Trustee: Principal Employer
Principal Employer: Limited Liability Company or a Limited Liability Partnership

Deed to change the name of the Principal Employer and the name of the Scheme


About this deed

This deed is to be used by the trustees of a group life assurance scheme to change the name of the Principal Employer and the name of the Scheme.

This deed is designed for execution in the UK in accordance with English law.

This deed is to be used where:

  1. the Principal Employer is a Limited liability company or Limited liability partnership; AND
  2. the Principal Employer is the sole trustee of the Scheme.

Alternative versions of this deed are available where:

  1. The Principal Employer is a Limited liability company or Limited liability partnership and trustee is an individual.
  2. The Principal Employer is a partnership and trusteesare individuals.
  3. Both the Principal Employer and the trustees are individuals.

This deed has been drafted for use with Canada Life’s template declaration of trust and scheme rules. If you use this deed in any other circumstances, Canada Life strongly recommends that you should seek independent legal advice.

Notes on completion of the deed

Please complete the details on the first page of the deed. The deed must be executed (see page 5) in accordance with your normal practice.

You must ensure that this deed is kept safely. You may be required to produce it if you wish to change the name of the trust’s bank account or if required by HM Revenue & Customs.

Disclaimer - Independent legal advice is recommended in all circumstances

We strongly recommend that the deed be referred to your legal advisers for vetting and tailoring for your circumstances.

By using this deed you acknowledge and irrevocably agree that:

  1. The deed is provided on an ‘as is’ basis without any representations or endorsements made and without any warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for purpose or accuracy. It remains your responsibility to ensure that the deed is appropriate and complete in all respects for its intended purpose;
  2. Provision of this deed shall not constitute advice of any sort, whether legal or otherwise and the basis on which you acquire or make use of this deed is that the deed is suitable for use by you in conjunction with proper advice as to its application and adaptation for your particular requirements. We will not have any liability to you at all if you use this deed without obtaining appropriate legal advice nor will we have any responsibility at all for any alterations made to the deed after you have received it;
  3. Neither Canada Life nor any of its affiliates (or their respective directors, officers and employees) shall be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the deed under any law or on any basis whatsoever whether contractual or otherwise, including, without limitation, any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages (such as loss of business or profits or any other financial loss). Nothing in this clause shall restrict or limit Canada Life’s liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
  4. You may not provide this deed for use by others; and
  5. The law is subject to change and as a result the deed may become outdated. However, Canada Life is under no obligation to notify you of any such changes.

Deed to change the name of the Principal Employer and the name of the Scheme

This deed of amendment (the “Deed”) is made on the Effective Date (as defined below) by those named below.

Current Scheme Name:
New Scheme Name:
Current Name of the Principal Employer/Trustee
(the “Principal Employer”)
New Name of the Principal Employer
Company Number of the Principal Employer
Registered Address of the Principal Employer
Effective Date
(the “Effective Date”)


(A)This Deed is supplemental to the declaration of trust (the “Declaration of Trust”) which established the scheme named above (the “Scheme”), on the terms and conditions set out in the Declaration of Trust, for the provision of benefits in respect of such persons as are admitted to membership;

(B)The Principal Employer is the sole corporate trustee of the Scheme (the “Trustee”);

(C)On the Effective Date the name of the Principal Employer changed and as a consequence the Principal Employer wishes to change the name of the Scheme.


  1. With effect from the Effective Date:

a.the Scheme’s name shall be changed to the name set out above; and

b.the Trustees acknowledge that Principal Employer’s name shall be changed to the name as set above.

  1. The Principal Employer consents to the changes set out in clause 1 above.

This Deed has been executed as deed and is delivered and takes effect on the Effective Date.

Executed as a deed by the Principal Employer:

...... (Director)

...... (Director/Company Secretary)

Executed as a deed by the Principal Employer (acting in its capacity as Trustee):

...... (Director)

...... (Director/Company Secretary)