Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Overturning the Political and Social Order


1.The French Revolution was in part precipitated by

A.the ambitions of Napoleon Bonaparte.

B.a conspiracy headed by Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau.

C.a major financial crisis that weakened monarchical government.

D.the defeat of the French army in America by George Washington.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 488

2.The king of France at the beginning of the French Revolution was

A.Louis XVI.

B.Louis IX.

C.Henry IV.

D.Charles V.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 490-491

3.The most important cause of the French financial crisis of the late 1780s was

A.growing poverty caused by the collapse of trade with Canada. inadequate taxation and banking system.

C.a massive refusal to pay taxes, caused by the spread of Enlightenment ideas.

D.All these answers are correct.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 488

4.Because of fiscal problems and rising discontent, Louis XVI of France was forced to summon the


B.House of Commons.

C.Council of Trent.

D.Estates General.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 489

5.On the eve of the French Revolution, the nobility, the middle classes, Enlightenment intellectuals, and peasants all had disagreements with the monarch. Which of the following is NOTan accurate description of these disagreements?

A.The nobility resented the loss of their privileges and the ending of serfdom because of the enlightened absolutism of Louis XV and Louis XVI.

B.The middle class, growing in size and wealth, wanted reforms and access to the offices and privileges enjoyed by the nobility.

C.Enlightenment intellectuals, by popularizing words such as “nation,”“citizen,” and “general will” questioned long-established political and social institutions.

D.Peasants (and many townsmen) were hurt by food shortages, high prices, and growing unemployment.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 488-489

6.The third estate, at the Estates General of 1789,

A.cooperated fully with the nobility.

B.refused to leave the chamber when the king commanded the estates to leave and vote separately by order.

C.cooperated with the king in enacting needed fiscal reforms.

D.demanded that France be organized like England, with a House of Lords and a House of Commons.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 491

7.Those in the Estates General who took the Tennis Court Oath vowed to

A.elect one of their members mayor of Paris.

B.not separate until they had written a constitution for France.

C.expel all nobles and clergy from the Estates General.

D.All these answers are correct.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 491

8.The Parisian fortress captured by the populace on July 14, 1789, was the

A.Notre Dame.

B.Hôtel Dieu.



Answer: C

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 492

9.In spite of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen,

A.many new political and social rights were denied to women.

B.sovereignty still resided in the person of the king.

C.freedom of religion was still restricted. criticism of the national assembly was forbidden.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 493

10.The famous motto of the French Revolution was

A.“Liberty, Democracy, and Property.”

B.“Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.”

C.“Liberty, Freedom of Religion, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

D.“Freedom, Equality, and Constitution.”

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 494

11.The National Assembly in France

A.replaced the Catholic Church with the ProtestantChurch.

B.converted France into an enlightened absolutist monarchy.

C.converted France into a constitutional monarchy.

D.converted France into a republic.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 494

12.The Civil Constitution of the Clergy

A.was approved by the pope.

B.divided the French Catholic population.

C.established Protestantism in France.

D.was the idea of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 495

13.The major accomplishments of the National Assembly during the French Revolution included

A.a written constitution.

B.the abolition of monarchy. rights for women.

D.the adoption of a four-estate rather than three-estate division.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 496

14.The Parisian sans-culottes

A.joined with the aristocracy to oppose the Revolution.

B.were Girondins rather than Jacobins.

C.eventually gained control over the municipal government of Paris—the Commune.

D.were strong supporters of the Enlightenment.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 496

15.The war that broke out in 1792 between France and much of Europe was caused by

A.the threatening attitudes of European monarchs toward the Revolution, egged on by exiled French aristocrats.

B.the belief of the French royal family that France’s defeat would mean the restoration of the old monarchy.

C.the hope of French radicals that the war would expose the inefficiency and disloyalty of the king, paving the way for a republic.

D.All these answers are correct.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 497

16.The immediate result of the major European war that broke out in 1792 was

A.the occasion for the overthrow of the monarchy in August, 1792.

B.the crushing of Parisian radicalism by the victorious Prussians.

C.that Napoleon Bonaparte was able to use the chaos of the war to proclaim himself emperor.

D.that the French were able to prevent the partition of Poland.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 497

17.The Jacobins and the Girondins

A.opposed the proclamation of the Republic by the National Convention.

B.were rival revolutionary political factions in the National Convention.

C.supported the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

D.were followers of important religious movements in the eighteenth century.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 497-498

18.Under the direction of the Jacobins of the Mountain, the National Convention

A.expelled and arrested the leaders of the Gironde.

B.enacted the Law of the Maximum to control the price of bread and flour.

C.formed the Committee of Public Safety to carry out radical revolutionary programs.

D.All these answers are correct.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 501

19.The major purpose of the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution was to

A.protect the new FrenchRepublic from its enemies and to satisfy the demands by the sans-culottes for immediate action against those enemies.

B.enact the feminist program of Manon Roland and Olympe de Gouges.

C.favor the political ambitions of Danton and Robespierre. the rule of Napoleon after he seized power.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 501

20.The Republic of Virtue

A.was an attempt to infuse all aspects of French life with revolutionary politics.

B.was a sham designed to hide the blatant dictatorship of Napoleon.

C.was another name for the United States during the eighteenth century.

D.abolished the Committee of Public Safety.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 501

21.Such developments in the French Revolution as the attack on the Catholic Church, new laws on marriage and divorce, and the adoption of the revolutionary calendar were part of the phase of the Revolution called the

A.Estates General.


C.Republic of Virtue.


Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 501-502

22.In the New World, the French Revolution inspired a major slave revolt in

A.South Carolina.



D.St. Domingue (Haiti).

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 503

23.One sign of growing discontent in France with the Reign of Terror and the Republic of Virtue was

A.the anti-revolutionary revolt in the Vendée region.

B.the assassination of Marat.

C.Danton’s advice that the Revolution take a more moderate course.

D.All these answers are correct.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 504

24.The “Thermidorian reaction” during the French Revolution came when the Convention overthrew and executed




D.Madame Roland.

Answer: B

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 504

25.The Thermidorian reaction was

A.a chemical term from the Scientific Revolution.

B.the result of Louis XVI’s attempt to flee France in 1791.

C.the overthrow and execution of Robespierre and the end of the Reign of Terror.

D.Napoleon’s seizure of power.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 504

26.The immediate results of the overthrow of Robespierre include all of the following EXCEPT

A.a successful counter-revolt by the sans-culottes.

B.a reopening of many Catholic churches, especially in small towns and rural areas.

C.a new constitution that established a five-man executive board, the Directory.

D.a royalist uprising in Paris in May, 1795.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 504

27.The French revolutionary regime that followed the overthrow of Robespierre was called the

A.Estates General.

B.Civil Constitution of the Clergy.

C.Republic of Virtue.


Answer: D

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 504

28.Napoleon Bonaparte made his early military reputation with victories in a successful

A.invasion of Great Britain.

B.repression of the Haitian slave revolt.

C.invasion of Italy, followed by the Egyptian expedition.

D.invasion of Spain.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 505

29.Upon seizing power in France, Napoleon Bonaparte

A.consolidated his rule by employing and seeking support from a combination of Jacobins, Old Regime Officials, returning émigré nobles, and Catholics.

B.imposed ruthless military rule over all parts of France.

C.announced he was repudiating the French Revolution.

D.immediately invaded the British Isles.

Answer: A

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 507

30.As part of his effort to consolidate his rule in France, Napoleon Bonaparte did all of the following EXCEPT

A.enact the Napoleonic Code, which secured equal rights for all French men but left women subordinate.

B.establish the Bank of France to handle government funds.

C.sign a concordat with the papacy to end religious problems caused by the Revolution.

D.establish free, democratic elections.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 507

31.In his military career, Napoleon invaded all of the following EXCEPT





Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 509

32.The basic purpose of Napoleon’s Continental System was to

A.promote the development of industry in Europe.

B.shut out potentially ruinous economic competition from the United States.

C.harm the British economy by preventing Britain from exporting its goods into continental Europe.

D.undertake the alliance of all European states against Great Britain.

Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 509

33.A major uprising against Napoleon’s brother Joseph Bonaparte, who had been made king by Napoleonic decree, took place in





Answer: C

Difficulty: Medium

Page: 512

34.Which of the following is NOT correctly given as a reason for growing European resistance to Napoleonic rule?

A.dissatisfaction with the Napoleonic Code because it embodied the principles of the French Revolution

B.dissatisfaction with the growing number of annexations of traditionally independent areas such as Holland to France

C.dissatisfaction with the rule of Napoleon’s relatives, such as Joseph in Spain

D.dissatisfaction with the economic restrictions of the Continental System

Answer: A

Difficulty: Hard

Page: 512

35.Napoleon’s invasion of Russia failed for several reasons, including

A.Russia being a vast desert, and his armies soon getting lost.

B.his taking too few men into Russia, not even 100,000.

C.his army being crushed by the Russian army at Borodino.

D.a lack of adequate supplies, and a hard, cold winter.

Answer: D

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 514

36.The military defeat of Napoleon was accomplished in 1813–1815 at which of the following battles?





Answer: B

Difficulty: Easy

Page: 514


37.The major problem that led the king of France to summon the Estates General was the threat of royal bankruptcy if nothing was done.

Answer: True

Page: 488

38.A major factor in the social-political scene in France in 1789 was that the middle classes would not side with the monarchy against the aristocracy, as they had often done in the past.

Answer: True

Page: 489

39.The Tennis Court Oath was taken by the noble delegates to the Estate General, vowing to resist the demands of the third estate for a change in the voting procedure.

Answer: False

Page: 491

40.Among the rights enumerated in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen were “Liberty, equal rights for women, and resistance to oppression.”

Answer: False

Page: 493

41.The idea of equality in the French revolutionary triad of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”embraced full civil and political rights for women.

Answer: False

Page: 493

42.The war that broke out between France and Austria and Prussia in 1792 was an important cause of the overthrow of the French monarchy.

