Third Grade Word Study Scope and Sequence

High Frequency Words are taught explicitly throughout the third grade year and embedded appropriately
(Begin with the Zeno Word Lists; then add additional words from Fry Word & Phrases Lists, and word wall words)
Base Words & Root Words • / Base Words have meaning in and of themselves and can stand alone without prefixes or suffixes (i.e., “read” as in reread or reading)
• Root Words do not have meaning without prefixes or suffixes being attached and cannot stand alone (i.e., “pend” – as in expendable)
Syllable Types / ·  Closed Syllables – has one vowel (with short vowel sound), and ends in one consonant (s)
• Open Syllables – has one vowel; vowel is at the end of the
syllable; “vowel usually has the long vowel sound.
• Silent e – has a vowel consonant [e] pattern, with a long vowel sound
• Vowel Teams –two vowels together that make one vowel sound
[r] Controlled – single vowel followed by the letter (r) and has neither the long
nor the short vowel sound, but has it’s own unique sound
Consonant [le] –this pattern occurs as an unaccented final syllable
Inflectional Endings / • ‐ing, ‐ed,
• Plurals: ‐s, ‐es, ‐y
• Unusual Plurals: ‐f, ‐fe, ‐if
Syllable Patterns / • double consonant
• vcv (vowel‐consonant‐vowel)– vccv
• vvcv
• vcccv
• vv
Accented Syllables / • ‐or, ‐ar, ‐er, ‐ir, ‐ur
Unaccented Final Syllables / • ‐le, ‐el, ‐il, ‐al
• ‐en, ‐on, ‐ain
• ‐et, ‐it, ‐ate
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 1
mis-, T434-435, T468-469, T471, E47
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 2
-ible, -able, T56-57, T86,-87, T89, E7,
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 3
-less, -ful, -ous, T54-55, T84-85, T87, E7
-er, -le, T136, T145, T153, T180, E19
-in, -im, T332-333, T362-363, T365, E19, E37
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 4
-ly, T154-155, T184-85, T187, E17
tele, auto, T248-249, T278-279, T281, E27,
pre-, re-, bi-, T340-341, T370-371, T373, E37
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 5
non-, T56-57, T86-87, T89, E7,
-ed, -ing, T16-17, T32, T35, T40, T43-44, T53, T61, T74-75, T88, S2, S6, S12, E3
com, mand, port, photo, struct, trans, viv, T148-149, T178-179, T181, E17,
-ful, -y, -ous, -ly, -er, T198, T199, T218, T221, T226, T229, T230, T239, T244, T247, T250, T260-261, S26, E23,
-er, est T242-243, T272-273, T275, T289, E27
un-, pre-, re-, bi-, T292-293, T352-353, T310, T313, T318, T321-322, T328, T331, T336, T339, T352, T353, T366, T381, S32, E33
-less, -ness, -able, T384-385, T402, T405, T410, T413-414, T420, T423, T428, T431, T434, T448-449, T454, T462, S42, S46, E43,
Prefix/Suffix/Greek and Latin Roots Unit 6
-tion, -sion, -ure, T37, E3, E9,
-ion, T32-33, T244-245, T300-301, T356-357, S2-11 E7
phone, graph, auto, tele, T121, T124-125, T264-265, T320-321, T376-377, E27,
un-, dis-, T172-173, T274275, T330-331, T386-387, S32-41, E37
a-, be-, T226-227,

Created by Jordan School District