DWI Planning Council Minutes

May 21, 2015

  1. Call to Order: by Dee Swope at approximately 2:05 p.m.
  1. Introduction of Board Members: Members present were: Lt. Tracy Corbett, Charles Wolf, Carolyn Casillas, Perry Lawson – proxy for Diana Martwick, Theo Livingston proxy for Kelly Means and Lt. Leonardo Ornelas
  1. Introduction of DWI Staff: Present were Paige Viscarra, Daniel Caywood, Cambri Johnson and Rhonda Schuh.
  1. Determination of Quorum: Quorum was determined byTracy Corbett.
  1. Old Business:
  1. The Minutes for the March 19, 2015meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to accept the minutes, a 2nd motion was made, the motion carried.
  1. New Business:
  1. The grant was submitted to County Commissioners for approval and signatures in the June 11th meeting. We received $43,793 from the Grant and $324,000 from Distribution. We received pretty much what we asked for. Distribution is going more towards a straight system, so it will be based on the size of the county – not what you ask for.
  1. The trailer is behind dispatch right now. We will paint it ourselves and are currently looking for a vehicle to display. We would prefer one from the local area that we could take to different events.
  1. Rick is working at White Sands Missile Range as of May 8th. We wish him the best in his endeavors. Paige Viscarra is the interim Director until the permanent hire is decided.
  1. Academy del Sol graduates tonight and Alamogordo High graduates tomorrow night. Cambri, Officer Watts and some of the Teen Court kids will be doing a sticker shock tonight at Wal-Mart. She has created stickers for this event.
  1. Review of March/April Stats:
  1. March/AprilDWI Stats:

Number of DWI offenders NEEDS Survey’s entered in the ADE Data Base: 32; 25 from Magistrate Court; 7 from District and/or Municipal Court. Number of new DWI Clients: 25. The Average BAC was 0.159. Number of DWI cases through the court is 155. Number of drug screens administered by DWI staff: 20, negative: 18; positive: 2. Number of DWI offenders currently being tracked (Active): 315; Number of clients that were closed successfully: 27; unsuccessfully: 10; Deceased 0; Number of Probation Violations issued by DWI Staff: 10; Number of Screenings/Pre Sentence Screenings (drug/alcohol): 25.

  1. March/AprilTeen Court Stats:

Number of MIP (Minor in Possession) Alcohol 1; Drug 8; Number of Juvenile Traffic cases 17; Number of Juvenile Criminal cases: 14; Number of Teen Court Offenders: Active 128; Number of Teen Court Community Service Hours served: 665; Number of Teen Court Completions: 21; Number of Teens referred back to referral agency:3; Number of Teen Court outreach prevention activities hosted: 4.

  1. March/AprilPrevention Stats:

Number of Community outreach prevention activities hosted by DWI Staff: 5; Number of school based DWI/Substance Abuse prevention activities: 2; Number of schools which prevention activities occurred: 2; Number of students who attended prevention activities: 350; Number of adults attending prevention activities; 185.

VI.Open Discussion:

  1. On May 9th Communities of Care brought in speakers from El Paso, Ms. Rivas and a ER nurse, to discuss the effects of spice. The Teen Court kids were able to claim a jury duty or c/s credit for attending. They received extra credit if the brought guests. Between the Teen Court kids and their family members, there were 60 kids. Approximately 135 people attended. It was a very informative presentation, which kept the children’s attention. The Communities of Care hope to bring back Ms. Rivas again for another presentation.
  1. The number of DWIs has gone up some. But theage of DWI offenders has gone up with the average age being late 20s to early 30s. So, we believe the prevention measures taken in the schools are working. Another thing being seen is DUI of elderly people due to prescription drugs.
  1. The Festival of Quilts was mentioned. DARE receives the proceeds, which are needed. It was explained that the cost of t-shirts, workbooks and the picnic at the end of the year costs approximately $5000 per year. And the cost of training a DARE officer is $1500 - $1800, due to having to travel so far away for the training.
  1. It was announced that Lt. Corbett and Officer Pacheco will be retiring at the end of the month. They are both DARE officers, so we will be needing replacements. Lt. Corbett recommended Sgt. LoCoco as her replacement on the DWI Planning Council.
  1. Carolyn Casillas mentioned that Dona Ana Juvenile Detention will not be taking out of county kids any longer. The CAP program was mentioned as an alternative to detention.
  1. June 4th at 8:30 there will be a Suicide Prevention Training in our conference room. A gentleman from Albuquerque will be presenting this training and it is free to anyone interested.

VIII.Next meeting: September 17, 2015

IX.Meeting Adjourned at 2:45pm


Dee Swope, Co-Chairperson Date


Paige Viscarra, DWI Program ManagerDate