“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked
after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
–Matthew 25:35-36
Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need
Grant Program Information and Proposal
The Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation is pleased to offer the Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need grant program to qualifying Lutheran organizations and congregations for ongoing outreach ministries to their local communities. Based on Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:35-36, the program seeks to help Lutheran nonprofit organizations that address the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of their neighbors. The competitive program includes an immediate grant of $5,000 for outreach operations and an additional $5,000 challenge grant opportunity designed to encourage ministry support locally (for every $2 raised, $1 in grant funds will be provided, up to $5,000).
Eligible Organizations and Ministries
Lutheran nonprofit organizations—including congregations—that are exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and that are engaged in ongoing (not one-time) outreach ministries are eligible for Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need funding.*
Areas of impact (not all-inclusive):
· Food ministries (e.g., food pantries, meal distributions, backpack programs).
· Clothing programs.
· Housing/shelter services.
· Visitation ministries (e.g., shut-ins, prisoners, seniors).
· Health ministries (e.g., wellness fairs, parish nurse programs, Stephen ministries).
If your organization or congregation received an Economic Outreach Bridge grant for support of one of the above areas of impact, you may still apply for a Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need grant in support of a different area of impact.
About Us
The Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
The Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation is a private foundation funded by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. As a 501(c)(3) organization with its own board of trustees, the foundation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, literary and educational purposes and makes grants and gifts to 501(c)(3) exempt organizations. It supports the health and vitality of the Lutheran community, the Fox Cities of Wisconsin and the Twin Cities of Minnesota. To learn more, visit Thrivent.com/foundations.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a faith-based membership organization. Its mission, also known as The Thrivent Way,
is to strengthen Christian communities by helping its members be wise with money and inspiring them to live generously.
To learn more, visit Thrivent.com.
*The Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need grant program is competitive, and the number of grants provided is limited. Not all eligible ministries will be awarded funding.
Submit a Proposal
If your organization meets the eligibility criteria, apply for a Matthew 25: Neighbors in Need grant by completing this proposal form and emailing it to . No other forms will be accepted.
Submission deadline: Sept. 27, 2013.
If you have questions, send an email to .
Contact Information
Full name of requesting Lutheran organization or congregation/ Employee Identification Number (EIN)
Address of requesting Lutheran organization or congregation
/ City
/ State
/ ZIP Code
Church Body Affiliation/Denomination of requesting Lutheran organization or congregation
/ Annual operating budget of your organization or congregation
Name of Executive Director or Senior Pastor
/ Email address of Executive Director or Senior Pastor
Name and title of contact person
/ Email address of contact person
/ Website address
Is your Lutheran organization providing ministry in partnership with a non-Lutheran organization? If so, enter name of organization.
Outreach Ministry Information
How will this grant affect those being served? What difference will it make if you receive grant funding? (75 words or less)
Approximately how many individuals does your outreach ministry serve? How would grant funds affect the number of individuals your ministry serves? (75 words or less)
Approximately how many volunteers or paid workers are engaged in your ministry?
How do you plan to keep this ministry operating? How will you fund and sustain it or grow it? (75 words or less)
Please share a story/example of your service ministry’s impact. (Optional; 150 words or less)