OASIS Scotland: nineteenth six monthly report: 14 April2016
OASIS was formally adopted for implementation by ALGAO (Scotland) from 1st April 2007.
The statistics presented below represent usage in Scotland up to14 April 2016.
Date / Work days / Waiting for contractor to complete / Waiting for contractor to send report / Contractor to complete archive section / Waiting for HER to validate / Waiting for HES to validate / Signed off & complete / Number of new records in system per day / Misc. / Total14/04/16 / 132 / 716 (-12) / 212 (+8) / 11 (-1) / 458
(-67) / 283 (+261) / 2933 (+137) / 2.44 / 3
(-4) / 4616
14/10/15 / 125 / 728 (+141) / 204 (+44) / 12 (+4) / 525 (-53) / 22 (-168) / 2796 (+340) / 2.42 / 7
(-3) / 4294 (+301)
23/04/15 / 139 / 587 (+4) / 160 (0) / 8 (-1) / 579 (+65) / 190 (+92) / 2456 (+190) / 2.56 / 10 (+3) / 3993 (+356)
13/10/14 / 117 / 583 (+101) / 160 (-29) / 9 (-1) / 514
(-26) / 98 (+74) / 2266 (+168) / 2.51 / 7 (+7) / 3637 (+294)
2/05/14 / 151 / 482 (+10) / 189 (-20) / 10 (+1) / 540 (+81) / 24 (+24) / 2098 (+190) / 1.9 / 0 / 3343
4/10/13 / 124 / 472 (+28) / 209 (+31) / 9 (0) / 451 (+19) / 0 (-80) / 1908 (+187) / 1.43 / 6
(-10) / 3055 (+175)
16/04/13 / 131 / 444 (-38) / 178 (27) / 9(+4) / 432 (-51) / 80 (-204) / 1721 (+533) / 2.13 / 16 (+16) / 2880 (+287)
15/10/12 / 129 / 482 (+32) / 151 (+25) / 5 (-2) / 483 (+86) / 284 (+97) / 1188 (+18) / 1.98 / 0 (-3) / 2593 (+253)
18/04/12 / 128 / 450 (+51) / 126 (+29) / 7 (-6) / 397 (+87) / 187 (152) / 1170
(-3) / 2.39 / 3(+1) / 2340
24/10/11 / 130 / 399 (+57) / 97(-10) / 13(+4) / 310(-9) / 35(-81) / 1173(+276) / 1.81 / 2(-1) / 2029 (+236)
26/04/11 / 129 / 342 (-18) / 107 (-2) / 9 (+1) / 319 (+102) / 116 (+88) / 897 (+147) / 2.45
(Adj. 1.65) / 3 (2) / 1793 (+316)
28/10/10 / 138 / 360 (+115) / 109 (-5) / 8 (+3) / 217 (+18) / 28 (-122) / 750 (+249) / 1.85 / 5 (-2) / 1477 (+256)
20/04/10 / 136 / 245 (+37) / 114 (+8) / 5 (0) / 199 (+16) / 150 (+150) / 501 (+25) / 1.74 / 7 (+1) / 1221 (+237)
13/10/09 / 125 / 208 (+58) / 106 (+13) / 5 (-1) / 183 (+34) / 0 (-40) / 476 (+140) / 1.65 / 6 (+6) / 984 (+210)
21/04/09 / 108 / 150 (+12) / 93 (+3) / 6 (+1) / 149 (+10) / 40 (-6) / 336 (+103) / 1.13 / 0 / 774 (+122)
3/12/08 / 160 / 138 (+51) / 90 (+69) / 5 / 139 (+75) / 47 (+46) / 233 (+123) / 2.24 / 0 (-10) / 652 (+359)
13/04/08 / 136 / 87 (+30) / 21 (+5) / - / 64 (+34) / 1 (-2) / 110 (+59) / 1 / 10 (+10) / 293 (+136)
22/10/07 / 121 / 57 (+41) / 16 (+15) / - / 30 (+26) / 3 (-4) / 51 (+46) / 0.97 / 0 (-6) / 157 (+118)
23/04/07 / 16 / 16 / 1 / - / 4 / 7 / 5 / 2.43 / 6 / 39
Table 1: Status of records within OASIS
14 April 2016
Waiting for contractor to complete 716 (-12)
Waiting for contractor to send report212 (+8)
Contractor to complete archive section11 (-1)
Waiting for HER to validate458(-67)
Miscellaneous (HER)3 (-4)
Waiting for HES to validate283 (-261)
Signed off & complete2933 (+137)
Percentage signed off65.09%
Number of additional records in system per day2.44 (+0.02)
TOTAL4616 (+322)
Over the winter a further 322projects were added to OASIS. At 2.44 new projects per day this figure continues the rate of new projects reported previously observed.
There are now 4616records in OASIS. The proportion of records at different stages in the work flow remains constant with minor fluctuations for the number of records at each stage of the process. There are20.34% of projects live with contractors (compared with 21.98% for the previous reporting period), 9.99% with the relevant HER (down from 12.38%) and 6.13%(from 0.51%) require validation by HES(figure 1). The proportion of completed records has decreased slightly to 63.54% from 65.1%.
Figure 1.Proportion of records at different stages of the workflow by OASIS reporting period.
Excluding signed-off records, the proportion of records with the contractors is 55.79% (down from 63.01%), with the HERs 27.39% (from 35.35%) and with HES (16.81%) up from 1.46%).
Historic Environment Record validation
There has been a decrease in theproportion of records requiring HER validation from 12.39% to 9.99%.and the reduction in the proportion of records awaiting validation is to be greatly welcomed.
Figure 2:Validation progress by HER April 2016
There is now no HER service for Inverclyde Council.
No of records / With Contractor / To be validatedBy HER / Outside HER stage
(with contractor, HES or signed off) / Awaiting HES validation / Signed off / % signed off by HER
October 2015 / % signed off by HER
April 2016 / % change
Aberdeenshire, Angus and Moray / 721 / 58 / 2 / 704 / 111 / 535 / 81.03 / 89.60 / 8.57
Aberdeen City / 207 / 0 / 0 / 207 / 0 / 207 / 100 / 100.00 / 0.00
Dundee / 21 / 3 / 3 / 18 / 0 / 15 / 71.43 / 71.43 / 0.00
Edinburgh / 573 / 114 / 9 / 561 / 15 / 432 / 74.55 / 78.01 / 3.47
Dumfries and Galloway / 144 / 28 / 26 / 112 / 0 / 84 / 63.64 / 58.33 / -5.30
E Dunbarton / 32 / 8 / 2 / 30 / 0 / 22 / 58.62 / 68.75 / 10.13
E Lothian, Midlothian / 357 / 37 / 61 / 282 / 1 / 244 / 66.08 / 68.63 / 2.55
Falkirk / 38 / 7 / 11 / 27 / 0 / 20 / 54.05 / 52.63 / -1.42
Fife / 110 / 20 / 0 / 110 / 1 / 89 / 80.20 / 81.82 / 1.62
Highland / 504 / 140 / 217 / 287 / 60 / 87 / 14.29 / 29.17 / 14.88
Inverclyde / 13 / 7 / 1 / 12 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 38.46 / 38.46
North Lanarkshire / 34 / 13 / 2 / 32 / 0 / 19 / 69.23 / 55.88 / -13.3
Orkney / 87 / 53 / 5 / 86 / 4 / 29 / 35.90 / 37.93 / 2.03
Perth and Kinross / 309 / 20 / 2 / 175 / 7 / 148 / 87.71 / 50.16 / -37.5
Scottish Borders / 269 / 47 / 47 / 222 / 27 / 148 / 61.79 / 65.06 / 3.27
Shetland / 25 / 17 / 8 / 17 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00
Stirling / 126 / 32 / 0 / 126 / 9 / 85 / 73.04 / 74.60 / 1.56
Western Isles / 101 / 44 / 43 / 58 / 0 / 14 / 14.29 / 13.86 / -0.42
WoSAS / 945 / 256 / 20 / 925 / 52 / 617 / 68.63 / 70.79 / 2.16
Scotland / 4616 / 904 / 459 / 3991 / 287 / 2800 / 65.63 / 66.88 / 1.39
Table 2: number of projects at each stage of OASIS by HER
There is no HER provision for Inverclyde Council
Table 2 presents the numbers of projects at each stage of the OASIS workflow by HER. The table highlights the percentages of record validated by each HER. The figures have been adjusted from previous reporting periods to exclude projects which have not been submitted by contractors.
Figure 3a: the proportion of records at each stage of the OASIS workflow October 2015
Figure 3b:the proportion of records at each stage of the OASIS workflow April 2016
Figure 3 shows the proportion of records at each stage of the OASIS workflow. There is a disproportionate emphasis on those HERs where there have been a small number of projects reported.
As a result of several of the HERs addressing their backlogs there has been an increase in the number of records awaiting validation at John Sinclair House (figure 4).
Figure 4: OASIS records validated and awaiting validation by HES by month.
Grey literature submissions
File transfers by OASIS / Reports not yet registered / Reports sent by other means / Reports attached to OASIS form / Number of OASIS records signed-off14 April 2016 / 762 / 459 / 3395 / 2933
14th Oct 2015 / 768 / 436 / 3091 / 2796
23th Apr 2015 / 592 / 433 / 2968 / 2456
14th Oct 2014 / 572 / 414 / 2655 / 2266
2nd May 2014 / 574 / 390 / 2379 / 2098
Table 3: Number of Grey literature reports submitted via OASIS.
The figures provided in table 3 include reports working their way through the system but have not necessarily been signed-off yet.
Training and new users
No training took place during the reporting period.
Including curators, there are now 104registered users for OASIS in Scotland – an increase of 3 from the previous reporting period. At least twoof the new users have registered so that they could submit applications through the radiocarbon database.