www.yoloworks.org / Yolo County Workforce Investment Board
25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 661-2750 Woodland West Sacramento
(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., Building A
(530) 661-2641 (916) 375-6307
Board Members
Adecco – Woodland
All Green Electronics
All Phase Security Inc.
Buckhorn Steakhouse/
Putah Creek Café”
California Dept. of Rehabilitation
California Employment Development Department
California Human Development
California Indian Manpower Consortium
Cambridge Junior College - Woodland
City of Woodland Economic Development
County Fair Mall
County of Yolo Economic Development
Cruickshank Farms
ERA Mata Realty
Experience Works, Inc.
Food Bank of Yolo County
Home Depot-West Sacramento
Home Depot-Woodland
Los Rios Community College District
Monsanto, Vegetable
Mori Seiki
Nugget Market, Inc.
Orchard Supply Hardware–Woodland
Pride Industries
Sacramento Central Labor Council (6
Walmart – West Sacramento
West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce
Western Truck School
Woodland Aviation
Woodland Community College
Woodland Healthcare, Inc.
Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services
Yolo County Housing
Yolo County Office of Education
Yolo Employment Services, Inc. / Yolo County Workforce Investment Board
Informational Minutes
March 13, 2013
The Yolo County Workforce Investment Board convened in the offices of Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services at 25 North Cottonwood Street, Woodland, CA, with the following persons in attendance:
Present: Alan Ruzich, Alberto Aldrete, Brett Sanders, Carrie Garcia, Denice Seals, Gary Pelfrey, Jennifer Pike, John Pickerel, Ken Garrett, Sharon Krutt, Dr. Alfred Konuwa, Art Rodriguez, Blanca Barba, Janis Holt, Kevin Ferreira and Maggie Campbell
Absent: Angelina Veal, David Decker, Jennifer Cruickshank, Juan Guardado Jr., Kate Stille, Marco C. Lizarraga, Mark Johnson, Michele N. Fadling, Rene Puentes, Terri LaBriola, Velma WhiteBear, Dan Flores, Dr. Jorge Ayala, Walter DiMantova, Janet Neitzel, Scharlene Reid, Randy Young, Ted Scott-Femenella, Tim Paulson, Alice Tapley, Kevin R. Sanchez, Wendy Ross and Wes Ervin
Staff: Lisa Vincent, Tanya Provencher, Steve Roberts and Cyndi Sechler
Guests: Daniel Silva – SEIU Local 1000
Mary Renteria – Employment Development Department
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance
1.  Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items
WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items.
2.  Welcome Comments and Introductions
Ken Garrett called meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. no quorum present.
3.  “Knowing Together, Growing Together: California’s economic challenge and the future of the regional workplace” presented by Chris Benner, Associate Professor of Community and Regional Development, and Chair of the Community Development Graduate Group at the University of California, Davis
Tim Benner gave a presentation on Just Growth Inclusion and Prosperity in America’s Metropolitan Regions

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Workforce Investment Board

March 13, 2013

4.  Establish Quorum

No Quorum present

5.  Consider Agenda Approval

6.  Consent Agenda – Approved with one Motion unless item withdrawn for discussion.

a.  Approve WIB Minutes – January 9, 2013

b.  Ratify the Executive Committee decision to appoint WIB Member/Labor; Daniel John Silva/SEIU 1000

7.  Regular Agenda

a.  Receive Workforce Investment Act Fiscal and Procurement Review Final Monitoring Report Program Year 2011-12

b.  Receive Workforce Services Information Notice 12-23/REA Interviews for Federal UI Extension

c.  Receive Workforce Services information Notice 12-24/Veterans Retraining Assistance Program

d.  Receive Workforce Services information Notice 12-25/CEAC Veterans Employer of the year Awards

e.  Receive Workforce Services Information Notice 12-28/Implementation of the New CalJOBS

f.  Receive Workforce Services Information Notice 12-34/PY 2013-17 State Plan, Public Comment, and Local Planning Q&As

g.  Receive Workforce Services Information Notice 12-35/Procedures for New CalJOBS System Access-Phase 1A

8.  Conference and Training Updates

a.  National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) Forum March 9-12 in Washington, D.C.

Tanya Provencher reported they are trying to push the initiative “Just Add One”. Where they are trying to get local areas to work with employers to get them to ‘just add one’ employee in their business; and it is stimulating economic growth in their areas. Also attended a workshop on Affordable Care Act and how Workforce can work with that, our department is getting geared up for helping.

Tanya also went to Washington Updates. The Sequester was big on the list. Nothing has come down specifically how the Sequester is going to affect us; but we know it will affect our Federal dollars, which include the WIA Program which funds our programs and the WIB. Anticipating cuts which could be as much as 5%. When we get the information we will pass it on to the members.

Kevin Ferreira reported he learned that employers are looking for people with certifications. Whether in the administrative field or hotel business, employers are hiring people with certifications in their field. Employers are stating there are jobs; and people may have the skills set, but they do not have the certificates to fill the jobs.

b.  California Workforce Association (CWA) Spring Conference March 27-29, 2013, in San Diego, CA

Lisa Vincent, WIA Analyst will be attending.

c.  California Labor Federation/2013 Building Workforce Partnerships Conference May 29-31, 2013, in San Jose, CA

Judy Needham, WIA Youth Supervisor and Maggie Campbell, WIB member will be attending

9.  Reports

a.  Executive Director Report – Tanya Provencher, Executive Director

Tanya will have the budget reports at the next meeting.

