NLCTA Emergency ProceduresIncident Response Procedure

Incident Response Procedure


This procedure specifies the response of an Engineering Operator in Charge (EOIC) to an incident at NLCTA. The operator may have witnessed the incident or may have been notified of it by someone else.

Incidents include:

  • any activity where a “911” call is initiated (or should have been initiated)
  • any Fire Alarm
  • a medical emergency
  • a radiation emergency
  • significant property damage
  • an electrical explosion or dropped crane load
  • a “stop activity” (stop work) initiated by a safety officer, manager, supervisor outside the immediate NLCTA group, or by DOE Site Office, or any external organization.

Caution! Staff members should not expose themselves to danger by entering an area where there is a hazard.


1.Go to the location of the incident to determine the severity of the situation.

2.If the incident is a medical emergency, fire, or other threat to people or property:

2.1Telephone 911 to notify the Palo Alto Fire Department (PAFD).

2.2Place the enclosure in controlled access if required to control access.

2.3In a site-wide incident, such as a major earthquake, report to the Person in Charge at the MCC Conference Room. Assist the Person in Charge as requested.

Note: For a major incident, the Person in Charge is the SLAC EOIC. If no EOIC is available, the Person in Charge is the senior Palo Alto Fire Department Officer. (See SLAC Emergency Preparedness Plan[1])

3.If the incident is a radiation emergency (an incident which involves actual or suspected exposure of 10 rem or more to any part of the body or radiological contamination resulting from ingestion, absorption, or wound contamination of hazardous amounts of radioisotopes):

3.1Contact the EOIC in the MainControlCenter immediately for assistance in assessing and responding to the incident. The protocols described in the MCC Incident Response Procedures are appropriate for application in End Station B and NLCTA.

4.Enter the time, duration of exposure, and all actions taken in the NLCTA Operations Log.

5. Notification.

Incidents which involve a call to “911” or where the DOE Site Office is directly involvedshall be communicated to all levels of SLAC management.

Whenever possible, contact the Test Facilities Group Leader or Safety Officer for guidance in the depth of notification required.

For serious incidents, the following persons should be contacted:

  • Accelerator Research DivisionSafety Officer
  • If the incident may qualify as a reportable occurrence, the Deputy Facility Manager[2]
  • NLCTA Operations Manager
  • Test Facilities Group Leader
  • Accelerator Research Division Director
  • Particle Physics & Astrophysics Director

Note:Thresholds for the Notification of Line Management of an Incident does not have a simple operational definition.


Palo Alto Fire Department, telephone 911.

SLACMainControlCenter, telephone 2151.

SLAC Main Gate, telephone2551.


NLCTA Operations Manager / Date

ARD Safety Officer / Date


Accelerator Research & Development Director / Date

May 16, 200802-05-02-04Page 1

[1]SLAC Emergency Preparedness Plan SLAC-I-730-0A14A-001 found at

[2]Deputy Facility Manager is found at the Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS)website