320 – Wapda House Shami RoadPeshawarCantt.

Phone # 091-9212013 FAX # 091-5255345 Res: Phone & FAX No. 091-5812000 Email DGPR / PR No. 1519-25 Dated: 27-07-2017

Safety Seminar at Swat Circle.

A Safety Seminar was held at Swat Circle today. Senior PescoManagement ,Consultant Sheikh Muhammad Tufail,Director General HR Muhammad SalimJahangir,Director Safety MianZahidQayum,Union representatives and Pesco’s employees of Swat Circle participated in the seminar.

Safety Consultant directed the Pesco Technical Staff to adopt all precautionary measures to avoid electrocution and electric shocks for their own safety. He directed the line staff to ensure the safety measures with letter & sprit. Do not start work without PTW (Permit to work).Before starting work, be sure that power supply is shutdown.On the completion of job LS will cancel the PTW by personally visiting Grid Station. Life is very precious gift of Allah and it is our primary duty to secure our lives. He further said that Poles on both the ends must be properly earthened for the safety of technical staff working on line/pole. Do not stand on Transformer or any other electrical instrument while working. Be-careful from the streetlights and neutral cables. Fasten your safety belt while working on line.

Director General HR Muhammad Salim Jahangir said that safety day must be celebrated regularly so that employees are educated about their safety ,he stressed that by implementing and adopting these precautionary measures including safety rules and regulations, fatal accidents can be avoided and precious lives of employees could be secured.

Other Participants also high lighted the safety measures and directed general public not to extend their roofs near the Electricity Lines to avoid Electrocution.Pesco Management appealed to general public to sent photo of lineman who do not adopts safety measures by watsapp on phone No.0333-9154089(Director Safety) and 0311-5812000.Immediate and prompt action will be taken against such overconfident lineman.


Power Shut Down.

Due to Maintenance Work,. Power Supply will remain suspended from 132 KV Peshawar Fort Grid Station on 29th July from 8 AM to 11 AM,resultantly consumers of 11 KVBashirabad and Bashirabad-2 feeders will face inconvenience. Power Supply will remain suspended from 132 KV ShahiBagh Grid Station on ,28 July from 8 AM to 11 AM,resultantly consumers of 11 KvDelazakfeeders will face inconvenience. Power Supply will remain suspended from 132 KV ShahiBagh Grid Station on 30 July from 8 AM to 11 AM,resultantly consumers of 11 KvShahiBagh feeder will face inconvenience. Power Supply will remain suspended from 132 KV Peshawar City Grid Station on 29th July from 8 AM to 11 AM,resultantly consumers of 11 KvSikandarPura feeder will face inconvenience.


Director General PR