In the Workforce Investment Act Fiscal and Procurement Review Final Monitoring Report Program Year 2011-12 (item 7a); one big thing that came out of the monitoring, the WIA Youth Program needs to go out for

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Workforce Investment Board

March 13, 2013

procurement. We are in the process of getting the RFP out; and DESS will not be going for the bid, but we will be leading the process. The information will be coming to the WIB within the next couple of months.

b.  One-Stop – Art Rodriguez, DESS Employment and Social Services Supervisor

Art reported The Executive Committee decided they would like to compare years and handed out stats for January 2012 and January 2013, and February 2012 and February 2013.

02/27/2013 WIB Executive Meeting

Stats for January 2012 and January 2013

WIA Program Updates:

1.  Youth program (Regular) 2. Adult/DW Programs

January 2012 / January 2013
Active Participants / 104 / 118
Enrolled during the month (regular program) / 9 / 12
Exited from program during the month / 5 / 2
Total Orientations between Woodland & W. Sac / 7 / 16
Total Customers scheduled to attend Orientations / 36 / 40
Total Customers that actually attended the orientation / 26 / 32
January 2012 / January 2013
Active Participants / 116 / 93
Enrolled during the month (regular program) / 5 / 1
Exited from program during the month / 7 / 24

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Workforce Investment Board

March 13, 2013

WIA Youth

Rapid Response Services for January 2013

1. DESS Staff provided rapid response orientation at Pacific Coast Producers facility in Woodland to 4 warehouse employees being laid off on January 31, 2013. Information on trainings and assistance with employment services were provided to all individuals.

Business Services through One Stop:

January 2013

Date / Company / Number in Attendance / Recruitment Type
1/4/2013 / Nelson Staffing(warehouse) / 37 / onsite
1/4/2013 / MDT Personnel / 22 / onsite
1/8/2013 / Eclipse Advantage / 28 / onsite
1/9/2013 / Eclipse Advantage / 47 / onsite
1/15/2013 / Accountabilities (Production/Shipping) / 24 / onsite
1/18/2013 / Sign Technology Inc / 52 / prescreening
1/28/2013 / Star Crossed Properties -- Davis Co.

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Workforce Investment Board

March 13, 2013

Employment Center Updates:

2012 / January
Total Users / 1,068 / 1,018
Total Services Accessed through VOS / 13,092 / 12,041

New Hires for January 2013:

Total number of people who attained a job through the One Stop Services

Component of Service / January 2012 / January 2013
WIA / 6 / 0
*Employment Centers / 6 / 5
Total / 12 / 5

* The number of people who obtained employment through the public use of the Employment Center may be higher, but unreported. The statistic above includes facilitation with employers only.

Occupational Skills Training:

Program / School / Field of Study
A / Western Truck School / Class A
A / Federico Beauty Institute / Esthetician
DW / Anthem / Dental Assistant
DW / Kaplan / Dental Assistant
DW / Career Beauty Academy / Esthetician
DW / Western Truck School / Class A
DW / Anthem College / Medical Billing and Coding
DW / Fairfield-Suisun Adult School / Sterilization Technician
DW / OCT Water Academy / Water Treatment
DW / OCT Water Academy / Water Treatment
DW / Academy X / Clerical & Admin Software Skills
DW / UCD Extension / HR Development

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Workforce Investment Board

March 13, 2013

c.  WIB Business Member Recruitment – Steve Roberts, DESS Employment Specialist II


Steve is working Rapid Response with CitiBank on their lay-offs in June. He is also working with Nippon Shokken, a Japanese manufacturer, who will be hiring, is opening a branch in West Sacramento.

In marketing, he has bus signs to post in English and Spanish advertising signs to post in buses.

d.  Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Janis Holt, Chair

We are working with Woodland Chamber of Commerce on the Youth and Public Job Fair on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at the County Fair Fashion Mall, 1264 E. Gibson Road, Woodland. Students with their work ready certificate, who will be going to college or graduating and transiting into the job market, will be from 2:00-3:00pm. It will be opened to the public from 3:00-5:00pm.

Janis announced that she will continue working with the WIB; and YYOC is looking additional youth council members.

e.  Executive Committee - Gary Pelfrey, Vice Chair

We had a quorum and moved thru meeting.

10.  Other Business That May Come Before the Board

Kevin Ferreira asked to revisit agenda item 8 – Within the next 8 years the hospitality industry is expected to have a 3 million employee workforce. The hotel and restaurant business will expand, and that is where the certification process will have an upward mobility; it’s like an apprenticeship almost, which will help people with jobs.

There was discussion about a certificate program for Yolo County. A sub-committee of volunteers will meet after this meeting and brainstorm.

11.  Adjourn

No quorum

Next Meeting

May 8, 2013

Yolo County DESS/Community Room A&B

Woodland One-Stop

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting materials to be in an

alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation.

Contact Ms. Cyndi Sechler at 916-375-6329 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

For more about the Yolo County Workforce Investment Board log on to www.yoloworks.org