Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Health & Social Care Action Group on 18th June 2008

at North Edinburgh Local Office, 8 West Pilton Gardens

Attendees: Chair Dave Hewitt, PCHP; Roddy Samson, GIC; Ian Cooke, Pilton Partnership; Danny Campbell, NEDAC; Janet Rust, Trinity CC; Penny Richardson, PROP; George Gordon, Royston Wardieburn CC; Cathy Wood, Local Health Partnership; Judith Clark, Work Experience student; John Brennan, NHS Lothian; Jim Pattison & Elaine Mill, Services for Communities

Apologies: Adil Ibrahim, BCDP; Joan Turner, Royston Wardieburn CC; Irene Garden West Pilton West Granton CC; Lynne Simpson, Keep Well;

1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on 24th April were accepted as an accurate record.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 The first of the BME events “What affects your health?” took place

last Saturday. Feedback to follow.

2.2 The 32 bus route has now been extended to run between Pennywell Road and Junction Street, allowing North Edinburgh residents to access both Leith Community Treatment Centre and Craigroyston Health Clinic.

2.3 Patient expenses – clarification required on what expenses can be reclaimed for patients attending hospital appointments. Action: CW

2.4 Interpretation and Translation Services – RS drafted a letter to the Neighbourhood Partnership. To be signed by DH as Chair of this group. Action: RS/DH

3. Health Summit Report

JP sent copies of the report to all Summit attendees and community councils and has updated the draft Health Plan. It was agreed that this report should be added as an appendix to the Health Plan.

4. Health Plan – finalising

JP circulated copies of the updated Health Plan. It was agreed to take this to the next Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meeting in September (FNP will possibly hold a meeting prior to this date, but no date agreed as yet).

PR asked for changes to be made to the Mental Health Section on the first and last pages of the report. Change the description to “People with long term mental health needs living in the community”Action: JP

Agreed to ask existing working groups to identify 3/4 main priorities for their area of activity to prioritise over next 12 months. Some groups have already met and are working towards this. Irene Garden expressed an interest in participating in the Mental Health and Access to Health Services groups. JP will get involved with each of the Working Groups to help with this process. Action: DC/PR/DH/AI/JP

IC will check out Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council for representation in the Action Group. Action: IC

There was discussion around when a review of the Neighbourhood Partnerships is to take place. JP will check on this. Action: JP

5. Short Life Working Groups

5.1 Alcohol Reduction - Danny Campbell

DC circulated an update from the meeting on 12th June and updated on progress. It was suggested this group distil this report into 3/4 priority actions that can be included in the Health Plan.

5.2 Mental Health - Penny Richardson

PR has planned a meeting on 30th June from 10am -11.30am in PROP.

The following have been recruited to this group:

Anne Langley – Clinical Nurse Manager

Colin Beck – CEC Health & Social Care

Alan Riddell – Mental Health Social Worker

Dave Hewitt – Pilton Community Health Project

2 job share workers - Pilton Equalities Project

Liz Hay – North West Carers Centre

Lorraine Keith – National Schizophrenia Fellowship

Mark Chadwick – NW Edinburgh Community Health Team

Cathy Wood – Local Health Partnership

Irene Garden – West Pilton/West Granton Community Council

Jim Pattison – SfC Neighbourhood Partnerships

PR plans to look at several reviews ongoing at present.

5.3 Access to Health Services - Dave Hewitt

DH had hoped to involve NECHAG (North Edinburgh Community Health Action Group) however they are possibly winding up, apart from their involvement with Stepping Stones around access to maternity services. Cathy Wood will attend this group once DH recruits some local people. JP will also attend first meeting.

5.4 BME Minorities – Adil Ibrahim

No update.

6. Anti-Violence Strategy

John Brennan from NHS Lothian spoke about his work in developing an Anti-violence strategy for Lothian. John started out looking at domestic violence but it was agreed to look at violence more broadly in line with the World Health Organisation public health approach.

Producing a broad based 10 year plan for a violence reduction national strategy. Edinburgh produced a violence reduction programme last year. JB suggests that it would take a 25 year strategy or longer to change entrenched attitudes of several generations.

Statistics show that the prison population postcodes correlate with areas of deprivation.

How should we take a practical approach to reduce local violence around territorialism, alcohol and other street violence?

·  Assess the potential for working with the local community

·  Is this a priority?

·  How do we take this forward?

DC suggested this piece of work links in with both the alcohol and mental health working groups. DC will invite John to next Alcohol Working Group meeting. Action: DC

IC suggested this also overlaps with the Clean, Green & Safe and Children & Families Action Groups as well as Health. JB is especially interested in groups working with young men. IC suggested the Youth Action Group would be the most appropriate place to take this information. IC will send details to JB. Action: IC

7. Any Other Business

7.1 Making Edinburgh Healthier

Margaret Barbier submitted a consultation paper for discussion and response working towards a Joint Health Improvement Plan 2008-2011. JP will draft a response using information from the Health Summit and the Draft Health Plan – letter to be signed by Dave Hewitt on behalf of Action Group.

Action: JP

Email copy of letter to group. Action: EM

8. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 30th July at 9.30am in NELO

Future Meeting Dates all on Wednesdays at 9.30am in NELO

10th September

22nd October

3rd December