ModocCounty Children & Families Commission

901 N. East “A” Street Alturas, CA 96101

Telephone (530) 233-7122

May 10, 2017

Adopted Minutes

Members of the Commission met for a Public Call to Order & Flag Salute

Hearing and Regular Meeting

at Early Head Start at 5:30 pm

Chair Funkcalled meeting to order pursuant to law.

Members Present Public Present

De Funk-ChairCarol Cullins

Tanya SchulzAmy Boulade

Patricia CullinsLinda Hunt

Melissa Channell

Edward Richert MD

Alice Lybarger

Staff Present

Amanda Hoy

Public Hearing and Regular Meeting

Public Comment


Item 1 Approve/Disapprove Minutes from the January 11, 2017 Regular/Public MeetingVice ChairCullinsmotioned to approve the January 11, 2017minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Richert. Motion carries with 5 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 abstention from Commissioner Lybarger.

Vice Chair Cullins recused herself and left the room at 5:34pm

Item 2 Approve/Disapprove TEACH, Inc. Request for Renewal “Tulelake/Newell Family Resource Center” $20,337 FY 17-18

Carol Cullins, representative from TEACH, Inc., was present to answer questions. Ms. Cullins gave a brief overview and update on the program. General discussion followed regarding trainings, budget, evaluation, and staffing. Ms. Cullins agreed to update the project outcomes chart to reflecttrainings in 2017. Commissioner Channellmotioned to approve the TEACH, Inc. request for renewal “Tulelake/Newell Family Resource Center” $20,337 for FY 17-18. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 5 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 recusal from Vice Chair Cullins.

Vice Chair Cullins returned at 5:39pm

Item 3 Approve/Disapprove Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District Request for Renewal “Strong Start for Families & Children” $44,000 FY 17-18

Amy Boulade, representative for SVJUSD, was present to answer questions. Ms. Boulade gave a brief overview and update on the program. General discussion followed regarding the shortage in staff the facility has experienced and the reduced hours of operation as a result. Ms. Boulade explained they have had a difficult year retaining sufficient staff to operate the facility. She has been at the facility for a little over a month and is working hard to rebuild services. They currently have five children on a waiting list for the infant/toddler room and she has recently received applications for an infant/toddler teacher. She is confident all services will be returned to full operation. Since she has been running the facility she has seen an increase in parents/children returning to the facility and parents have been more active in their participation and volunteer efforts. General discussion followed regarding staff, hours of operation, and scheduled fund raisers. Vice Chair Cullins motioned to approve the Surprise Valley Joint Unified School District request for renewal “Strong Start for Families & Children” $44,000 for FY 17-18. Motion seconded by Commissioner Richert. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.

Commissioner Schulz and Richert recused themselves and left the room at 5:47pm

Item 4 Approve/Disapprove Modoc County Public Health Request for Renewal “Healthy Beginnings” $31,380 FY 17-18

Linda Hunt, representative for Public Health, was present to answer questions. Ms. Hunt gave a brief overview and update on the program. General discussion followed regarding the budget, achievements, and challenges of the program. Ms. Hunt stated they currently have seventeen families enrolled. Commissioner Channell motioned to approve the Modoc County Public Health request for renewal “Healthy Beginnings” $31,380 for FY 17-18. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 2 recusals from Commissioner Schulz and Richert.

Commissioner Schulz and Richert returned at 5:53pm. Chair Funk passed gavel to Vice Chair Cullins and recused herself and left the room.

Item 5 Approve/Disapprove Modoc County Office of Education Request for Renewal “SR in State Preschool” $98,903 FY 17-18

Executive Director Hoy gave a brief overview and update on the program. MCOE is requesting additional funds to expand services by two preschool slots for a total of fourteen. General discussion followed regarding the history and success of the program. Commissioner Channell motioned to approve the MCOE request for renewal “SR in State Preschool” $98,903 for FY 17-18. Motion carries with 5 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 recusal from Chair Funk.

Chair Funk returned at 5:58pm and Vice Chair Cullins passed gavel back to Chair Funk.

Item 6 Approve/Disapprove of FY 17-18 through FY 21-22 Long Term Sustainability Plan

Ms. Hoy gave an update on changes made to the plan. The fiscal subcommittee met on 3/22/17 and reviewed the plan as well as the documentation to support the update/changes. Ms. Hoy stated there were many issues negatively impacting the budget and of great concern are the PERS actuarials. The County will not know the exact impact until possibly June or July. As a result of this unknown negative impactMs. Hoy has taken a conservative approach to the plan. PERS has been left at the higher percentage rate and is about 10% higher than anticipated. Staff hours will also be slightly reduced in January 2018. Commissioner Richert motioned to approve the FY 17-18 through FY 21-22 Long Term Sustainability Plan. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.

Item 7 Approve/Disapprove FY 17-18 Administrative Budget

Vice Chair Cullins motioned to approve the FY 17-18 Administrative Budget. Motion seconded by Commissioner Channell. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.

Item 8 Approve/Disapprove Fee for Services to Modoc County Auditor/Treasurer at $2,000 per year for FY 17-18 through FY 21-22

Motion made by Vice Chair Cullins to approve the Fee for Services to Modoc County Auditor/Treasurer at $2,000 per year to FY 17-18 through FY 21-22. Motion seconded by Commissioner Richert. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.

Item 9 Approve/Disapprove SingletonAumanPC Audit Proposal FY 16-17 $6,250, FY 17-18 $6,450, and FY 18-19 $6,650

Ms. Hoy reported she negotiated a decrease in the fee for the proposed audits. They have seen a rise in the cost for auditing services primarily due to the extra work required to include PERS actuarials. Ms. Hoy is hopeful the rate can be reduced further once the County is current on their audits and has secured their own software to provide actuarials. Motion made by Vice Chair Cullins to approve the SingletonAumanPC Audit Proposal FY 16-17$6,250, FY 17-18 $6,450, and FY 18-19 $6,650. Motion seconded by Commissioner Channell. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.

Item 10 Approve/Disapprove First 5 California Annual Report FY 15-16

Vice Chair Cullins motioned to approve the First 5 California Annual Report for FY 15-16. Motion seconded by Commissioner Lybarger. Motion carries with 6 ayes, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.


Commission Report:

No report.

Staff Report:

Ms. Hoy reported on the First 5 California Express Van visit this week. It is always a lot of fun for the kids and greatly appreciated by parents.

Ms. Hoy announced she has been appointed to the Modoc County Library Advisory Board and is excited for the opportunity. It should be a great fit with their own work in the areas of literacy and reading.


No correspondence.


a) December

b) January

c) February

d) March

Ms. Hoy stated fiscal was in order.

Item 11Announcement of the next Public Hearing & RegularMeeting

Date:June 14, 2017

Time5:30 p.m.

LocationEarly Head Start

Adjournment Time:6:15 pm

Respectfully SubmittedChair Funk
