15 Clarke Street, Earlwood. N.S.W. 2206.Telephone: 9559 4013/ 9558 6372

P.O. Box 192, Earlwood N.S.W. 2206.Facsimile: 9558 5093

ABN 72 327 657 719Office Hours 10.00am. - 4.00pm Email:

Position Description: SeniorsSocial Support Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant

Closing Date for applications: 10am Monday 31st July 2017


  • TheSeniorsSocial Support Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant provides a high quality and positive experience for clients whilst they travel to and attend the Social Support Groups.
  • Maintain and enhance the quality of life and independence of clients within the HACC target group living in the Canterbury LGA according to their level of need
  • Works to CECAL and DoH Funding Guidelines and Service Descriptions.

Please note:

  • Applicants must apply in writing. Applications must address all of the Essential and Desirable Selection Criteria below, and include a resume including the provision of at least 3 referees, including a recent supervisor.
  • Applications may be sent by email

And or posted (please mark ‘confidential’) to Donata Barclay, Social support Group Coordinator, 15 Clarke Street Earlwood NSW 2206

Applications must be submitted to CECAL by: 10am Monday 31st July 2017

SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE competenciesrequired for the position of

Seniors Social Support Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant

ESSENTIAL Selection Criteria

  1. Minimum of 3 years demonstrated and recent experience in driving a 21 seat bus and providing transport to frail aged people and/or people with disabilities
  2. LR – HR drivers License
  3. Demonstrated experience in assisting with running groups programs to frail aged people and people with disabilities
  4. Knowledge and understanding of issues for frail aged people and people with disabilities
  5. Willingness to undertake training as required
  1. Knowledge and understanding of the Home CareStandards
  1. Demonstrated experience working in a team
  1. Experience in supervising volunteers
  1. Knowledge of the implementation of the wellness approach
  1. Good verbal communication skills
  1. Cultural competency
  1. Good organisational skills
  1. Knowledge of WHS and anti-discrimination legislation
  1. First Aid Certificate

DesirableSelection Criteria:

  1. Certificate, Diploma or equivalent in Aged Care Community Services or other relevant discipline
  1. Ability to speak a community language
  1. Knowledge of Canterbury LGA


It is the policy of Canterbury Earlwood Caring Community Centre that all staff:

  • Operate in accordance with the CECAL constitution and current policies and procedures
  • Operate in accordance with appropriate legislation including WHS, anti-discrimination etc
  • Operate within the guidelines and service agreements of funding bodies
  • Attend appropriate training and participate in staff appraisals
  • Comply with all requirements set by the Canterbury Earlwood Caring Community Centre’s workplace health and safety policy and procedures

TheSocial Support Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant will work within the parameters of the CECAL Policy and Procedure Manual and the Home Care Standards and Guidelines.


Bus Driver Duties:

  • Pick up individual clients from their homes and transport them to the group venue, within a given time frame.
  • Plan or research the most efficient route to pick up clients, take them to the centre and the route to any venues for outings.
  • NB: The Wednesday program is an outing specific group, ie: clients are collected and taken to a different venue/location each week.
  • The driver will be assisted by a Group Work Assistant /volunteer, who will be responsible for ensuring that clients board the bus and alight from the bus safely.
  • Provide safe, comfortable and timely transport to and from their homes for clients attending Social Support Groups at Canterbury Earlwood Caring Centre and other venues.
  • Maintain a sensitive client focused approach and constructive and patient approach to problem solving.
  • Provide assistance to passengers including the operation of wheelchair hoist and attachment of wheelchair restraint systems consistent with the safe functioning of the vehicle.
  • Perform other driving duties as directed.
  • Diligent attention to detail and safety of the bus and clients at all times.

Group work duties:

  • Assist with group activities, as required by the Group Facilitator, either centre based or at outing venue, during group time, unless directed to perform other driving duties. This includes assisting with provision of meals, assisting with programs and activities and assisting clients to the bathroom.
  • The Group workers are required to stay with the clients during the lunch time, however the driver will take up to 30mins unpaid lunch break. Lunch and other breaks must be taken in consultation with the Group Facilitator and according the needs of the group.

