Titles of Series Sermons:

Holiness was bonding on the Straight Road

Hysteria was banished on the Gadera Road

Sample of series sermon:

I. Paul Was Directed To A Straight Path

A) A Pathway Of Light

B) A Pathway Of Lordship

C) A Pathway Of Learning

1. Attitude Of Learning

2. Aptitude Of Learning

3. Altitude Of Learning

II. Paul Was Dwelling On A Straight Street

A) His Address Had Been Changed

B) His Ambition Had Been Changed

C) His Approach Had Been Changed

III. Paul Departed On A Straight Way

A) The Preaching He Rendered Was Straight

B) The Pattern He Remitted Was Straight

C) The Peril He Realized Was Straight

Considering the trend of many churches today, to be liberal in their doctrinal beliefs, and diversified in their social applications, it is refreshing to read this account of the straight living life of Paul. Somehow, we must discern that the use of the word straight in these verses, was a direct implication of the Holy Ghost to further describe and illustrate the transformation that had taken place in Paul's life. Presently, because of many mean spirited legalists that have penetrated the ranks of believers, a large number of people have been turned off to any kind of implication toward straight living. These legalists preach the truth, but without any measure of love, and because of this, most people now believe that living straight is a bore. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As it occurred in Paul's life, persecution and peril will come to any saint who attempts to live the straight way. However, if anyone would take the time to read any one of Paul's epistles, then they would become convinced of the joy and rewards of straight living. As we exposit these verses, may we glean much revelation from the straight path that Paul walked on.

I. Paul was Directed To A Straight Path

A) A Pathway Of Light (vs 3-4)

Prior to his encounter with Christ on the Damascus road, Paul benefited from many lights from the world. He had been commissioned by the light of Rome, of the authority of the Pharisees, of the power of the High Priest, of a Jewish bloodline, and an education at the feet of Gamaliel. His credentials were well defined and established, but even with all these lights shining in his life, he was living in spiritual darkness. In Paul's case, the strength and brilliance of the light from heaven was of a stronger nature than normal. With all these lights shining in his life, it would be reasonable to assume that God increased His manifested light to Paul, so that it would outshine these secular and worldly lights.

B) A Pathway Of Lordship ("who art thou, Lord")

Biblical Lordship is not separate from salvation. We do not have the choice and accepting Jesus Chris