Volume 55

Issue 1

Available online at http://www.ncwsa.org/newsletters/

www.ncwsa.org February 2015 12Stepper Page 40 of 44

The 12 Stepper

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

12 Stepper Information 2

Events Calendar for 2015 3

Contacting NCWSA and WSO 3

Officers and Coordinator Reports 5-8

Tentative Agenda –One Day Conference Assembly……………8

Tentative Agenda-NCWSC ………………………………………8-9

“Draft” NCWSC Minutes Feb 14-14, 2-15……………………10-29

District and Intergroup Reports……………………………….30-33

NCWSA Highlights and Past Minutes Summary

Oct 10-12, 2014 Summary…………………...……………….34-39

Al-Anon/Alateen Personal Shares On Recovery………………39

District Service and Speaker Meetings Calendars 40

Al-Anon Acronyms 41

NCWSA Boundaries Map 42

12 Stepper Subscription Form 43

NCWSA 12 Stepper Newsletters

Feb 2015 NCWSC, Volume 52, