Biological Plant Science

Unit 9 Review – Plant Tissue Culture

9.1 Define Terms

Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:

  1. AgarB. laminar flow hoodC. media

D. petri dishE. sterile techniqueF.autoclave

_____ 1. Scientific equipment that filters bacteria and fungal spores from the air.

_____2. A nutrient-rich medium used to culture living organisms.

_____3. Using procedures that assure asepsis in the work environment.

_____4. Circular container with a top used for culturing various organisms.

_____5. Soil or soil-like materials in which plants may be grown.

_____6. A piece of equipment used to sterilize media, tools, jars or bottles.

Match the following terms with their BEST definition listed below:

  1. asespsisB. callusC. cytokinins

D. explantsE. micropropagationF. plantlet

_____ 7. Substance added to a tissue culture medium to promote shoot multiplication.

_____8. Small pieces of plant tissue.

_____9. Small plants

_____10. A condition of freedom from microbes (sterile).

_____11. The creation of plant tissue on a small or microscopic scale.

_____12. A group of cells that has no particular function.

9.2Explain the meaning and techniques used in tissue culture

13. Give at least two examples where tissue culture has been successfully used in a real-world setting:

9.3Identify the advantages and disadvantages of tissue culture

14. Identify two advantages of tissue culture:

15. Identify two disadvantages of tissue culture:

9.4Discuss the sterile techniques

16. Explain why sterile conditions are essential for tissue culture success:

17. Explain what an autoclave is used for:

18. Explain what a laminar flow hood/transfer cabinet is used for:

9.5Describe processes used in tissue culturing

19. Rank the following steps in the tissue culture process in the order that they occur:

_____ A. When the plantlets have developed, they shoots are transplanted to a medium containing

a higher level of auxins, and given higher light intensity.

_____B. Small pieces of plant material, called explants, are carefully removed from the parent plant.

_____C. The cells of the explants multiply either forming callous tissue, or plantlets. The plantlets

are transferred to test tubes or jars.

_____D. Explants are placed on sterile agar media in glass bottles or test tubes.

_____E. Explants have bacteria or fungal spores on the tissue surface, therefore, they must be

cleaned before being placed in the culture.

_____F. The plantlets are removed from the glass containers and divided. Agar is washed from the

plants, and they are planted in sterile growing medium and placed in the greenhouse.

20. Briefly explain what happens in each of the four stages of tissue culture:

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Stage 4: