Fáilte go


An Sruthán

Welcome to the

Learning Support Centre

St Joseph’s Primary School, Bessbrook

School Staff


Mrs Frances Hannaway


Mr Michael Doran

Head of Learning Support Centre

Mrs Bríd Bradley

Learning Support Centre Teachers
Mr Colum Murphy

L S C Classroom Assistants

Ms Rose Anne Murphy

Mrs Elaine McCullough

School Contact Number

(028) 3083 0356

We would like to welcome


To our Learning Support Centre

The following pages contain some useful information for you as parents of new pupils.

School re-opens on

Class begins each day at 9.00 am each day.

Class finishes for your child at______

From October, your child’s class will go to Mass each Friday morning at 9.00 a.m. in S S Peter & Paul’s Church, Bessbrook.

Uniform requirements for LSC

Boys – navy trousers, pale blue shirt and

jumper. Navy tie with two pale blue


Girls – navy skirt/pinafore, pale blue blouse and

cardigan. Navy tie with two pale blue


P.E. Uniform – navy school tracksuit, pale blue

polo shirt and runners



When possible, all pupils have plenty of opportunity to integrate with classes from main stream school, for example at break and dinner time, in classes for P.E., music, art, etc…

You will be informed of these classes during the first term.

Healthy Eating

We encourage all children to avail of school milk. You will receive a letter about this. Please make sure you have signed the slip and returned it to your child’s teacher.

Milk money is £5.00 per month which is payable on the first Friday of each month.

If your child does not like milk, please feel free to supply a little drink of water in a plastic bottle/container.

We also encourage children to eat healthily at break-time.

Children are allowed the following:

  1. A piece of fruit
  2. Plain biscuit
  3. Fruit yoghurt
  4. Sandwich
  5. Breakfast bar

Children are not allowed the following for break:

  1. Sweets3. Chocolate bars/biscuits
  2. Crisps4. Bottles of juice

Dinner & Lunch


Dinner money from 1st September

1 day - £2.50

2 days - £5.00

3 days - £7.50

4 days - £10.00

5 days - £12.50

Money is to be paid every Friday. Please put the money in an envelope clearly marked with the child’s name, class and amount.

We would ask that you try and have the correct amount each week as the teachers do not always have an abundance of change.


All children who are taking lunch must have their name and class on their lunchbox.


If your child is absent from school for any reason, we require you to send in a note to the class teacher on the first day that your child returns to school.

Medical Information

Please inform us as soon as possible of any medical complaints/conditions that your child may have.

Personal Information

We keep a record of each child’s address and a set of contact numbers in the secretary’s office.

Please notify us of any changes regarding addresses, home telephone or contact numbers, as we only keep the most recent information given to us.

Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy

Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy are provided on a weekly basis.

School Outings

School educational outings are arranged regularly. You will receive information about these before any outings.

Tel: 028 3083 356