AP Literature Units 1-6 (Review) & Unit 7 Vocabulary

Download this handout and complete the REVIEW EXERCISES for Units 1-6. Then, complete the usual vocabulary assignments on separate papers: (1) Definitions and Drawings (2) Mnemonics and Real-Life Context (3) Vocabulary Story.



To the right of the groups of words, WRITE OUT the theme (or unit) titles (bullet points):

Words Relating to . . . (these are the theme/unit titles)

·  Feeling Superior

·  Unoriginal, Dull, Played Out

·  Lessening Pain, Tension, or Conflict

·  Using Few Words or Being Quiet

·  Speaking

1.  loquacious, garrulous, rant, prattle, voluble

2.  assuage, ameliorate, quell, placate, alleviate

3.  hackneyed, trite, mundane, derivative, banal

4.  haughty, braggart, swagger, insolent, disdainful

5.  taciturn, terse, laconic, pithy, quiescent


Read the sentence through carefully. Then from the five vocabulary words given in parentheses, fill in the blank (write the word).

6.  Sitting alone and speaking to no one, the woman was an example of .

·  turpitude, reticence, meandering, analogy, mutiny

7.  It is to think that every individual enjoys your company.

·  egregious, in kind, willful, presumptuous, critical

8.  One favorite object of the is a hand-held mirror in which to gaze adoringly.

·  derivative, bizarre, grandiloquence, egoist, sailor

9.  Since you have more than 150 thank-you notes to write, I recommend that you make them .

·  savvy, rude, meritorious, concise, swaggering

10.  Despite Hank’s efforts to the tension between his friends, the bitter feelings could not be .

·  pacify…swaggered; prattle…banal; assuage…rambled; mitigate…alleviated; vapid…hackneyed

11.  Tess’s reply contradicted her habitual, self.

·  placating…derivative; lackluster…contemptuous; laconic…voluble; mollified…trite; cliché…haughty

12.  Unlike the powerful and tumultuous waters of the Pacific Ocean, where it meets the Sea of Cortez, the waters found at small, nearby beaches and coves are more .

·  acquiescent, pacified, tacit, quelled, quiescent

13.  Ms. Fine enthusiastically inquired about her son’s day at school, but he replied with a “pretty good.”

·  acquiescent, complacent, terse, pithy, diffuse

14.  Newspaper headlines leave little room for elaboration; they are short and .

·  concise, reticent, hackneyed, disdainful, prattling


Three of the words in each grouping relate to each other somehow. Circle the one word that does not belong with the others.

15.  pretentious; arrogant; supercilious; garrulous

16.  conciliate; assuage; swagger; mollify

17.  voluble; taciturn; loquacious; verbose

18.  allay; vapid; insipid; platitude

19.  affable; gregarious; bombastic; jocular

20.  quell; convivial; levity; cordial

Unit 7 Vocabulary

Words Relating to

animosity: (a-nuh-MAH-suh-tee) n. – hatred; ill will

antagonism: (an-TA-guhh-nih-zum) n. – hatred or hostility

bellicose: (BEH-lih-kose) adj. – of a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; war-like; belligerent

belligerent: (buh-LIJ-runt) adj. – taking part in war or fighting; ready to fight

cantankerous (kan-TANK-uh-rus) adj. – bad-tempered or irritable; quarrelsome

captious: (CAP-shus) adj. – made for the sake of quarreling; quibbling

contentious: (con-TEN-shus) adj. – quarrelsome; belligerent

disputatious: (dis-pyuh-TAY-shus) adj. – likely to dispute or argue

polemical: (puh-LEH-mih-kul) adj. inclined to argue or debate; controversial

predator: (PREH-duh-tur) n. – one who takes advantage of another, exploits or feeds on another; a strong adversary or rival

pugnacious: (puhg-NAY-shus) adj. eager to fight; belligerent