Program administration

  • Maintain records as required and keep a daily recount of issues concerning clients, any issues with the bus and other relevant data.
  • Inform staff of any incidents on the bus and record details as required by Centre policy and in liaison with other Group workers.
  • Maintain the bus as required by the Bus rental company.
  • Volunteer Supervision:
  • Provide direction to and immediate support to bus assistant volunteers

Organisational responsibilities

  • Attend regular service support meetings including a monthly team meeting and quarterly planning / team meetings. (additional hours will be paid for this meeting)
  • Provide written reports (including incident reports) as required the Coordinator, Manager or Board of Directors.

WHS standards

  • Ensure that at all times the number of passengers at any one time does not exceed the legal carrying capacity of the vehicle.
  • Ensure the safety of all passengers on the bus, by driving safely and within Road Transport rules and regulations.
  • Ensure that all safety procedures, as set out in the WHS Policy and Procedure Manual are followed and ensuring that all loose articles are safely stored on the bus.

Bus Maintenance & Administration

  • Ensure that the bus is filled with fuel.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the buses by regular sweeping of the inside and removal of any rubbish.
  • Complete the Vehicle Log Sheet each day.
  • Complete a regular vehicle inspection as per checklist
  • Maintain a current LR – HR drivers licence, together with a safe driving record


  • Attend training and development as required
  • Maintain knowledge of developments in legislation, policy and services within the sector relevant to effective and efficient service delivery
  • Any other duties required by the BOD in line with this position description
  • Maintain current First Aid Certificate
  • Maintain reliability and punctuality
  • Work as part of a team
  • Maintain a positive professional attitude to the service users and colleagues


  • Effective Service Delivery90%
  • Maintain WHS Standards 5%
  • Maintenance & Administration 5%

Endorsed by Board of Directors: July 2017

Review Date: June 2018


1. Knowledge, skills, abilities and experience

The Selection Criteria & Position Description provide the basis for the entire selection process and, specify the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience required for the satisfactory performance of the position you are applying for.

2. Selection on Merit

CECAL is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. All appointments to CECAL positions are based on merit. Therefore, each applicant is assessed on merit against the knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, qualifications and standard of work performance identified in the Selection Criteria & Position Description.

The applicant, who demonstrates the most merit against these criteria in their job application and at interview, is recommended to the Board of Directors for the position and, is subject to Working with Children Check.

3. The Selection Criteria

The selection criteria are the basis of the position and detail the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience required for the position. You must address these criteria in your job application.

4. The Closing Date

Your completed application must be received by: 10am Monday 31st July 2017

The interview date is planned for Tuesday8th August 2017.

5. Your Job Application

The Job Application is the first step in the selection process and is your opportunity to gain an interview. After reading the job advertisement and this information package, and then speaking to the enquiries contact, you should consider whether you meet all of the stated essential requirements of the position. If you feel you do meet the requirements, you should then consider whether you will apply for the position.

If you do not meet all of the essential requirements specified in the advertisement, or cannot clearly demonstrate that you meet the essential requirements, it is unlikely that you will be considered for the position. In this case, your application will be eliminated (or culled) from consideration for interview.

It is your responsibility to convince the selection committee that you are the best candidate for the position. As the selection of candidates for interview is based solely on the information provided in the application, you must ensure that the information you provide is sufficient for the selection committee to assess the strength of your application.

You will also need to complete a Consent Form and a Prohibited Person’s Declaration Form.

6. Your Claim for the Position

This is the most important part of the job application and will determine whether you get an interview.

The Claim for the Position allows you to demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria of the position. You must clearly detail how you meet each of the advertised selection criteria by addressing them separately. For each of the selection criteria, make a separate heading and then detail your knowledge, skills, abilities and experience and ensure that you emphasise your major achievements by giving examples. Include any non-working or volunteer activities, such as involvement in a community organisation, where you have gained relevant skills and experience.

