iNotes Social 9

Tips and Tricks

Inbox – Click
Preview Mail on the Side

Better than bottom preview because in most cases, you can read entire email without opening it in a new tab. Click on the Show button at the far right of the inbox and select “Preview on Side.”

Side Preview View

Notice that you can read this entire email in the preview.

Sorting Mail in the Inbox Using Preview on the Side

Because of lack of room for the sorting headers, you only see one column, usually Sort by Date. Click the pull down arrow to change the sort.

Mark Documents Read when Opened in Preview Pane

·  Click on More – Preferences

·  Expand Mail clicking on the plus sign

·  Click Display

·  Put a checkmark under Preview Pane

Add sender to your personal address book

Open an email or select it from your inbox, click on More and select “add sender to contacts”. You can also right click and select More – Add Sender to Contacts.

Tip – Do not add a group that is your district directory to your personal address book, it will not be updated.

View unread only

Click on the pull down arrow next to the Show button and select “Unread Only”. Click it again to view all.

Add a Star to emails you need to refer back to at a later date

Open the email or select it from your inbox. In the action bar, click on the arrow next to the star or float your curser on. Select Add/Edit Star. Select the priority, add follow up action (optional), set date and time (optional), alarm (optional), Save and Close. Click on the Follow Up folder on the left sidebar to view all flagged memos at once.

Tip – Click the star and bypass all settings above.

Delete numerous emails

To select numerous consecutive emails, click on an email, hold shift key down, click on end email, all emails between the first and last email will be highlighted. Click the garbage can or your delete key to delete. To select numerous emails that are not consecutive, hold your Ctrl key down and click on each email you want to delete, click the garbage can or delete key.

Move numerous emails to a folder

Follow the steps above for selecting emails, float curser on the folder icon, select move to Folder. Pick desired folder from window.

Tip – you can also drag and drop them into a folder

Do not select “Copy to Folder” unless you want two copies of each email selected and this is not recommended.

Turn on the added Mail Options such as high priority, return receipt, etc.

Click on Display – Additional Mail Options

High priority in new memo, reply, or forward

Click in this box and a red exclamation mark will appear in the receiver’s inbox.

Mark Private – if selected, recipient of the email cannot print, reply, or forward the email. Note – this only works for Lotus Notes recipients.

Type-ahead - The type-ahead feature has been enhanced to display a list of recent contacts when you begin typing an address in the TO, Cc, or Bcc fields. You can disable this feature and remove one or all of the names in the type-ahead list.

More – Preferences - click the plus next to Basics - Type-ahead preferences.

Insert an image

Click on this icon in the toolbar of a new memo, browse for the graphic, click the insert button, and the image is viewed on the email.

Insert a Link
Type a word that you want to link to. Highlight the word and click on the paperclip in the toolbar. It will have picked up your highlighted text. Add the interernet address in the field of the box that appeared, click insert.

Block mail from Sender

Select email from inbox or open an email, click on More and select “deliver Sender’s Mail to Junk.” To unblock, click on the More – Mail Rules, find the rule and click the X to delete it.

Edit an email sent by another person – Click . Make changes, select save and close. Edited email returns to your inbox.

Conversations/Mail Threads – Click to view. Click to close.

Open email in a new window – From an open email, click .

Using preview, these options are visible in words.

Check Quota size of database

Float your curser on the black status bar under your name to view information about your quota.

Bypass welcome page

Go directly to your inbox by clicking on More – Preferences. Click on the Basics tab and select Mail, Calendar, To Do, Contacts, or Notebook and this will be the first screen you see. Note: You will still see a log in page and a district welcome page if your district uses one. However, you will bypass the personal welcome page.

Change Password

Click on More - Preferences, click on the Security tab. Click on the word “Change” under Change Password. You must enter your old password and your new password twice. Click Save and Close and your password has changed.

Turn off your sent folder

If you have problems keeping your Notes database under your quota, tuning off your sent folder will help. If you are at your quota and can’t send mail or receive mail, this will allow you to send mail. Click on More - Preferences - Mail - General. Select “don’t keep a copy.”

Change new mail to the color red

New mail on top or bottom

Show images instead of X

Click on More – Preferences – Expand Mail – Display


Stationery is perfect to use for emails you send repeatedly.

·  Expand Tools on the sidebar.

·  Click on Stationery

·  Click New Stationery on the top action bar

·  Create stationery as you would an email. If the email is going to the same people repeatedly, you can add email addresses. If not, leave this blank.

·  Click Save and Close to prompt for a name for future use

·  It will pick up your subject which you can change. This will not change your subject and only you see the name of the stationery you have given it.

·  You will see the name of the stationery you created

·  Double click to use it

·  Click to edit it.

·  Click garbage can to delete it

Tip – If you are writing an email and you want to save it as stationery, click More – Save as Stationery

Calendaring – Click

Copy into

Create calendar entries from emails. When you have an email in your inbox that you'd like to turn into a new Calendar entry, select it in the inbox or open it, click on the pull down arrow next to More and select copy into "New Calendar Entry." A Calendar entry will then be created that has the subject of the email entry as the title and the email message contents in the body. You can edit these, especially the subject if it doesn’t reflect what you want it to show. Make sure you set the date and time since it will default to the present.

Using this tip gives you the following benefits:

·  You can remove mail messages from your inbox and still have the original email describing the event in your calendar.

·  You have the complete email in the Calendar description, so you don't have to flip between a mail message and another document to copy over all of the information you need.

Change the start day of your week, Set your start and end work time, and more.

Preferences, Calendar, Display.

Shortcuts to Other People’s Calendar

More – Preferences – Delegation – Shortcuts

Click the arrow to access the address book. Give it time for the names to show up on your sidebar. They will appear when you expand Other Calendars. Click a name and their calendar will open.

Add a Google Calendar

Click on My Calendars and click Add. Fill in the form, change the background or text color, click OK. To edit or remove the calendar, click the pull dowb arrown next to it. Select Edit or Remove.

Contacts - Click

New Contact – Customize the phone and email label by using the arrow pull down.

Mark Private – If your calendar is opened up for people to see, your contacts are also available to them. To keep contacts confidential, mark private at the top of the form.

Other Contacts – Expand this to see other’s contacts.