CSCE 102 Lab 1

Getting started - Creating a Web Page

Academic Honesty

·  The work you turn in is to be your work, not copied from someone else, from the web, or generated by an HTML editor.

·  Never allow anyone access to your files.

·  Never give anyone your password.

·  Never share your flash drive or email your files to anyone.

·  Never give anyone a printed copy of your file or an electronic copy.

·  Never allow anyone to copy your work.

General information

1.  Read the entire assignment before you start.

2.  Always work from your X drive while you are in the lab and copy your files to your flash drive at the end of class.

3.  Your files must be on the X drive by the deadline to be graded.

4.  Your instructors can see what is on your X drive but cannot place anything there or make any changes to the files saved there. Your assignments will be graded from your X drive.

5.  This assignment is due the night before your next lab and must be on your X drive. It is intended to take more than the lab time.

6.  You can work on assignments at home or during open lab hours in Sumwalt 361 or 244 with a Lab Monitor there to answer questions. The Open Hours schedule will be posted on the lab doors and on your lab and lecture webpage.

7.  You will need to save your file in the correct directory (folder) on your X drive. Do so as soon as you type the first few tags so that you can test it as you work and you don’t lose your work if the system goes down.

8.  Include the closing tags when you enter the opening tags so that you will not forget them.

9.  If you are missing the closing html tag, </html>, or the closing body tag, </body>, it may not work or it may work now, but not after you add other tags.

10.  Again, remember to always work from your X drive when you are in the lab and copy your work to your flash drive just before you leave.

11.  Maintain backup copies of your work throughout the semester.

Creating the All_Index page:

In this lab, you will write the code to create a web page using the text editor, SciTE. Using any type of HTML editor that generates code is not allowed for this class. Never write your code in Microsoft Word. Code copied from Word and put into a text editor, may not work and will cause problems. Name your file All_Index_xx.html, where xx is your first and last initials.

* It is important that you name your files exactly as specified in the assignment. Your work is graded from the X drive. Your instructor can look at your files on the X drive and execute your code but cannot find the correct file to grade if it does not have the correct name.

Your first web page will allow you to test some HTML elements, become comfortable with the process of writing and testing code and also allow you to do some research on how to succeed in college.

*Saving your File:

1.  Create a folder on your X drive called All_102Submissions.

2.  Save this file as All_Index_xx.html in the All_102Submissions folder on your X drive.

In the text editor click save-as and in the name field type All_Index.html. Notice that the .html extension is put as part of the name. You will always include .html as part of the name of HTML files.

Note: This will be your index page for this semester. We will be making modifications to this page as the semester progresses. You will be required to keep this file up to date throughout the semester.

This page must include:

·  The Document Type Definition (DTD); Do not copy and paste it into the text editor; copying from Microsoft Word can cause problems.

o  <!DOCTYPE html> (Pgs. 18)

·  The four required HTML elements, html, head, body, and title (pg. 18).

·  The meta element (pg. 19) if you do not have your text book just add it in later but before the due date. It will run without it.

·  A comment immediately before the closing head tag that includes your name, email address, section number, today’s date, and your lab instructor’s name. (Comments show in the code but not in the browser window.)

·  A comment just after the opening body tag that contains your login name, and your major, your hometown, and your dorm or current street name.

·  Your name, section number, and email address using an h1 element.

·  Write 3 paragraphs with headings about being successful in college. Be careful not to plagiarize. Also include references to the information that you found on the web. Use as well as other sites.

·  In the paragraphs you just wrote use eight of the phrase (in-line) elements listed on page 36. (Be certain that you understand what they do).

·  Include a heading followed by a paragraph explaining the difference between HTML tags and elements.

·  Display one of your favorite poems using a blockquote element (pg. 34). Use a break element where necessary. (You can copy the poem from the web; it is text not code. You will not represent it as your own work.) It must be a poem and must contain at least eight lines.

·  Insert an h2 above the poem that includes the title

·  Insert an h3 below the h2 that contains the author of the poem.

·  Below the poem include a paragraph that explains why it is your favorite poem.

·  Below the paragraph include an h1 that contains your name.

·  Somewhere in the body include a comment that contains the name of your high school.