Some key words and what they mean when used in selection criteria:

Demonstrated knowledge/experience:Provide examples from your work history proving you have this area of knowledge or expertise.

Effective; Proven; Highly Developed; Superior:Show your level of achievement or proficiency by giving as much detail as you can and giving examples to show your level of skills, knowledge, abilities and experience.

Good Communication Skills: You must show that you have the communication skills needed to do the job. You can include your experience in dealing with people, details of things you have written or presented, and examples of problems you have solved using your communication skills. For written material, include publications or reports you have written, and note the target audience or purpose of the document or publication.

Knowledge of specific legislation:State if you are familiar with the specified legislation. Include your experience interpreting comparable or other forms of legislation or procedures.

As well as the specified selection criteria, you are asked to show your knowledge and understanding of the common selection requirements listed below.

  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
  • Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S)
  • Ethical Practice
  • Access & Equity
  • Domestic/Family Violence and Child Protection

You will have to demonstrate specific examples from your work history where you have applied these principles.

7. Your Resume

Your resume should provide clear, concise and current information including:

Your personal details

Education and training

Employment history – name of organisation, period of employment, job title, major duties and responsibilities, main achievements

Skills/experience gained – inside and outside of work

Name, address and contact telephone numbers of at least two (2) referees who can provide the selection committee with information on your knowledge, skills, ability and experience in relation to the requirements of the advertised position. Advise your referees that you are applying for the position.

8. The Selection Committee

The Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the best suited candidate for the position. The selection is based on merit and the selected candidate will best satisfy the selection criteria. The selection committee must base its decision on material presented by the applicants in writing, at interview, and from referees.

The Selection Committee (or Panel) is usually made up of three members:

  • Manager
  • Board of Directors
  • Independent

9. The Selection Process

The Short List

This is where the selection committee reviews all applications submitted for the position against each selection criteria. A ‘short list’ of applicants to be called for interview is created.

If there are a large number of applicants meeting all selection criteria, the committee will select candidates for interview on the basis of how strongly they meet the selection criteria.

  1. The Interview

If you are short listed, you will be contacted at least three (3) working days notice before the interview. You will be advised of the date, time and location of your interview, and who the panel members are.

Please bring examples of your work.

You will be advised if you are required to perform a task/test as part of the interview.

To prepare for your interview, familiarise yourself with your application and the job description. Anticipate questions that the selection committee may ask from the selection criteria and formulate responses. Questions will always relate to the selection criteria, the functions of the job, your skills, knowledge and experience.

The selection committee can only base its decision on the information provided by you at interview and in your job application. You will be asked a set of questions relating to the position you are applying for and, at the end of the interview, you will be given the opportunity to add any information in support of your application and ask questions.

Some Common Problems at Interview:

If you do not fully understand the question, you may ask for the question to be repeated or asked in a different way.

Your mind goes blank on a matter that you know, raise the points you can remember and ask if you can return to the question at the end of the interview.

You remember something about an earlier question, refer to the earlier question at the end of the interview and provide the additional information.

You know a lot about a topic but are not sure how much detail is required, summarise the main points and ask if there are any points you should expand upon.

11. After the Interview

After all interviews are completed, the selection committee will recommend a candidate for the position. The Convenor will contact the relevant referees and organise criminal records checks and seek approval by the Board of Directors. On successful completion of this process, you will be contacted by telephone and informed. This will be followed by a letter of offer confirming your employment and will include salary, award, and hours of work, employment status, probationary period and date of commencement.

In the event that you have not been successful, you will be contacted within 2 weeks or less of the interview. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to contact the Convenor and seek feedback to inform future job applications.

You will also need to complete a Working with Children Check, Consent to Criminal Record Check Form and a Prohibited Person’s Declaration Form.

CECAL SSSG Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant PD1


CECAL SSSG Group Bus Driver and Group Assistant PD1