Between now and the end of 2016, we’re asking how Greater Geelong is currently performing, how can we address any gaps and what Greater Geelong could look like in the future.
We suggest you read some of the information about what makes a successful community (available on Then take a few minutes to have your say by completing the survey below. Your input will help develop a long term vision for Greater Geelong which will form the basis for planning, funding and prioritising decisions affecting Greater Geelong..

Research into the best communities in the world shows they are:

  • Connected (locally, regionally, nationally and internationally through paths, roads and public transport infrastructure; social networks andcommunication technologies)
  • Creative (innovative, entertaining and vibrant)
  • Prosperous (strong and diverse businesses and employment across all community groups)
  • Designed for people (easy and safe for all community groups to access the services, amenities and comfort they need)
  • Sustainable and resilient(environmentally, economically and socially).

All of these indicators collectively contribute to making communities great.
In addition, communities all around the world are facing some big challenges. These include:

  • The financial and personal impacts of extreme weather events as a result ofclimate change
  • Global economic uncertainty and changing business and employment opportunities
  • Population growth and demographic changes including the ageing population
  • Rapid technological advancement in almost every aspect of life.

Communities can turn these global challenges into opportunities by performing well in each of the above successful community indicators.

  1. How do you think Greater Geelong is currently performing in the following indicators? Please mark on the line below:



Designed for people


Sustainable and resilient

  1. Based on how we’re performing currently, what do we need to do to close the gaps in each of these indicators?

Indicators / Ideas for closing the gap
Designed for people
Sustainable and resilient
  1. What is your vision for Greater Geelong in 30 years time?
  1. Any other comments or suggestions?

5. Did you read any of the information provided on successful communities and the issues that they face?

Yes /  / No / 

6. Gender:

Male /  / Female /  / Other / 
  1. Age group:

Under 12 years /  / 12-17 /  / Under 18 /  / 18-24 / 
25-34 /  / 35-49 /  / 50-59 /  / 60-69 / 
70-84 /  / 85+ / 
  1. Suburb:______
  1. Which of the following best describes your connection with Greater Geelong?

Full-time resident of Greater Geelong / %Description,Part,75% / Work in Greater Geelong / %Description,Weekend_visitor,76% / Have investment in Greater Geelong (business or property) / %Description,Weekend_visitor,76%
Visitor to Greater Geelong / %Description,Part,75% / Study in Greater Geelong / %Description,First_time_visitor,78% / Other (please specify):______/ %Description,First_time_visitor,78%
  1. If you are a resident, how long have you lived in Greater Geelong?

Up to 2 years /  / 2 – 5 years /  / 6 – 10 years / 
11 – 20 years /  / More than 20 years / 
  1. Country of birth: ______
  2. Language spoken at home: ______
  3. Want us to keep you up to date on the progress of the Our Future project? Please provide your emailaddress: ______