St. Mary’s (Maffra); St. Ita’s (Newry); St. Joseph’s (Dargo)

St. Michael’s (Heyfield); St. Brigid’s (Cowwarr);

Administrator: Father Darren Howie


Phone Maffra 5147 1921 - Mobile 0407258697 - Fax 5147 1476

For Emergencies: St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sale, Phone 51444100

6th Sunday of Easter: Year A – 25th May, 2014

Our Sunday Liturgy:


The Holy Spirit is God’s best gift, enabling us, in the words of today’s responsorial psalm, to “cry out with joy to God”.

Entrance Antiphon (or Hymn):

Proclaim a joyful sound and let it be heard; proclaim to the ends of the earth: The Lord has freed his people, Alleluia.

1st Reading:

A reading from the Acts of the Apostles: 8:5-8, 14-17

They laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

Responsorial Psalm:

Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

2nd Reading:

A reading from the first letter of St Peter: 3:15-18

In the body he was put to death, in the Spirit he was raised to life.

Gospel Acclamation:

Alleluia, Alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them. Alleluia!


A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John: 14: 15-21

I shall ask the Father and he will give you another Advocate.

Mystery of Faith:

Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.

Communion Antiphon:

If you love me, keep my commandments, says the Lord, and I will ask the Father and he will send you another Paraclete, to abide with you forever. Alleluia.

Message to take home:

Our Lord said: If you love me you will keep my commandments. Our understanding of God will colour our reaction towards him. Some consider God as a tyrannical figure watching our every move waiting for us to make a mistake so he can pounce on us. Others see him as someone akin to a person who has wound up an old style clock and then left us to ourselves, not being really interested in us at all. Pope Benedict in his encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est, (God is love) spoke about the importance of coming to know Christ personally, “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice, or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. “ The closer we come to Christ, the more we will realize that we have nothing to fear, that he is deeply interested in each and everyone of us. As his children, God does not expect us to do any more than take one step at a time. The more we move towards Him the more we will realize that He is the God of love.


Rosary before Mass:

MAFFRA: Sunday 9.00am

HEYFIELD: Saturday 6.00pm

COWWARR: 1st & 3rd Sunday 11.00am

NEWRY: 2nd & 4th Sunday 11.00am

DARGO: 5th Sunday 12 noon



** MONDAYS: availability will be announced at Masses the Sunday prior. **

28th May: Wed 6pm followed by ½ hour Adoration & Reconciliation

29th May: Thur. 9.30am

30th May: Fri. 10.15am

31st May: Sat. 9.30am followed by ½ Reconciliation


27th May: Tues. 9.30am


Maffra: Saturday – For Half Hour after 9.30am Mass

(And any other time by request).

Heyfield: 5.20pm-5.45pm prior to Saturday evening Mass



Maffra: Mondays, Thursdays & Saturdays at 9.15am (Before Mass)

Heyfield: Tuesdays at 9.15am (Except on 2nd Tuesday - at Laurina Lodge 10am)

Newry: Tuesdays at 7.30pm

Cowwarr: Wednesday at 9.45am


MAFFRA: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Wednesdays 6pm

Mass & Adoration in Church until 7pm

1st Friday of the month - 10.15 Mass (Healing and Anointing)

3rd & 4th Friday of the month – 10.15 to 11.15 am (Mass and Adoration)

HEYFIELD: 3rd Tues of the month – 9.30 to 10.30am (Mass and Adoration)

COWWARR: 1st Friday of the month – night

HOLY ROSARY: Before Sunday Masses at Maffra and Saturday Masses at Heyfield

Maffra: 1stThursday – 9am before Mass (for Mothers and unborn babies)

Newry: Every Tuesday – 7.30pm


PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: Recently Deceased: Jim Dullard

Anniversaries: Wladimira Longin, John Leonard Davis, Frank Kierce, James Kelleher, Peter Sweeney, Christine Ebborn, Thomas Marshall, John Cox, Leonard Lotton, Frances Bennett, Sarafina Wiwczaruk,

Ted Hawes, Rebecca Masciorini, Kit Lowrie, Juliana Saleta, Tommy Marshall.

Frs.William Ryan, Peter Kilduff, Jim McGuigan, Bishop James Francis Corbett,

Dean Edwards James Coleman VG.


PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Elli Topliff, Rosa Pappas, Mary Harkin, Jack Cullen, Jim Last, Lee Allman, Gerry Gray, Marie Morgan, Judith Shaw, Ann Martin, Bishop Coffey, Tao Pham (Seminarian), Father Frank, Helen Garrigan, Maree Welsh, Mary Saunders, Laura Mowat, Xavier Mills, Helen Bokulic,

Carolyn Williamson (Greenslade) and all those who seek our prayers.


FAMILY MASS AT DARGO: Sunday 29th June there will be Mass at Dargo why not come along and make a family outing with Mass and Lunch at the Dargo Hotel.

MASS COMPUTER OPERATORS: Could all computer operators for the Maffra Mass computer please be at the church by 8.30 Sunday mornings to set up as Chas is going away on holidays will not be able to do it. We would like to thank Chas and Marianne for all the work they do behind the scenes.