Answer: True

Page: 497

43.In the National Convention during the French Revolution, the Jacobins sat on the right and the Girondins sat on the left.

Answer: False

Page: 498

44.The Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution had two principal goals: to secure the republic against internal and external enemies, and to carry out a program of revolutionary radicalism.

Answer: True

Page: 501

45.As part of revolutionary radicalism, the French National Convention introduced a new calendar and the system of metric measurements.

Answer: True

Page: 502

46.Robespierre and the Reign of Terror were overthrown in part because the defeat of both internal and external enemies of the French Revolution had led many persons to favor more moderate policies.

Answer: True

Page: 504

47.The Directory, which succeeded the Republic of Virtue in France, soon had a firm and unchallenged control over the country.

Answer: False

Page: 504-505

48.Napoleon’s second victorious military campaign culminated with the defeat of the British at the Battle of the Nile.

Answer: False

Page: 505

49.The Napoleonic Code, although written at the behest of an authoritarian, nonetheless affirmed such important revolutionary gains as equality of all before the law.

Answer: False

Page: 507

50.Napoleon believed that his power in France and in Europe could be maintained only by additional conquests.

Answer: True

Page: 508

51.The year 1805 saw the French navy defeated at Austerlitz, while Napoleon won a brilliant land victory at Trafalgar.

Answer: False

Page: 509

52.The purpose of Napoleon’s “Continental System” was to form a firm alliance with Great Britain.

Answer: False

Page: 509

53.The application of the Continental System by Napoleon started to bring about a growing European dissatisfaction with the emperor.

Answer: True

Page: 512

54.Only slightly more than half of the troops that marched with Napoleon into Russia returned to western Europe.

Answer: False

Page: 514

55.Napoleon’s attempt to come back from exile in St. Helena led to his final defeat at Leipzig.

Answer: False

Page: 514


56.The king of France at the time of the French Revolution was ______.

Answer: Louis XVI

Page: 488-490

57.Unable to obtain cooperation from the Notables or the parlements, Louis XVI was forced to call the ______.

Answer: Estates General

Page: 490

58.Vowing not to disband until they had written a constitution for France, the members of the third estate took the ______.

Answer: Tennis Court Oath

Page: 491

59.The French Revolution took a violent turn in July, 1789, with the capture of the ______.

Answer: Bastille

Page: 492

60.In August, 1789, the National Assembly issued one of the most important documents of the Revolution, the ______, which expressed many of the ideas of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution.

Answer: Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

Page: 493

61.The woman writer and supporter of the revolution, ______, argued that French women should have the same rights as men.

Answer: Olympe de Gouges

Page: 493

62.The great motto of the French Revolution was “______.”

Answer: Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity

Page: 494

63.The most important radical political club in the French Revolution was the ______.

Answer: Jacobins

Page: 496

64.Within the National Convention, two major factions struggled for control of the Revolution, the Jacobins and the ______.

Answer: Girondins

Page: 497-498

65.To further radical revolution, the National Convention established the Committee of Public Safety, dominated by ______.

Answer: Robespierre

Page: 501

66.The policies of the Committee of Public Safety, in seeking out and punishing enemies of the Revolution, have been called the ______.

Answer: Reign of Terror

Page: 501

67.One byproduct of the French Revolution was a major slave uprising in the Americas in what was then known as ______.

Answer: St. Domingue

Page: 503

68.The sudden end of the Reign of Terror, climaxed by the execution of Robespierre, is termed the ______.

Answer: Thermidorian reaction

Page: 504

69.After the end of the Reign of Terror in France, a new constitution established a five-man executive board called the ______.

Answer: Directory

Page: 504

70.Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the Mediterranean island of ______.

Answer: Corsica

Page: 505

71.Napoleon’s first major successful military campaign was his invasion of ______.

Answer: Italy

Page: 505

72.To secure Catholic support for his new regime, Napoleon signed the ______with the pope.

Answer: Concordat

Page: 507

73.The major legal reform undertaken by Napoleon was the Napoleonic (or ______) Code of 1804.

Answer: Civil

Page: 507

74.In order to force Britain to make peace with France, Napoleon prohibited the importation into Europe of British manufactured goods, a program called the ______.

Answer: Continental System

Page: 509

75.Simón Bolívar was known as “______” for his efforts to free South America from Spanish control.

Answer: the Liberator

Page: 510

76.Napoleon’s final defeat was by the British and Prussians at ______.

Answer: Waterloo

Page: 514


77.How did the fiscal problems of old-regime France lead to growing social tensions between the nobility and the third estate?

78.To what extent did the blundering of Louis XVI lead not only to the onset of the Revolution but also to his dethronement?

79.What happened in France to cause the French Revolution to take its radical turn between 1792 and 1794?

80.Was the radical phase of the French Revolution successful? Discuss both events and results.

81.In what ways did Napoleon embody the eighteenth-century trend toward“enlightened absolutism”?

82.How do you explain Napoleon’s rise? Was it a logical consequence of revolutionary events?