Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hafner


Office: INSTITUT FÜR VÖLKERRECHT UND Tel: + (01) 405 35306


Universitätsstr. 2

A-1090 Wien


Born: August 3rd, 1943, in Vienna (Austria)

1961 – 1965 Study of law at the Faculty of Law of the Vienna University with graduation (Dr. juris); further studies in Russian language at the institute for interpretation of the same university, summer courses in Luxemburg, Paris and at the Peace Academy at the Hague (Netherlands)

University year 1967/68: Exchange student at the Moscow State University (Institute of International Law), dealing with the Soviet concept of International Law (with Prof. G.I. Tunkin)

January 1970 - 1990: Assistant in the Institute for International Law at the Vienna University

Between 1972 and 1995: Several times seconded to the Legal Office of the Austrian Federal Ministry for foreign Affairs (1983: Head of subdivision on international economic law)

Since 1972: Frequently member or head of Austrian delegations to international conferences and in international organizations (including the CSCE Meetings on Dispute Settlement 1978, 1984, 1991, the Geneva Meeting on the elaboration on the Convention on the Court of Concilitian and Arbitration within the OSCE, the Rome Conference on the International Criminal Court 1998)

December 1983: “Venia legendi” awarded by the Law Faculty of the Vienna University for the subject "International Law and International Economic Law" (Work on the Status of Landlocked State within the Distributive System of the Law of the Sea with Particular Regard to the Exclusive Economic Zone: "Binnenstaat in der Verteilungsordnung des Internationalen Seerechts - am Beispiel der Wirtschaftszone")

October 1990: Appointment as Professor for International Law at the Law Faculty of the Vienna University (until now)

Since 1991: Invited Professor at the Comenius University Bratislava (Slovak Republic)

May 1993 to February 1995: Director of the Division of General International Law within the Legal Office of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs

January – June 1996: Guest Professor at the Department of Political Science and at the Law School of the Stanford University (California)

November 1996: Election by the General Assembly of the United Nations to the International Law Commission for the Period 1997 – 2001 (First Vicepresident of the ILC during the 2001 session)

February 1997: Invited Professor at the “Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales” of the University Paris 2

June 1998: Nomination as Permanent Guest Professor at the Law Faculty of the Comenius University Bratislava

November 1999 and 2000: Chairman of the Working Group of the 6th Comm of the General Assembly on State immunities

August 2001: Election as Corresponding Member of the Institut de Droit International

Member inter alia of the American Society of International law, the Société francaise pour le droit international, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht (current 1st Vicepresident)