Session Name
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass! Understand and organize your important life documents, prepare for succession in business, and save your family time and money
Session Description
If something tragic happened to you, would your family and family know what to do? If you did not make it home tonight, would someone be able to step into your life and handle your finances, your bills, and maintain day-to-day operations?
Who would pick up the kids? Take Mom to the doctor? Feed the cat?
No one wants to plan for a time when they are not around, so we naturally procrastinate putting together the package of information that someone else will need when we become disabled or die. To get people to take action, This speaker realized that this had to be made into a process that is simple, fun, entertaining, and motivational. Created for her own family and friends, this program grew out of observing the financial, emotional, logistical, and legal problems after families experience an accident, illness, or other tragic event. Do you have your life documents organized? A will is a good place to start, and yet fewer than half of Americans have any kind of will, much less an updated one. Most people do not have a Letter of Instruction. People who need trusts often do not have them. Paperwork such as a wills, trusts, letters of instruction, insurance, and financial data need to be where those trusted to act on your behalf can find and utilize them.

  • Learn what most people forget about that costs families millions of dollars each year.
  • Understand how easy it can be to forget critical pieces of information that incur hours of expensive legal fees.
  • Map out what needs to happen, who needs to be called, and what actions are the priority in case you are unable to act.
  • Understand what documents you actually need to consider, such as a power of attorney for finances, health care, and general purposes.
  • Discover how your family can keep the house and their standard of living even if you are unable to work.
  • Achieve peace of mind knowing that you and your family are prepared.
  • Maintain control, even if you are incapacitated or ill.

You work hard to create a life for your family, so make sure those closest to you are making the right decisions if you are not able to act. Control your destiny!

P.S. This program doesn't sound like it, but it is fun, funny, interactive, and it makes tackling this tough subject easier.
This is a very different program and one that audiences say, "Wow, that program was for me, not my job, for me and my family."
One person said this was "the most important hour of my life."
A payroll executive came back and said, "this program saved my family over $100,000 after my mother passed away."
Learning Objectives

  • Be clear on what documents you need to protect your family and business in case you are not available to make decisions
  • Develop a comprehensive plan that ensures you are taking care of your family in case of an emergency, natural disaster, or succession
  • Be able to discuss these important issues with those around you using the speaker'schecklists and manuals.