FSE Transition from CIP

Q. Why is CIP no longer an FSE?
A. The organization has made the decision to discontinue FSE Services.

Q. Who do I contact to start with a new FSE?
A. CIP has provided a list of the current FSE’s in Minnesota with the letter you received. This list can also be accessed on DHS’s website at:

If you would like a new copy of the list CIP sent out, please contact Brittany at 612.547.0548 or Sarah at 612.547.0526

Q. I really enjoy working with CIP, is there any way I can stay with CIP?
A. CIP will no longer be providing FSE services. CIP does still provide Support planning services, Personal Supports services, and Case management Services. You can work with your contacts at the county or your FSE Coordinator here at CIP to see if any of these might be a good option for you.

Q. When will my budget end at CIP?
A.If you renew January 1st, or if you use FE/A model, your last day with CIP will be 12/31/16.

If you renew February 1st, your last day will be 1/31/17.

If you renew March 1st, your last day will be 2/28/17.

If you have any other renewal date using the Agency with Choice or Fiscal Conduit model, you last day can be whichever you choice: 12/31/16, 1/31/17, or 2/28/17. We recommend you choose a FSE as soon as possible, so we can all make the transition as smooth as possible.

Q. My last day is 12/31/16, what are my deadlines?
A.Last date worked: If you switch to a new FSE 1/1/17 your last date worked with CIP will be 12/31/16.

Timesheets: This means that last timesheet you submit is due 1/3/17, and will be paid 1/13/17.

Payables: Your payables, expenses, mileage, and vendor invoices are due no later than 1/16/17, to ensure we can get your final budget to your new FSE as fast as possible.

Q. My last day is 1/31/17, what are my deadlines?
A.Last date worked: If you switch to a new FSE 2/1/17 your last date worked with CIP will be 1/31/17.

Timesheets: This means that last timesheet you submit is due 2/14/17, and will be paid 2/24/17.

Payables: Your payables, expenses, mileage, and vendor invoices are due no later than 2/13/17, to ensure we can get your final budget to your new FSE as fast as possible.

Q. My last day is 2/28/17, what are my deadlines?
A.Last date worked: If you switch to a new FSE 3/1/17 your last date worked with CIP will be 2/28/17.

Timesheets: This means that last timesheet you submit is due 3/14/17, and will be paid 3/24/17.

Payables: Your payables, expenses, mileage, and vendor invoices are due no later than 3/13/17, to ensure we can get your final budget to your new FSE as fast as possible.

Q. What about my PTO, how do I get those hours?
A.All unused accrued PTO for any employee (who worked 600+ hours from 7/1/15 forward) will be automatically paid out on the next payday, after your final check. You do not need to take any further action to ensure payment.

Q. What if I have insurance through CIP?
A.If you as an employee, or any of your employees, have insurance benefits through CIP, that insurance will end the last day of the month in which you stopped working (ie. If your last date worked was 1/18/17, your insurance ends 1/31/17). Each employee that has these insurance benefits will get COBRA information in the mail, from our third party vendor “HR Simplified” after your last date worked.

Our goal is to make this transition as simple and fast as possible for each of you and your employees. Thank you for allowing us to serve your FSE needs over the last 15 years, we have appreciated your business and have enjoyed working with you and those you care for!

FSE Transition from CIP FAQ