Isis Cricket Club A.G.M. 2016

Date: 1st November 2016 – Mason’s Arms – 19:30


Present: Keith Whiter (Chairman), Ravi Kiran Kella (Minutes), Keith Ponsford, Paul Jacobs, Karthik Siddireddy, Joe Walter, Richard Stephenson, Olly Walter, Nick Wyatt, Mo Naqvi, Brad Harden, Dave Penhallaurick

1)  Apologies for Absence

Allan East, Richard Stoneman, Roy Blatchford, Harry Stoneman, Jonathan Ponsford, Ricky Giblin

2)  Minutes of the 2015 AGM

·  Recorded as a true record of the meeting – Proposed: Olly Walter, Seconded: Keith Ponsford

3)  Matters arising from 2015 AGM

·  It was decided that an alternate electronic voting system be employed for 2016 awards. Action: RK and KW – with thanks to Ravi Kella this was deployed ahead of the meeting. Action Closed

·  Peter Wiblin proposed new trophies be procured with space for annual engraving. Action: New Committee – this was not completed in deference to a donation to Lester Whitby. Carried Forward for consideration by the 2017 committee.

·  Joe Walter suggested recording sixes hit throughout the season with notes of game, approximate distance and significance in order to inform the Big Hit award. These were recorded in match reports in The Forum on the website, and referred to in this years deliberation. Action Closed

·  Peter Davenport suggested that players should share the writing of match reports. The captain said he would nominate the action for each game. Action: NW – while there were a few contributions, this again largely fell to Keith Whiter. Carry Forwarded for consideration by the 2017 committee and possible included in the club operations guide.

·  Keith Whiter suggested that other members volunteer to take the Level 1 umpiring course. Details to be supplied when dates become available. Action: KW – The course was advertised. Action Closed

·  Olly Walter requested that a Christmas social be organised. Action: RK – An event was held in December 2015. Action Closed

4)  Chairman’s report

·  Keith Whiter’s Chairman’s report is available in full on the club website at


The Chairman recollected some of the memorable events of 2016 including the 30th anniversary celebration. He has set a target of a 55% winning ratio for the incoming captain. He requested all the members to take part in the recently published online survey to provide feedback on how the club was run in 2016 and to make recommendations for consideration by the 2017 committee. The speech concluded by thanking the officers for their effort this year.

5)  Captain’s report

·  Nick Wyatt’s Captain’s report is available in full on the club website at


The cCaptain in his report reflected on the results this season and mentioned some of the memorable matches and innings. He mentioned some of the key contributions with the bat, ball and on the field. if re-elected he has set himself the winning target of 60% and to focus on recruitment of younger players for the next season. He concluded his report by thanking all the players for their contributions in 2016.

Treasurer’s report

Balance end of last season / £2,555.19 / All in Lloyd’s bank account
2016 Income / £4,089.00
Membership / 900
Nets income / 404 / Includes £160 from Bartlemas
Match Fees / 2170
Tea income from Opp / 535
Home ground charge / 80
2016 Expenditure / £4,236
Kit / 313.75 / Faceguard, friendly cup engraving, keys, balls & kit + selection book
Nets hire / £320 prepaid in 2015
Isis ground rent / 1100
Other ground rents / 140 / SSJ
Website / 71.99
Tea payments / 1399
Other / 235 / Club donation, OCC affiliation
30th Anniversary costs / 976.61 / Booklet printing, salvers, catering, meal, Anniv kit (37.5), trophies (58.8)
Statement of Account / £2,407

6)  Fixture Secretary’s report

Nick Wyatt’s fixtures report is available in full on the club website at The Fixture Secretary reflected on the fixtures this year and some of the more annoying cancellations. He provided an overview of the fixture list highlighting the new additions, a one night tour and a glimpse of some exciting cricket in store for the 2017 season. His proposal to drop Quokkers and Risinghurst was agreed. Proposed: Nick Wyatt, Seconded: Joe Walter – Motion Carried

KS requested that we avoid away games at Islip due to the risk of injury owing to the poor pitch condition. The meeting suggested that Nick try to arrange a home game against Islip as an alternative in 2017.

