Study Guide for Greece/ Rome Test- Chapter 5/6

1.  Where did the Minoans get their name from?

2.  Palace where the Minoan rulers lived

3.  The first Greek speaking peoples with a written record.

4.  War that broke out in 431 b.c between Sparta and Athens

5.  Was the Trojan War real?

6.  Who was Homer?

7.  Define: polis

8.  Who was Herodotus?

9.  Define citizen

10.  Warring city-state in southern Greece.

11.  Greek religion was______

12.  Who fought in the Persian Wars?

13.  Why did Darius attack Greece?

14.  Where did Darius attack Athens?

15.  Who sent a huge army into Greece to get revenge for his father.

16.  A naval victory for Greece

17.  League formed after the Persian Wars

18.  Define :philosophers

19.  Method of asking questions and then challenging them

20.  Socrates famous student

21.  Book Plato wrote that promoted strong Government rulers

22.  City-state that formed a democratic government

23.  Student of Plato, promoted reason, set up a school

24.  Greek drama that focused on hardships

25.  Early philosopher and stonemason

26.  Greek drama plays that exposed the flaws of society

27.  Describe Phillip II

Define the following:

28.  Alexander the Great

29.  Logic

30.  The Illiad

31.  Heliocentric

32.  The Oddyssey

33.  Pericles

34.  Phalanx

35.  Archimedes

36.  Rhetoric

37.  Acropolis

38.  Direct Democracy

39.  Oligarchy

40.  Aristocracy

41.  Democracy

42.  Oligarchy

43.  Monarchy

44.  In Rome,what does inflation mean?

45.  What is a Republic?

46.  Landholding upper class in Rome

47.  Members of the lower class in Rome

48.  What are Tribunes?

49.  Define legion

50.  Who fought in the Punic Wars?

51.  Said- “ Veni, vidi, vici”

52.  What does “Augustus” maen?

53.  This group was a major threat to Rome’s borders.

54.  Means Roman Peace

55.  Wrote the Aeneid

56.  Define; aqueduct

57.  Define dictator

58.  Rome practiced Imperialism after the Punic Wars. What does that mean?

59.  Define Greco-Roman

60.  Define satire

61.  What did Ptolemy propose about the universe?

62.  Emperor that divided the Roman Empire.