School Advisory Council


November 2, 2016

11 AM

Call to Order/ Minutes Approval

11:02AM Ms. Anchell call to order. At this time we’re reviewing October’s meeting minutes.

11:06AM Mr. Maxwell 1st, Chiara 2nd, October meeting minutes approved.

(At this time we’re going around the room introducing to the New SAC members in present) Tania, Cheyenne, Ms. Neighbor, Savannah Neighbor.

Principal’s Updates – C. McGuire

11:09 AM Mr. McGuire discussed Broward Virtual School’s Meet and Greet. It was a great turn out, huge success. Thanked those who attended and those who signed up for our SAC Committee. Announced our new and improved website will have BVS upcoming events. Also announced this year’s Harvest Drive, our school are specifically collecting juices (non-glass) and cookies. Coconut Creek High School is the drop off point for the Harvest Drive collection. On November 16, 2016 we’re having a Writing &Math workshop for grade 6-10. That is a GREAT opportunity to bring items for Harvest Drive. The district reviewed the Advance Accreditation. Broward County was chosen to be renewed for another 5 years.


11:19 AM Ms. Anchell Broward Virtual School SIP plan was approved. Will review in December SAC meeting.

2016 Ballot Proposals

11:20 AMMs. Anchell Broward Virtual School was awarded an“A” grade for the 2015/2016 school year.

(At this time we’re viewing the process flow chart)

SAC creates/approves the proposals > faculty and staff vote > proposal approved by majority 51% vote.

Last year was voted that employees received 95% of A+ funds and school received 5%

In December, staff and faculty will vote based on the written approved proposals in today’s SAC meeting. Ms. Anchell proposed to keep Option 1, 95% faculty, 5% school.

11:25 AM Mr. McGuireexplained that schools receives funds from the state towards staff and the school. Full time employee receives full bonus. Part time will receive part time bonus. For adjunct teachers will be 25%

11:27 AM Ms. Anchell employees must be employed last year 2015/2016 and remain employed with us this school year 2016/2017.

If not decided by February 2017, it will only be divided towards the teachers

11:31 AM Mr. McGuire the 5% will go towards the school, student activities, BVS bucks, etc.

11:32 AM Mrs. Carr suggested the changed option 2 from 10% towards school to maybe 6-9%.

As of November 2016 we have a balance of $6,373.94 funds towards student activities.

11:35 AM Mr. McGuireBVS will receive funds based on the amount of students enrolled for the 2015/2016 school year.

11:35 AM Ms. Anchellexplained it will be distributed evenly towards office staff, facilities and teachers.

11:36 AM Mrs. Krug added the reason for this meeting is for us to write a proposal and approve for the A+ bonus.

11:36 AM Tania asked question if BVS spend the money towards students activities.

11:38 AMMs. Anchellexplained the student funds are rolled over to the next school year 

Option 1 will stay as is 95% to faculty and staff 5% to school. Full time employees will be a full share, and 25% to part time who were employed with BVS during the 2015/2016 and remain employed during this school year 2016/2017.

All were of in favor with Option 1.

11:39AM (All) At this time we’re proposing the change Option 2 from 90% towards faculty and staff, 10% to school TO92% towards faculty and staff, 8% to school.

All were of in favor with the change for Option 2.

Option 3 none of the above.

11:51 AM Ms. Anchell, will email the ballot to staff and faculty on Friday 11/4/2016 to be voted on 11/9/2016 faculty meeting.

Counselor updates

11:52 AM Mrs. Patinoapplication will reopen December 1, 2016 for 2nd semester fulltime enrollment, middle and high school students. FSA retakes and EOC will be on the first week of December 2016. On February 28, 2017 will be the FSA Writing Test. 1st quarter graded were released, our K-12 students did very well

11:54 AM Mr. McGuire BVS enrollment for grades 6-12 increased up to 27% and our elementary increased up to 300%.


11:56 AM Chiara announced NHS event at Barnes & Nobles from 11/10/2016 till 11/15/2016. Funds will go towards /NHS.

11:57 AM Micah announced Key Club had a haunted house in October 2016 and raised $2,226. To join key club, Micah has a signup sheet

(writing workshops) High school students canearn service hours for events.

The good of the group

11:59 AM Chiara announced her Ballet performance on 11/19/2016 at 6pm at the Broward Center. Has the leading role of Maleficent.

Real students of Broward Virtual School. Will promote on Facebook.

12:02PM Savannah is here to interview those who are sponsors in clubs. Will interview Micah

12:03 PM Mrs. Krug announced the Birding even for this Saturday 11/5/2016. After November’s writing workshop, Mrs. Krug will have an owl pellet lab.

Next meeting December 7, 2016.

12:06 PM Mrs. Krug 1st Maxwell 2nd. Meeting adjourned.