NAME(s) ______
Robotics Narrative Short Story Assignment
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Begin with a clear introduction, sequence all information logically, and end with a conclusion statement / Begins with a clear introduction, sequence of information is logical, and finishes with a strong conclusion. / Sequence of information is logical, but lacks a strong introduction or conclusion. / Some attempt to use logical sequencing, but difficult to follow. Missing intro and/or conclusion. / Lack of organization. Text is very difficult to follow. Missing intro and/or conclusion. / No Score
After watching a video of robots make the connection between a current event and the future of robots, write about how robots can be used to solve a problem based upon your current event / Demonstrates full understanding of content based on responses / Demonstrates comfort with the content based on responses / Demonstrates minimal understanding of the content based on responses / Demonstrates lack of content understanding based on responses / No Score
Include significant facts, details and examples to support ideas / Uses significant facts and details to support the topic. / Uses some supporting facts and details to support the topic. / Facts and details are not relevant in support of the topic. / Text contains no relevant support of the topic. / No Score
Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation / Contains no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. / Contains few grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. / Contains several grammar, spelling or punctuation errors which can distract the reader. / Contains numerous grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, making text difficult to read. / No Score


After watching the Discovery Education video on how Isaac Asimov predicted the importance of robots to humans almost eighty four years ago you will learn how he grew up in the 1930s, and important aspects of US and World History that inspired his stories. As a Russian Jew he came to America to escape WWI Nazi oppression in Europe, his stories are science fiction and applicable to the Industrial Revolution where factories were utilizing mechanical processes along with human labor in the early 1900s. His stories were a product of his time, his current events.

Your assignment is to:

  • Write a short story about how you visualize robots being used to combat a problem you read about in a current event article (print it out to prove relevance, use US News World Report website,
  • Include terms like: autonomous, software, program, and sensors
  • Limit your short story to three paragraphs, 4 sentences for each paragraph, and use the rubric to get maximum points.
  • Include the three laws of robotics in the short story; the first law is robots must not harm human’s, the second law is robots must obey all commands unless it conflicts with first law, and the third law which is do no harm to the robot unless it conflicts with laws one and two.

We will begin this in class Wednesday but you are expected to turn it in Monday April 11h for a test grade. Thursday and Friday we will begin learning about the systems of gears so finish this assignment on your own, 10 points will be deducted for each day you turn in after April 11th. The attached rubric explains how you will get your grade.

What to turn-in:

  • Copy of this rubric
  • Printed current even article from
  • Written three paragraph short story that includes terms listed above, relates back to article, and covers all categories of the rubric

This assignment is due Monday April 11th!!!

Please note 10 points will be deducted for each day after the due date of April 11th!!