent involvement. All activities should be dated. Activities in which you are currently involved can be listed as “current” for the ending date.

OHSU Program Involvement

Organization/Committee Name and Position / Dates
From/To / Leadership/Responsibilities/

Community Involvement (non-OHSU)

Organization/Committee Name and Position / Dates
From/To / Leadership/Responsibilities/

Honors, Awards, Publications, Presentations

Honors, Awards, Publications, Presentations / Dates / Description

Personal Statement (required): Please describe how participation in the scholarship program will contribute toward your educational and career goals (500 word limit):

Statement of financial need (optional): Please indicate any financial need you may have and how the scholarship will help off-set current financial constraints (200 word limit)