AP Government Study Guide Fall 2016


Linkage Institutions

Policy v. Law

Criteria for democracy

Challenges to democracy

Political Apathy (reasons for and effects of)


Theories of Democracy (Pluralism, Hyper Pluralism, Class/Elite)

Functions performed by national governments

Constitutional Foundations

Declaration of Independence

Examples of Natural Rights

Examples of Limited Government

Influence of Enligtenment thinkers

Articles of Confederation

How doe it set up government


Shays’ Rebellion (significance to AOC)

Federalist V. Antifederalist (be specific to what each group liked disliked)

Federalist 10 and 51 (main ideas)

Examples of Checks and Balances

Separation of Powers

Examples of Limited Government

Limits on Majority Rule

Undemocratic Features

Parts that have led to increasing power of federal government

Commerce Clause

Elastic Clause (Necessary and Proper)

Enumerated Powers (What they are and be able to name some)

Implied Powers (What they are and be able to name some)

Process to amend the Constitution

Full Faith and Credit Clause

Marbury v. Madison


10th Amendment

Powers given to federal government

Powers reserved to the states

Dual Federalism

Cooperative Federalism

Fiscal federalism

Block Grants

Categorical Grants


Unfunded mandates

Americans with disabilities Act (ADA)

McCulloch v. Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

Brown v Board of US

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US

Events that led to increasing power of the federal government.

Full faith and credit

Political Culture

Political Socialization

Use of public opinion polls

Random Sampling

Conservative/Liberal Ideology

American Voter Study

Relationship between class, inequality, education and political participation

Functions of Media

Agenda Setting

Political Agenda

Watchdog Role

Political Socialization

Rational Choice Theory of voting behavior

FCC regulations of Media

Criteria for newsworthiness


Supre PACS

McCain-Feingold (BCRA)

Soft Money

Hard Money

Citizens United

Political Parties and Interest Groups

Difference between parties and interest groups

Tasks performed by political parties

Closed, open and blanket primaries



Party Era



Divided Government

Importance of Third Parties

Role of interest groups

Free-rider program

4 ways interest groups attempt to shape policy

Presidential Primary Process/Importance of early states


Article One

Enumerated Powers

Checks on other branches

Incumbent advantage

Differences between House and Senate

Requirements to be House member and senator.


Incumbent Advantage

Committee System

Ways and Means

Appropriations Committee

House Rules Committee

Senate Judiciary Committee

Importance of committee chairs

Speaker of the House

Senate Majority Leader

Mayhew’s 3 behaviors of Congress members



Pork Barrel Spending


Causes of Congressional Gridlock


Cloture Vote

Executive Branch

Article II

Requirements to be president

Electoral College

Paradox of the presidency

Imperial Presidency

War Powers Resolution

22nd Amendment

24th Amendment

Formal Powers

Informal Powers

Bully Pulpit

Federal Bureaucracy

President’s Cabinet

Why Bureaucracy has expanded in size and power

Regulatory agencies

Iron triangle

Economic Policy

Fiscal Policy

Monetary Policy

Keynesian Economics

Supply Side Economics

Continuing resolution

Budget Process

Office of Management and Budget

Congressional Budget Office

Progressive taxation


Stare decisis


Writ of Certiorari

Rule of Four

Reasons Supreme Court will hear a case

Original jurisdiction

Appellate jurisdiction

Criminal v. Civil Court

District Courts

Circuit Courts

Civil Liberties

Bill of Rights

Establishment Clause

Free-Exercise Clause

Lemon Test

Incorporation Doctrine (Selective Incorporation)

Due Process Clause

Baron v. Baltimore

Gitlow v. NY

Schenck v. US

Texas v. Johnson

Citizens United

Civil Rights

Definition of Minority Group

Political Challenges to minority groups

Equal Protection Clause

Reconstruction Amendments

Brown v. Board of Education

Shelby County v. Holder

Voting rights Act

Civil Rights Act