LITURGY: Sun : 1st June Pat Gray

COUNTING TEAM: : Sun. (tonight) 25th Dick Moulton & Roy Shelton

Recorder: Barbara Gray

Sun: 1st June Gary Shingles & Rosemary Wirken

Recorder: Barbara Gray

LECTOR: Sun. 1st June John Langley

COMMENTATOR: Sun 1st June Sylvia Neaves

COMPUTER OPERATER: Sun 1st June Kevin Christensen(Please be here to set up by 8.30)

OFFERTORY: Sun 1st June Mary Hartwig & Marge Canny

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Sun. 1st June Trish, Adrian & Dorothy Smyth

COLLECTORS: Sun 1st June Bill Gray, Barry and Helpers

COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sun. 1st June Dorothy Smyth

VISITING TEAM: Sun. 1st June Marg Durrant & Bernardette Wiggins

FLOWERS: Sun. 1st June Leonee Seymour & Margareta Kirby

HOLY VESSELS: (15th May to 14th June) Frances Dwyer (only every 2nd & 4th week)


COMMUNION TO THE SICK: Sat. 31st May Anne Kurec

READER: Sat. 31st May George Bogusz

OFFERTORY PROCESSION: Sat. 31st May Pittari Family

FLOWERS: Sat. 31st May Pittari Family

LINEN: Month of May Lorna Higgins


READER: Sun. 1st June John Cooney

CLEANER: Month of June: Nellie Bebbington & Tina Harkin


PLANNED GIVING: Maffra: Envelopes $ 427 Presbytery $ 354

Heyfield: Envelopes $ 290 Presbytery $ 248


YOUTH GROUP ACTIVITIES: OASIS – I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me. In the world you have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world. John: 16:33

Oasis is now for the age group of All High School Students.

Friday 30th May:- 7pm. St. Mary’s Hall/ Theme/ Different but Equal.

Join us as we learn more about our God, our faith and how we as young people can serve Him in our families and community.

Why not join us on Facebook- Oasis Youth Group Heart Region.

STATE YOUTH GAMES: will be held at Lardner Park- June 7th -9th ( Queens Birthday long weekend) and Aimee and some of our youths will be attending. Items are required for this weekend and a donation would be gratefully appreciated.

The youth and myself areattending State Youth Games at Lardner Park on June 7th-9th (Queens Birthday long weekend). Last year our parishioners donated food and I was hoping that this could happen again this year. Food lists will be at the back of the Church this weekend.

We are alsoin need offirewood so that we can keep warm at SYG – if anyone who would be able to organise this for us that would be greatly appreciated.
Any donation will significantly reduce the cost of SYG for all involved.

Yarra Theological Union, a Catholic College of the University of Divinity is taking enrolments for theological study in second semester. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available.

Please make an appointment now to see the Academic Dean (Ross Fishburn) or Postgraduate Coordinator (Michael Kelly). Enrolment appointments are from Monday 9th June 2014 until Thursday 26th June 2014. Phone: 9890 3771 or email: for an appointment. Further details are available online at

CUPPA AFTER MASS: Please bring a plate to share. Please come and welcome Fr. Darren Howie.

Sun – 25th May – Newry – after 11am Mass

Sun – 1st June – Cowwarr – after 11am Mass

Sun - 8th June – Maffra – after 9am Mass

Sat - 14th June – Heyfield – after 6pm Mass

Sun – 22nd June – Newry – after 11am Mass

Sun – 29th June – Dargo – after 12noon Mass – Why stay and have Lunch at the Dargo Hotel.



Tues 27th May – Maffra PPC meeting – 7.30pm

Frid 30th May – Oasis Youth Group – St Mary’s Hall – 7pm

Mon 2nd June – Parish Tea – Macalister Hotel – 6pm

Sat 7th June – Vinnies Monster Sale – Jack Kelly Store Maffra 9-10.30am



Mass: Sunday: Heyfield: 10am

Mass & Adoration: Wednesday: Cowwarr: 10am

Mass: 2nd Saturday of the month: 11am

Rosebrooke Priory:

12 Galvins Road,

Mirboo North.

Evensong & Benediction: 4th Sunday of the month: Heyfield: 4pm


BLUMES FASHIONS: Maffra Uniting Church Fellowship invites you to Blumes Fashions on Tuesday 27th May at 2pm at St Andrew’s Uniting Church Hall, Pearson St., Maffra. Blumes will be showing their Winter Collection. Lucky Door Prizes. Afternoon Tea. Entry $5.00 competition $1.00 Afternoon Tea will be served.


Church Services:-

Sunday 1st June, 7pm at St Mary’s Catholic Church.

Monday 2nd June 10am at St Andrew’s Uniting Church followed by Morning Tea.

Wednesday 4th June 10am at St John’s Anglican Church followed by Morning Tea.

Sunday 8th June 7pm Community Church at Maffra Memorial Hall run by Younger People, collection for Christian Religious Education material for Maffra Primary School.

Progressive Dinner:- Friday 6th June 6pm.

Entree at St Andrew’s, Main course at St John’s and Dessert at St Mary’s.

Cost:- $10 for adults. Accompanied children free.

Parishioners are asked to please bring a dessert to St Mary’s Hall by 6pm on Friday 6th June. Thank You!

MAFFRA PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES: beginning 2nd June are available at the back of the Church. Please help us by collecting them on your way out.

MAFFRA PPC MEETING: Tuesday 27th May at 7.30pm in the Presbytery.

This weekend envelopes will be available for the annual May Appeal.

Trinity Families was previously known as Bishop’s Family Foundation.

Please help by donating to the Trinity Families Appeal. Thank You.

Sale Diocese’s own

Charitable fund.

Please donate generously.

Phone 5622 6688