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Geosciences Bulletin Board –18 April 2016- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

6.5M aftershock of the 7.3M EQ caused more shaking and landslides, extensive damage

USGS, originally established in 1879, addresses a number of priorities with its capabilities

Disasters waiting to happen: 8 most dangerous nuclear plants located near active faults

Getting a peek inside Mt. Paektu, known as Changbaishan in China, a North Korean volcano…seismic data suggests a magma reservoir

Mill Canyon dinosaur tracks officially unveils dinosaur track stomping grounds in Utah to the public

When will La Niña arrive?

Crawling around inside the belly of a glacier….what do you see? Lots of ice and water!!

Hots springs are an interesting geologic feature, but can also be deadly – cause of death of two people in Bog Hot Springs in Nevada is under investigation

A pretty good snowpack year in the Sierra does not mean an end to the drought

Hyporheic zone is a critical part of the hydrologic cycle where surface waters mix with groundwater

  • Paper:

Perspective: Building a coalition to guide watershed decisions

How to arrive at “consensus” on human-caused climate change: take a consensus of consensus, but does that make it true?

Oil-eating microbes, Deepwater Horizon, “oil snow” and life in the deep Gulf of Mexico

Considering the “early anthropogenic hypothesis” for climate

Spike in mercury in rocks dating from the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event traced to volcanic eruptions

  • Paper:

Black sand beaches are more breathtaking than white sand beaches

Newly discovered fossils of an extinct rodent in the Negev Desert may help shed light on dispersal of species between Africa and Eurasia

Arrangement of two Precambrian supercontinents – Nuna-Columbia and Rodina – may have implications for mining companies

Research suggests the theory that comets brought life-forming material to Earth may be viable

Volcanologists have discovered how bubbles are able to accumulate in magma

Tullimonstrumgregarium a 300 million year old fossil from the coal mines of Illinois and better known as the “tully monster” was a vertebrate!

USGS releases new topographic maps for Texas and Oklahoma that include TIGER data

Taking the landslide lab to the Loess Plateau of China

GEER final report on the Kfarnabrakh landslide of 30 November 2015

Despite current downturn in O&G development, BLM announces massive drilling proposal for roughly 4,000 wells in the Uinta Basin

After 167 years, National Weather Service will change how it issues forecasts….no long to use LOUD text

Fossil dinosaur bones from South America show evidence of having been burned in a paleo-fire

Microbial life deep beneath the ocean surface

Red crabs are swarming across the sea floor (video)

This octopus escaped from an aquarium and returned to the sea through a drain pipe

Images of impacts from the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco…evidence of ground shaking, liquefaction, surface rupture, and the consequent fires

Rescuers dug through 4 foot of snow to reach two skiers stranded on Bear Glacier in Alaska

Is another gravel pit really necessary?

Report suggests that wastewater injection did not cause M4.8 EQ in Texas in 2012

Satellite images record glacial retreat in the tropics over the past decade

Bag of garbage “sacrificed” to the volcano triggers a small eruption (video)

Book Review: "Eruption: The Untold Story of Mount St. Helens" which erupted 36 years ago – perspective and retrospective (48 images)

Nevada may be on the verge of a lithium mining rush – quality is higher but concentrations are lower

Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 18 April2016– compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Researchers have confirmed for the first time that Zika virus was sexually-transmitted between two men in Dallas, Texas

Entrance to National Parks is free from 16 – 24 April to celebrate 100th Anniversary of National Park Service

Newest Tree of Life reflects the significance of bacteria…humans are just a twig

  • Image:

So much sediment in the Mississippi River that it is hampering shipping….OMG!

Government declines to regulate CRISPR-cas9 genetically modified mushroom…what will happen to our food supply?

Researchers are frustrated they don’t have access to individuals with supergenetics that prevent diseases…should they not be more concerned with the potential ethical questions associated with the potential application of their research?

Proposed project in Colorado would move freshwater resources from west slope of the Rockies to the Front Range – project still being challenged by environmental groups

Dam removal on the Klamath River under agreements that are full of promises

Scimitar Oryx are returned to part of their native area in Chad, Africa

Death of 200,000 saiga antelopes in 2015 in Kazakhstan caused by bacteria that led to hemorrhagic septicemia

Why do some humans deliberately kill protected species?

New study suggest where and how phosphorus accumulates in the environment as a result of human activity and its impacts on the phosphorus cycle

Food waste puts an extraordinary burden on the planet

Parents wealthy enough to justify “affluenza” defense but not to pay for rehab? What is wrong with this picture?

