No.SIHM/SS/SIHM-K 31.10.2017


Sealed Tenders are invited from authorized Security Agencies/ Firms having valid license, registered with or approved by the State Government for the supply/providing Security Guards on contract basis, for duty at the STATE INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT , BEACH ROAD , WEST HILL KOZHIKODE- 5. The envelope containing the tender should bear the superscription “Tender for Deploying of Security Personnel” and should be addressed to The Principal STATE INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT , BEACH ROAD , WEST HILL KOZHIKODE- 5.. The tenders should be in the prescribed form which can be downloaded from the Official website of the STATE INSTITUTE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT

Tenders which are not in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected. Every tenderer should send along with his tender, an earnest money deposit of Rs.2,000/- ( Two Thousand Rupees only ) by demand draft drawn in favour of The Principal SIHM Kozhikode. Cheques will not be accepted. The last date for receipt of tenders will be 10 /11/2017 up to 3 pm. Late tenders will not be accepted. The tenders will be opened at 3.30 pm on 10 /11/2017 up to 3 .30 pm in the presence of such of the tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present at that time.


To The Notice Board / Official Website/






The Principal

State Institute of Hospitality Management,

Westhill , Kozhikode-673005


I/We hereby tender to provide, under the annexed general conditions of contract, Security Guards (unarmed) on contract basis for duty at the State Institute of Hospitality Management Campus, at the rate quoted in the space provided for the purpose in the schedule shown below.

*I/We have remitted the required amount of Rs.2, 000/-( RupeesTwoThousand only) as earnest money.

Yours faithfully



Address… ……………..



Security Personnel on contract – General Conditions

Tender offers should be sent to the undersigned in Sealed Covers superscripting as “Tender for Deploying of Security Personnel to be opened on 10.11.2017 at 3pm.”

1.Sealed Tender is invited by the Principal State Institute of Hospitality Management, Kozhikodefor the deployment of following personnel on contractual basis for a period of one year from 13.11.2017 to 12.11.2018.

Security Guard- 3

2.Earnest Money Deposit (Refundable) payable is Rs.2,000/- (Rupees two thousand only) for Security Personnels/Driver by means of D.D. only. Tenders without EMD will be rejected. EMD will be refunded except 3 lowest Tenderers. EMD of the rest 2 unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded after finalisation of the tender. EMD will not carry any interest.

3.If the tenderer refuses to deploy the personnels for any reason after he is given the Contract order from the date of commencement of the contract, EMD amount deposited will be forfeited.

4. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The successful tenderer will have to pay within 2 days a Security Deposit of 5% of the total amount of contract for 2017-2018. Security Deposit will not carry any interest. EMD of the successful tenderer can be adjusted against the security deposit. If he fails to respond within a week, the EMD paid will be forfeited to the Institute. The successful tenderer if after payment of Security Deposit fails to comply with appointment order from the date specified in the order, the security deposit will also be forfeited to the Institute. Security deposit of the successful tenderer is refundable only after the contract period is over.

5.Last date for receipt of completed tender form is on 10.11.2017 before 3.00p.m. Tenders will be opened in the presence of the tenderers at 3.30 p.m. on 10.11.2017 and 3 Security Guards are to be presented before the Committee for approval / interview.

6. The Institute will not be responsible for any non receipt/delay in transit of tender documents.

7. All the pages of the tender document must be page numbered and each page signed with official seal. Corrections if any must also be attested.

8. Rates must be written both in figures and in words.

9. Tenderers should quote in the same tender forms supplied by this Institute only.

10.If the tender is incomplete or not properly fulfilled or if any of the particulars called for in the tender wanting or if Security Guards are not presented for inspection, their tender will be rejected.

11. The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and no representation is entertained on this account.

12. The rates once approved are final throughout the contract period and no request for increase of rates during the contract will be entertained in any case. If there is any violation of contract, the Security Deposit will be adjusted or totally forfeited.

13.Rate for deploying well trained Security Guards for this Institute shall be quoted (for Duty Hours :8)

14.Well trained Security Personnel having good physical structure and personal grooming in the age group of 25-55 and having sufficient experience and able to make strict vigilance to safeguard the Institute property and belongings, are required to be deployed. Ex- service personnel will be given preference.

15.The Security Staff deployed should have sufficient experience and should have been provided with special training schedule for night duty before induction as guards. The guards should have training connected to the Educational Institute / Tourism / Hotel Industry or any other Institutions.

16.It is preferred that the Security Agency should have good liaison with the local police concerned.

17.Sleeping while on duty will not be permitted.

18.Salary will be paid every month directly to the agency on receipt of the bill within 10 days. The premises may be inspected during working hours with permission of the Principal.

19.Contact the office during office hours for duties/responsibilities and any further details.

20.Relievers should be provided for the Security Staff on their leave days, absence or on their day offs. No extra salary will be paid for the relievers.

21.Security Guards are not to continue 2nd shift or Security Guards from other units should not be engaged continuously for the 2nd Shift at this institute for shortage of staff, for staff not reporting for duty / reporting late or for any other reason.

22.Field Officer should inspect at odd hours in the night and during the day time and give weekly report to the Principal. Field officer should do the shift inspection at odd hours in the night shift.

23.If the tenderer fails to fulfill the agreement conditions and fails to deploy the required personnel, the agreement will be terminated with forfeiture of Security Deposit. The Security Deposit so forfeited will neither be a fine nor is compensation but for the damages sustained as a result of failure.

24.The Committee will be at liberty to cancel the tender at any time, if the above terms and conditions are not fulfilled by the tenderer.

Schedule for quoting the rate for providing Security Guards
Number and Date of tender Notice / No.SIHM/SS/1dated 31.10.2017
Due date and time for receipt of tender / 10/11/2017 , 3 pm
Date and time for opening of tender / 10/11/2017 , 3.30 pm
Date up to which the rates are to be firm / One year from the date of acceptance of the tender
Earnest Money Deposit / Rs.2,000/-
The authority to whom Tender is submitted / The Principal
State Institute of Hospitality Management,
Westhill , Kozhikode-673005
Name and full address of the tenderer
PAN Number of the tenderer
Registration No.
Rate quoted for providing Security Guards (unarmed )for per hour Day and Night duty at the Campus of State Institute of Hospitality Management / Quote hereunder the rate in Rupees (Ex- Service men)
Rs……………./- per 8 hour
(Rupees………………………………………… ……………………………………….. ….only)
Quote hereunder the rate in Rupees (Civilian)
Rs……………./- per 8 hour
(Rupees………………………………………… ……………………………………….. ….only)
Signature of tenderer