Supplementary Table 1.
Item difficulty (b), discrimination (a) , and the discrimination parameter’s standard errors (s.e.) for the Spatial Conflict (SC) scale.
slopeItem / b / a / (s.e.)
SC22 / -0.70 / 1.63 / (0.10)
SC23 / -1.18 / 0.93 / (0.07)
SC25 / -0.56 / 1.64 / (0.09)
SC27 / -0.76 / 1.14 / (0.08)
SC28 / -0.45 / 2.79 / (0.34)
SC29 / -0.90 / 1.39 / (0.10)
SC30 / -1.06 / 0.74 / (0.06)
SC32 / -0.51 / 1.69 / (0.11)
SC33 / -0.62 / 1.47 / (0.09)
SC34 / -0.50 / 2.42 / (0.21)
SC35 / -0.59 / 1.82 / (0.13)
SC36 / -0.42 / 1.29 / (0.08)
Supplementary Table 2. Item difficulty (b), discrimination (a) , and the discrimination parameter’s standard errors (s.e.) for the Silly Sound Stroop (SSS) scale.
slopeItem / b / a / (s.e.)
SSS3 / -0.70 / 0.91 / (0.08)
SSS5 / -0.05 / 2.41 / (0.19)
SSS7 / 0.07 / 3.75 / (0.43)
SSS9 / 0.36 / 0.95 / (0.11)
SSS11 / 0.34 / 1.51 / (0.14)
SSS13 / 0.39 / 1.43 / (0.14)
SSS15 / 0.57 / 1.38 / (0.11)
SSS17 / 0.48 / 2.23 / (0.18)
SSS19 / 0.74 / 0.77 / (0.11)
SSS21 / 0.77 / 1.48 / (0.14)
SSS23 / 2.32 / 0.43 / (0.10)
SSS25 / 1.34 / 0.60 / (0.09)
SSS27 / 1.05 / 1.48 / (0.19)
SSS29 / 1.08 / 1.75 / (0.23)
SSS31 / 1.04 / 1.94 / (0.29)
SSS33 / 1.20 / 1.68 / (0.22)
Supplementary Table 3.
Item difficulty (b), discrimination (a) , and the discrimination parameter’s standard errors (s.e.) for the Go No-Go (GNG) scale.
slopeItem / b / a / (s.e.)
GNG2 / -0.82 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG6 / -0.59 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG10 / -0.38 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG16 / -0.28 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG18 / -0.11 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG20 / -0.08 / 2.19 / (0.13)
GNG24 / 0.01 / 2.19 / (0.13)
Supplementary Table 4.
Item difficulty (b), discrimination (a) , and the discrimination parameter’s standard errors (s.e.) for the Item Selection (IS) scale.
slopeItem / b / a / (s.e.)
IS2 / -1.13 / 1.25 / (0.10)
IS3 / 0.72 / 0.54 / (0.05)
IS4 / 0.05 / 1.04 / (0.08)
IS5 / 0.38 / 1.09 / (0.07)
IS6 / -0.60 / 1.44 / (0.10)
IS7 / 0.41 / 1.60 / (0.13)
IS8 / 0.68 / 1.04 / (0.08)
IS9 / -0.44 / 1.94 / (0.11)
IS10 / -0.27 / 1.96 / (0.13)
IS11 / 1.35 / 0.75 / (0.06)
IS12 / -0.03 / 2.03 / (0.14)
IS13 / 0.49 / 1.26 / (0.09)
IS15 / -0.35 / 2.52 / (0.17)
Supplementary Table 5.
Item difficulty (b), discrimination (a), and the discrimination parameter’s standard errors (s.e.) for the Working Memory Span (WM) scale.
slopeItem / b1 / b2 / b3 / a / (s.e.)
OS1 / 0.61 / 0.86 / 3.11 / (0.27)
OS2 / 0.95 / 1.30 / 3.11 / (0.27)
OS3 / 0.82 / 2.01 / 2.82 / 1.03 / (0.10)
OS4 / 1.69 / 2.58 / 3.41 / 1.03 / (0.10)