Tribal community of San Ildefonso Puebloat the forefront in battle against contamination from bomb-making and nuclear research at Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico

The deadly legacy of uranium mining still impacts the Navajo Nation

As nuclear power is on the decline in the US because it is no longer cost competitive

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate great apes against Ebola and other diseases to prevent species decline

Living with dogs makes humans healthier –- playing with dogs makes humans happier

“Linc stink” from coal gasification plant may be responsible for negative health impacts on agricultural animals and people

Antibiotic use continues making multi-drug resistance the norm rather than the exception, while development of new antibiotics is lagging

Slowly, plastic bags are being banned by countries across the world (infographic & video)

Cheaper clothing with rapidly changing fashion designs just means more waste

New wind energy turbines produces more than 8,500 megawatts of power in 2015, much of it in Texas

Concerns and high costs for waterfront protection in San Francisco and on the east coast and elsewhere

  • San Francisco seawall:
  • SF Report:

These 10 quotes from John Muir may inspire you to explore the environment

Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI) is established to determine how to keep infrastructure safe from natural disasters and from cyber attacks

Largest outbreak of yellow fever in 3 decades continues across Angola…will vaccine stockpiles be overwhelmed?

How should we bring science and regulators together when considering the next generation of genetically engineered crops and providing proper oversight?

Statistical & biological methods are available to assess the prevalence of obesity across the globe

Two proposed dams on Pascagoula River tributaries would make people and property more (not less) vulnerable and could cause permanent environmental damage

Ortho has already removed neonicotinoids from many pesticide products and will remove it from remaining products over the next 2 to 5 years…this is good news for pollinating insects

Environmental Working Group releases report on which fruits & veggies have most pesticide residues

  • Full list:

Why did humans decide to generally mate for life? Perhaps because of germs

Bill would allow Louisiana Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority to manage its budget for coastal restoration and protection

New environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Port City Colombo to ban dredging & mitigate environmental impacts while monitoring marine habitats and species

Isle of Man seeking input on coastal management economic and conservation plan

Teddy Roosevelt went on an epic African safari hunting for a white rhino

Tropical diseases brought by people migrating out of Africa may have impacted Neanderthals

Even if you are poor, geography is important when considering life expectancy

New report confirms 80% of groundwater in major river basins in China is polluted with heavy metals and organic pollutants and unsafe for human contact

Yogurt craze was sparked by a lecture in the early 1900s….the bacteria it provides are a good thing as we are discovering that our human microbiome is linked to aging

New WWF report suggests slight increase in number of tigers in the wild as result of better surveys and perhaps improved protection

Construction of Bakken pipeline in Iowa has approval, but still need Federal permits that will cause some delay

Massive fish kill in Florida because authorities did not control nutrient levels…anoxia followed

Second longest (24 feet 7 inches) python ever captured dies within a few days…likely a result of being captured

Drought and human factors may be creating Dust-Bowl conditions in California…but please get the science correct: “cave-ins of dirt and rock in underground aquifers”…no, it is compaction due to loss of water buoyancy

Can humans mimic nature in use of natural resources to avoid over-exploitation?


Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board– 18 April 2016–compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Puget Sound, second longest estuary in North America, tackles storm water pollutant problem

Peconic Estuary Program seeks volunteers to help plant rain garden downtown to reduce pollutant discharge

New York Harbor is slowly getting cleaner, planted oysters are helping

Federal Government issues new rules on offshore drilling

How climate change tore apart a Native American community in the bayou

Virginia Beach starts funding regular beach restoration again

Jersey Shore Osprey cam goes live again outside Atlantic City

Climate change: Across Tampa Bay, environmental organizations mobilize around sea level rise

New rules to guide tidal power development in Nova Scotia

US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) approved firstwind energy research activities plan (RAP) for a facility to be located in U.S. federal waters offshore Virginia

Broad Beach Residents Sued Over Beach Restoration Project and route used to truck in 1M cubic yards of sand

Navarre Beach restoration project is temporarily on hold till at least the end of April

Georgia DNR advises boaters to be on lookout for sea turtles, manatees

Seismic Surveys for O&G off Mid-Atlantic and Southeast coast Could Threaten Endangered Whales

Raptors are on the rebound in Rhode Island due to long-term conservation efforts

Lagoon Preservation Society holds meeting in Alabama, uses an inclusive environmental stewardship approach

Tampa Bay’s largest ecosystem restoration project reaches completion

Monterey Sand Mine, after operating for more than 100 years, is targeted for closure over concerns for beach erosion (video)

Fish farming in the Gulf of Mexico is approved by Federal Government, but not with opposition

Impacts of nitrogen on coastal waters….algae blooms and dead zones

Deaths of baby dolphins linked to Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico