Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding


The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding was established in the year 1988. Dr. A. P. Kulkarni, Associate Professor and I/C- Professor of AGBled the department with one supporting staff till 2008. Presently the department is functioning with two Assistant Professors and one supporting staff. The department is handling Central Biostatistics and Computer Laboratory and College website and Intranet facility for the students and staff of this institute. Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding is actively involved in undergraduate teaching as well as offering various types of trainings to the farmers.

2.Photo gallery (5-10 recent colour photographs (4” x 6”) with title)

  1. Achievements

# The department has guided more than 500 farmers of the state of Maharashtra for scientific goat farming.

  1. Recommendations given by the department (approved in the JASRC meets)


  1. Research Projects:

A. Completed:

Sr.No / Title / Name of PI / Amount
(Rs) / Funding Agency / Duration / Achievements
1 / Genotyping of HF crossbred cattle for β-casein genes using PCR-RFLP Technique / Dr. Shende T.C. / NA / Intramural / One Year

B. Ongoing:

Sr.No / Title / Name of PI / Amount
(Rs) / Funding Agency / Duration / Rationale
1 / Genetic Polymorphism of TLR4 Gene and Correlation with Mastitis in HF Crossbred Cattle / Dr. Shende T.C. / NA / Intramural / One Year

C. Submitted for funding:

Sr.No / Title of the Scheme / Name of Principal Investigator / Amount
(Rs) / Funding Agency
  1. Facilities available

Central Computer Laboratory having 10 computers with internet connection.

  1. Services offered

Sr.No / Nature of service / Sample required / Duration of test / Approved Cost
1 / Custom genotyping / Blood / 7 days / POR
  1. Future Plans

The Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding is planning to establish a well equipped cytogenetics laboratory for karyological analysis of various livestock species. The Department also aims to provide custom genotyping services. The department also aspires to set up a well equipped molecular genetics laboratory in near future for postgraduate teaching.


  1. Dr. Tejas C. Shende Designation: I/C- Sectional Head and Assistant Professor

Qualification: MVSc (AGB).


Phone : 02169-244243 (O)

Mobile: 09970832105/ 08975020206

Research areas of interest: Molecular Genetics, Biotechnology, Stem Cell Biology


  • Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Bombay veterinary college Mumbai
  • Recipient of Best Poster presentation award at 3rd international conference on biotechnology and bioinformatics (ICBB-2016) at Yashada, Pune organized by International centre for stem cells, cancer and Biotechnology (ICSCCB) Pune India, during 5 to 7 February 2016.
  • Published book as Author named “Mazya Shelyanchi Nondvahi” for goat farmers in local Marathi language in July 2015 by Sakal Papers Pvt. Ltd. Pune.
  • Published book as Author named “Mazya Gayi-Mhashinchi Nondvahi” for goat farmers in local Marathi language in July 2015 by Sakal Papers Pvt. Ltd. Pune.
  • Officer In-Charge, write to information act at KNPVC, Shirwal.
  • Working as Co-ordinator LAN and Internet facility, KNPVC, Shirwal.
  • Working as Incharge of post of Associate Professor/ sectional head Department of Animal Genetics Breeding, KNPVC, Shirwal.
  • Acted as resource person in various training programme on scientific goat farming conducted at KNPVC, Shirwal and various organizations and guided more than 500 farmers in Maharashtra.
  • Acted as resource person in various Refreshers training programme for Livestock Development officers, Department of Animal Husbandry, of Maharashtra.
  • Advisory committee member of MVSc student of the Department of livestock production management, animal reproduction and veterinary surgery, animal nutrition at KNP College of Veterinary science, Shirwal.


Research articles:

Genotyping of Murrah Buffalo for K-Casein using PCR –RFLP. Shende1 T. C., M.P.Sawane and V.D.Pawar, Journal of Bombay Veterinary College, 2008 Volume: 16 (1) ISSN 0971-1643., 12-14.

Genotyping of Pandharpuri buffalo for k-casein using PCR-RFLP. Shende1 T. C., M.P.Sawane and V.D.Pawar, Tamilnadu J. Veterinary & Animal Sciences 5 (5) 174-178, September- October 2009


Growth Hormone gene polymorphism in Deoni cattle by using PCR–RFLP by Asalkar C.S., Chilgunde S. N., Pawar V.D.,Doiphode A.Y., Shende T.C.,Waghmode P.S. and Sawane M.P. in National Symposium Karnal during 9-10 February 2006.

Growth Hormone gene polymorphism in Pandharpuri buffalo by using PCR–RFLP by Chilgunde S.N., Asalkar C.S, Pawar V.D., Doiphode A.Y., Shende T.C., Waghmode P.S. and Sawane M.P. in National Symposium on ‘Buffalo Rural Upliftment’ in Bombay Veterinary College Parel Mumbai.

Radio Talks: 04

Contact Information

Office: Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal, Dist- Satara. 412 801

Phone: 02169-244243 (O)

Mobile: 09970832105, 8975020206

  1. Dr. Aakash Doiphode.Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: MVSc, PhD.


Phone: 02169-244243 (O)

Mobile: 08976842838

Research area of Interest:Molecular Genetics


Year / Awards/Honors
2015-16 / Successfully Completed SERB Sponsored EMEQ research Project on “Molecular characterization of the genes and analysis of the genotypes affecting growth rate in the Osmanabadi breed of goat” during Dec. 2013 to Dec. 2015
2015-16 / Successfully Completed SERB Sponsored DST FastTrack research Project on “Characterization and genotyping of the genes influencing ovulation in the Osmanabadi breed of goat” during Aug. 2012 to Aug. 2015
2012-2013 / Second Prize for PosterPresentation at XII Conference of Indian Society of Animal Genetics and Breeding
2010-2011 / Department of Science and Technology Bursary to Attend AgriGenomics World Congress-2010
2006-2009 / Awarded with Senior Research Fellowship(SRF) for PhD in Animal Genetics and Breeding discipline at IVRI, Izatnagar


1. Khade S .B., Pawar V. D., Doiphode A. Y., Sawane M. P. and Umrikar U D. Genotyping of Holstein Friesian crossbred cattle for CVM and FXI deficiency loci (2014), / Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science Research. 43(5), Sept-Oct. 2014

2. Amol S Khade, Aakash Y Doiphode, Uaday D Umrikar, Mahadeo P Sawane, Vikrant D Pawar. Genotyping of the HF Crossbred Cattle for CD18 Gene using PCR-RFLP. Veterinary World (2014) .

3. N. Arunmozhi, S.K. Singh, T. Sarath, S.K. Agarwal, Aakash Doiphode and U. Shankar. Molecular characterization of oxytocin receptor gene in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2014) (doi: 10.1111/rda.12389).

4. Tejas M. Shah, Jaina S. Patel, Chandrakant D. Bhong, Aakash Doiphode, Uday D. Umrikar, Shivnandan S. Parmar, Dharamshibhai N. Rank, Jitendra V. Solanki and Chaitanya G. Joshi. Evaluation of genetic diversity and population structure of west-central Indian cattle breeds. Animal Genetics. (doi: 10.1111/age.12013).

5. Aakash Doiphode, Konadaka S. Rajaravindra , Dharmeswar Das, Abhijit Mitra. Molecular cloning and characterization of SLC11A1 cDNA in Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica). Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 129 (2009): 143-146.

6. Doiphode, A.Y., Sawane, M.P., Pawar, V.D., Chilgunde, S.N. and Asalkar, C.S. Studies on Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism in Crossbred Cattle (Gir X Holstein Friesian). J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (2005) 13 (1&2): 121-122.

7. Asalkar, C.S., Sawane, M.P., Pawar, V.D., Doiphode, A.Y. and Chilgunde, S, N. PCR-RFLP of Growth Hormone Gene in Deoni Cattle J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (2005) 13 (1&2):68-70.

Abstracts and Presentations

1. Aakash Doiphode, Konadaka S. Rajaravindra, Dharmeswar Das and Abhijit Mitra. SLC11A1 cDNA Characterization in Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica). Proceedings of Silver Jubilee IPSACON-2008, December 10-12; Anand. pp- 392.

2. Asalkar, C.S., Chilgunde, S.N., Pawar, V.D., Doiphode, A.Y., Shende, T.C., Waghmode, P.S. and Sawane, M.P. Growth Hormone Gene polymorphism in Deoni Cattle By using PCR-RFLP. National Symposium on Conservation and Improvement of Animal Genetic Resources under low input system challenges and strategies, 9-10 Feb., 2006.

3. Aakash Doiphode, Konadaka S. Rajaravindra, Dharmeswar Das and Abhijit Mitra. Acceptance letter by Organizing Secretary, IPSACON-2008 for Oral Presentation of the abstract entitled SLC11A1 cDNA Characterization in Japanese quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica).

Popular Articles

1. A. Y. Doiphode, R.K.S. Bais, R.J. Patil and Dharmeswar Das. Broiler Breeder Chicks Management. Poultry Punch, Sept. 2007 pp 6-24.

2. Aakash Doiphode, R.K.S. Bais, R.J. Patil and Dharmeswar Das. Management of Broiler Breeder Growing Stock Poultry Punch, Dec. 2007 pp 7-19.

3. R.K.S. Bais, E. Yhome and A. Doiphode. Methods of Mating in Chicken. Poultry Punch, Dec. 2007 pp 57-58.

4. Management of Broiler Breeders during laying. Aakash Doiphode, R.K.S. Bais, K. S. Rajaravindra and Dharmeswar Das. Poultry Punch, Apr. 2008 pp 11-24.

5. R.J. Patil, R.D. Patil, M.M. Kadam, and A.Y. Doiphode. Effect of Mycotoxins on Egg production. Poultry Line. Apr. 2008 pp 18-20.

Radio Talks:

“Review of Cattle crossbreeding in India”

No. of student Guided (MVSc (AGB)): 03

Contact Information

Office:Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding KNP College of Veterinary Science, Shirwal,Dist- Satara. 412801 Phone:
Mobile: 08976842838



Course No. &
Course title / Credit Hrs. /

Syllabus (please provide the teaching schedule)

AGB-111 (Biostatistics and Computer Applications) / 2+1=3 / Theory1. Introduction and Importance: Elementary statistical definitions, Definition ofstatistics,
2. Data organization, Frequency distribution, tabulation,
3. Graphs, diagrams,
4. Measure of central tendency- Mean, Median, weighted mean,
5. Measure of central tendency- Mode, Geometric mean and Harmonic mean,
6. Measures of dispersion. Range, Inter-quartile range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Variance Standard Error.,
7. Coefficient of Variance, Moments,
8. Skewness and kurtosis,
9. Elements of probability,
10. Preliminary ideas of normal distribution,
11. Normal, Binomial and Poisson distribution,
12. Estimation and testing of hypothesis: Null hypothesis, types of error Confidence interval,
13. Chi-square test for goodness of fit,
14. T- test, paired t- test.
15. testing of correlation,
16. Z-test , F – test, ,
17. Correlation, Introduction to Karl Pearson Correlation analysis and its uses,
18. Introduction to line of regression analysis and its uses,
19. Introduction to livestock census procedure, Historical background of livestock census,
20. Systematic sampling cluster sampling etc.,
21. Introduction to sample survey methods, Simple Random Sampling (SRS) Stratified sampling, systematic sampling, Cluster sampling etc.,
22. Introduction to Bio-assay, Meaning and uses,
23. Concept and details of analysis of variance technique (One way Classification),
24. Concept and details of analysis of variance technique (Two way Classification),
25. Principles of design of experiment: Replication, Randomization and Local control, Complete Randomized Design, Randomized Block Design,
26. History and types of Computers, Ancillary storage, Hard ware, Soft ware, Firm ware and Human ware,
27. Components of Computer,
28. Type of computer languages, Types of software, Flow charts, Constants and Variables, Expressions,
29. Computer programme in basic,
30. Database management system,
31. Use of computer for statistical Analysis,
32. Use of computer in Animal Husbandry and in Veterinary practices
Based on theory
AGB-121 (Principals of Animal Genetics and Population Genetics) / 2+1=3 / Theory
Principles of Genetics :
  1. History of Genetics in brief.
  2. Chromosome number and morphology in different species of livestock and poultry. Mitosis
  3. Meiosis, gameto-genesis
  4. Law of segregation and intra-allelic modification
  5. Law of independent assortment and intra-allelic modification
  6. Gene interaction and inter-allelic modification
  7. Epistasis
  8. Multiple alleles
  9. Lethal and sub-lethal characters
  10. Sex linked traits
  11. Sex limited and sex influenced traits
  12. Linkage and crossing over
  13. Mutation
  14. Cytogenetics – Introduction and applications in animal breeding
  15. Cytogenetics – Lymphocyte culture technique
  16. Chromosomal Aberrations
  17. Extra chromosomal inheritance
  18. Gene concept – classical and molecular
Population Genetics :
  1. Genetic structure of population
  2. Gene and genotypic frequency
  3. Hardy – Weinberg Law
  4. Applications of Hardy – Weinberg Law
  5. Forces changing Gene and genotypic frequency. (mutation and migration)
  6. Forces changing Gene and genotypic frequency. (selection and drift)
  7. Nature and properties, Population Mean
  8. Average effect & breeding Value
  9. Concept of G x E interaction
  10. Components of Variance – Genetic and Environment
  11. Resemblance between relatives
  12. Heritability: It’s concepts, methods of estimation & it’s uses
  13. Repeatability: It’s concepts, methods of estimation & it’s uses
  14. Genetic and phenotypic Correlations among economic traits
Based on theory
AGB-211 (Livestock and Poultry Breeding) / 2+1=3 / Theory
  1. History of Animal Breeding,
  2. Classification of livestock breeds,
  3. Traits of economic importance of different species of livestock,
  4. Traits of economic importance of different species of livestock,
  5. Breeding/ Selection techniques for optimal production,
  6. Selection: Concept,
  7. Basis of Selection: Individual and Pedigree,
  8. Basis of Selection: Family and Sib Selection,
  9. Basis of Selection: Progeny testing and combined indirect selection,
  10. Basis of Selection: Progeny testing and combined indirect selection,
  11. Sire evaluation,
  12. Response to selection,
  13. Selection differential and realized heritability,
  14. Multitrait selection- Tandem Method, Independent culling level,
  15. Total score method (Selection Index),
  16. Genetic basis of selection index,
  17. Classification of mating systems- Phenotypic and genotypic assortative and dis-assortative mating,
  18. Inbreeding and its measure, effects and application of inbreeding with its merits and demerits,
  19. Inbreeding coefficient and coefficient of relationship, Line breeding,
  20. Out breeding: strain crossing, cross breeding, its merits and demerits,
  21. Out crossing, Top crossing, Grading up, Criss-crossing, Rotational crossing,
  22. In-crossing and In-cross breeding, Species hybridization,
  23. Performance records and standardization,
  24. Heterosis- Definition, causes, measurement and its application in animal breeding,
  25. Selection for combining ability: Recurrent and reciprocal recurrent selection,
  26. Breeding methods for improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes,
  27. Breeding methods for improvement of dairy cattle and buffaloes: ONBS,
  28. Sheep and goat breed development,
  29. Swine and Poultry breed development,
  30. Conservation of germplasm,
  31. Current livestock and poultry breeding programme in country,
  32. Current livestock and poultry breeding programme in state.
Based on theory

A.Research papers:

Khade S .B., Pawar V. D., Doiphode A. Y., Sawane M. P. and Umrikar U D. Genotyping of Holstein Friesian crossbred cattle for CVM and FXI deficiency loci (2014), / Indian Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science Research. 43(5), Sept-Oct. 2014

Amol S Khade, Aakash Y Doiphode, Uaday D Umrikar, Mahadeo P Sawane, Vikrant D Pawar. Genotyping of the HF Crossbred Cattle for CD18 Gene using PCR-RFLP. Veterinary World (2014) .

N. Arunmozhi, S.K. Singh, T. Sarath, S.K. Agarwal, Aakash Doiphode and U. Shankar. Molecular characterization of oxytocin receptor gene in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2014) (doi: 10.1111/rda.12389).

Tejas M. Shah, Jaina S. Patel, Chandrakant D. Bhong, Aakash Doiphode, Uday D. Umrikar, Shivnandan S. Parmar, Dharamshibhai N. Rank, Jitendra V. Solanki and Chaitanya G. Joshi. Evaluation of genetic diversity and population structure of west-central Indian cattle breeds. Animal Genetics. (doi: 10.1111/age.12013).

Shende1 T. C., M.P.Sawane and V.D.Pawar, Genotyping of Pandharpuri buffalo for k-casein using PCR-RFLP.Tamilnadu J. Veterinary & Animal Sciences 5 (5) 174-178, September- October 2009

Aakash Doiphode, Konadaka S. Rajaravindra , Dharmeswar Das, Abhijit Mitra. Molecular cloning and characterization of SLC11A1 cDNA in Japanese Quail (Coturnix Coturnix Japonica). Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 129 (2009): 143-146.

Shende1 T. C., M.P.Sawane and V.D.Pawar. Genotyping of Murrah Buffalo for K-Casein using PCR –RFLP. Journal of Bombay Veterinary College, 2008 Volume: 16 (1) ISSN 0971-1643., 12-14.

Doiphode, A.Y., Sawane, M.P., Pawar, V.D., Chilgunde, S.N. and Asalkar, C.S. Studies on Growth Hormone Gene Polymorphism in Crossbred Cattle (Gir X Holstein Friesian). J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (2005) 13 (1&2): 121-122.

Asalkar, C.S., Sawane, M.P., Pawar, V.D., Doiphode, A.Y. and Chilgunde, S, N. PCR-RFLP of Growth Hormone Gene in Deoni Cattle J. Bombay Vet. Coll. (2005) 13 (1&2):68-70.

B. Publication of books as per VCI syllabus

Sr. No. / Name of Book / Year of Publication / Authors

C. For farmers and investors

No. / Name of Book / Medium / Year of Publication
1 / Mazya shelyanchi Nondvahi by Dr. T.C. Shende / Marathi / 2015
2 / Mazya Gayi-Mhashinchi Nondvahi by Dr. T.C. Shende / Marathi / 2015
  1. Short Term Training programmes:

Topic / Duration / Fees / Medium of instruction / Course Contents
Scientific Goat Farming / 3 Days / 1000/- / Marathi
  1. Training Courses conducted:

Sr. No. /



No of Batches

/ No. Candidates Trained
1 / Goat Farming / 03 / 90