St. Cedd’s Church of England Primary School

Curriculum Map: Music 2016-2017

Subject Leader: Simon Lowman

Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Reception / Performing ‘Me!’ / Nativity Play
Year 1 / Hey Xoa!
Using voices expressively by singing songs / In the Groove
Playing untuned instruments / Rhythm is the Way
Using voices creatively by speaking chants & rhymes / Round & Round
Experimenting with & creating sounds / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Listening with concentration
Year 2 / Hands, Feet, Heart
Using voices expressively by singing songs / Glockenspiel 1
Playing tune instruments musically / I Wanna Play in a Band
Experimenting with, creating, selecting and combining sounds / Zootime
Experimenting with, creating, selecting and combining sounds / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Listening with concentration & understanding a range of high-quality live & recorded music
Year 3 / Three Little Birds
Playing & performing in ensemble / Ho, Ho, Ho!
Listening with attention & recalling sounds / Glockenspiel 2
Playing instruments with increased accuracy / Benjamin Britten
Appreciating a wide range of music drawn from the great composers / Let My Spirit Fly
Listening with attention to detail & recalling sounds / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Composing music
Year 4 / Mama Mia
Playing & performing in solo & ensemble context / Five Gold Rings
Improvising & composing / Glockenspiel 3
Using musical notation
Playing instruments with increased accuracy / Lean on Me
Developing understanding of the history of music / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Listening with attention to detail and with increasing aural memory
Year 5 / Don’t Stop Believing
Developing an understanding of the history of music / Classroom Jazz 1
Exploring music drawn from different traditions / Benjamin Britten
Developing an understanding of the history of music / Stop!
Using & understanding notation & musical staff / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Listening with attention to detail and with increasing aural memory
Year 6 / Living on a Prayer
Playing musical instruments as part of an ensemble, demonstrating control & expression / Benjamin Britten
Developing an understanding of the history of music / Classroom Jazz 2
Developing an understanding of the history of music
Understanding musical notation & staff / Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Improvising & composing / Make You Feel My Love
Singing as part of an ensemble & solo with control, fluency & expression / Reflect, Rewind, Replay
Listening with attention to detail and with increasing aural memory