OW raised a concern about Eynsham, regarding their 2016 fixture cancellations. The Fixture Secretary said there were valid reasons for their actions and suggested that they be given another chance in 2017.

DP raised a concern about the quality of the SSJ ground and suggested investigating college grounds as an alternative occasional home pitch. RS suggested we could help SSJ in preparing the wicket and offered help and advice if needed. NW said that Cairns Fudge have been very flexible, including not charging for cancelled games and that we already provided feedback on the condition of the ground, and noted improvement in the last game played there. He suggested they should have another opportunity in 2017, but is open to alternatives and requested members to provide contacts/references if they have them. Action: All

RS recommended that Horspath would be a good future fixture and is in contact with one of their players. Action: RS to provide contact details to next fixture secretary.

7)  Proposals for amendments to the constitution

·  There was a proposal to add the Web Master role as an officer of the club. Proposed: Ravi Kiran Kella Seconded: Joe Walter. After debate the motion was defeated (4 votes to 3, with abstentions)

Recommendation: Work with Keith W on reducing the workload and creating a transition plan Action: Next committee.

·  It was proposed that Isis Cricket Club change its name to Thamesis Cricket Club fromNovember 1st 2016,to avoid association with the terrorist group and unintended hits in search on the internet . Proposed: Keith Ponsford Seconded: Ravi Kiran Kella. After debate the motion was defeated (Defeated: All against, KP and RK abstained)

·  It was proposed that every season Isis Cricket Club should purchase public liability insurance to indemnify the officers of the club. Proposed: KP Seconded: RS (All in favour, Motion is carried)

Action: KW to work on the wording for the constitution to be reviewed at the first meeting of the new Committee

8)  Awards

This we opted for an online voting system for the balloted awards. 22 members out of 33 participated in a vote for their team mates. The players with highest votes were winners in the categories Player of the Season, Clubman of the Year, Best Fielder, Most Improved Player and Big Hit of the Year.

For the Duck Award, the top 3 nominations were selected by the secretary and voted by a show of hands at the AGM. The 3 nominations were:-

Richard Stoneman: 0 against FFTMC. Clean bowled by a pie that ‘I didn’t see’. Remarkable for prompting the appearance of the ‘batting glasses’ that made him look like a lost WW2 pilot searching for a Spitfire he had recently mislaid. Even more importantly preventing a similar performance to that seen little more than a week later – opening the innings in a 20-20 match and reaching 9 not out in 15 overs.

Jonathan Ponsford: For turning up half an hour late for a match and playing in salmon pink shorts as his whites were in the wash

Olly Walter: Keeping two teams waiting for ages prior to a game at Queens and blaming Martin for ' locking the door from the inside,' when all along he was turning the key the wrong way in the lock.

The awards were: -

Ø  Player of the Season (Ballot) / Jonathan Ponsford
Ø  Clubman of the Year (Ballot) / Nick Wyatt
Ø  Bowling Award (Top Wicket Taker) / Nick Wyatt
Ø  Batting Award (Top Run Scorer) / Olly Walter
Ø  Catching Award (Top Catch Taker) / Paul Jacobs
Ø  Fielding Award (Best Fielder) (Ballot) / Jonathan Ponsford
Ø  Most Improved Player (Ballot) / Dominic Henry
Ø  Big Hit of the Year (Ballot) / Dominic Henry
Ø  Duck Award (Ballot) / Richard Stoneman

9)  Election of the Committee:

The officers of the club in 2016 all agreed to standd again, with the exception of Joe Walter. Joe was thanked for his excellent contribution since taking up the role.

Proposed / Seconded
·  President / Keith Ponsford / KW / NW
• Chairman / Keith Whiter / NW / BH
• Captain / Nick Wyatt / KW / PJ
• Vice Captains / Mo Naqvi
Olly Walter
Dave Penhallurick / OW
• Treasurer / Keith Whiter / RK / MN
• Fixture Secretary / Nick Wyatt / KW / OW
• Secretary / Ravi Kiran Kella / KW / KP

Action: The Chairman requested that officers intending to stand down at the end of the season should advise as such well before the AGM so that a succession plan could be devised. As nobody else at the AGM was willing to stand Keith Whiter did so with some reluctance. He said that it is in the best interests of the running of the club that individuals do not double-up on roles, and members should step forward for office if they value the club (key actions and duties are summarised in The Operating Guide, downloadable from the website).

11) Set the rate for annual club membership fees and match fees

Membership Fees: £30, Concessions (unemployed, junior, student) £15

Match Fees: Weekend £6, Concessions £4

Midweek £4, Concessions £3

Proposed: Joe Walter Seconded: Nick Wyatt Motion Carried.

12) AOB


Below are the recommendations made by members

-  Don’t but more pads and gloves

-  Purchase

o  Balls

o  First aid kit

-  Check if we are equipped for junior players

-  New helmet regulations to be reviewed.

Action: The above recommendations should be considered by the new committee at its first committee meeting.

Club Contact List:

JW proposed to review the club contact list and remove the players who have not played for years. Proposed: Joe Walter Seconded: Keith Whiter

Action: KW in his new role as treasurer will look into this and propose actions to the new committee.


The meeting discussed the proposal to mount and engrave the awards. Considering the high costs (both initial and rolling) and risk that future committees might discontinue it was decided that this should be closed as an outstanding item of business for the new committee. RK proposed an alternative approach, whereby we would issue personalized certificates with the trophies to be retained as a mark of the achievement. Motion Carried

Action: Format, design and costs to be discussed by the next committee, and in place for the 2017 awards.

Committee meetings:

NW proposed a review of the current schedule of committee meetings and recommended that we reduce the current number of committee meeting to 3 per year (from 4) and that we avoid the committee meeting in December

The number of committee meetings will be discussed during the 1st Committee meeting. KW agreed to schedule the first meeting of the new season in January. Action: KW propose a date.


Nets have been booked at White Horse Sports Hall (Abingdon) from 8 – 10 PM on the dates below

-  18th March 2017

-  25th March 2017

-  1st April 2017

-  8th April 2017


RS asked about plans for recruitment of new members. Action: The new committee to discuss appropriate recruitment actions.

The meeting ended at 22:50

Addendum to the Minutes of the AGM

After investigating options to obtain public liability insurance, Keith Whiter reported that we will be required to comply with a number of child welfare policies in order to obtain such insurance (child being defined as anybody under the age of 18). He therefore proposed that the constitution be further changed to reflect our compliance, and that a Safeguarding Officer be appointed to the committee. The committee agreed that the proposals be presented to 2016 members and an email vote be taken in lieu of an Extraordinary Meeting. The proposals were sent in an email from the club email address () on 4th December, and the vote was closed on 18th December.

The proposals and result of the voting were: -

Proposal: Clause 5 be amended and Clauses 9 and 10 be added as below (Proposed: Keith Whiter, Seconded: Keith Ponsford)

5)  The officers of Isis Cricket Club will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. They must be elected from the current membership, the list of members being circulated before the AGM, and shall be: -

a)  The President

b)  The Honorary Chairman

c)  The Honorary Secretary

d)  The Honorary Treasurer

e)  The Honorary Fixtures Secretary

f)  The Captain

g)  The Safeguarding Officer

The officers will retire each year but be immediately eligible for re-appointment.

9)  It is the responsibility of the elected committee to purchase or renew Public Liability Insurance before the start of the playing season (including both training sessions and competitive cricket) to indemnify the officers of the club against claims which could be made against us for accidental damage to property or accidental injury to members of the public (third parties). The club accepts no responsibility for accidental injury to any of its members or guests representing the club in competitive cricket, and recommends that if players are concerned for their safety that they purchase personal insurance cover.