Progr Programs of Study
Grade 9 Lesson 20

Time Required: 30-45 minutes

Content Standards:

AA.S.4 Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.

Indicators (Students will…):

AA.C.9.4.09 Develop competency in areas of interest.

GOAL: Students will identify the career clusters and concentrations available in their school and become familiar the WVDE online Programs of Study website.

Activity Statements:

Advisors will share information about their school’s career clusters and concentrations and share information about the WV Department of Education website that assists students in curriculum planning. Advisors will also make students aware that they must select a career concentration in the 10th grade.


o  School brochures/pamphlets containing information on career clusters and concentrations

o  WVDE Programs of Study website

o  School ISTP forms

o  WVDE Programs of Study Website


Ø  Ask students if they can name the WV Career Clusters.

Ø  Distribute “Programs of Study” information specific to your school.

Ø  Distribute Two-Year ISTP Plans to students from their portfolios.

Ø  Divide students into groups after you have them self-identify the cluster they believe they are in and plan to select a career concentration.

Ø  Have students discuss careers they believe fit into their cluster and review courses they would need to take to complete a concentration based on the information you provided them on school specific clusters and concentration.


What is the career you are most interested in?

Which cluster is it in?

What are required high school courses for the specific career concentration you are most interested in according to the school handouts provided to you?

If you are undecided, what is a course you might take next year to help you decide on a career concentration?

Additional Resources:

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Extension Activities:

Explore the Occupational Outlook Handbook website to explore careers of interest. Students may search the A – Z index of occupations. Click on the letter of the first letter of the occupation title and scroll down to find the career in which you are interested.


Have students complete the Career Cluster Survey and then comment in their Journal about the results (ie what did they learn, what careers within their tops clusters were interesting)

Have students Browse the Career Clusters. Have them explore careers, programs of study and recommended plans for each Cluster. When they find a cluster they like, have them add it to their Portfolio.


Choosing Your Favorite Career Cluster Lesson Plan

Career Clusters Lesson Plan

Use the Report Builder in Professional Tools to view students’ Career Cluster Survey results

Advisors: View the Careers of Interest Report for your students.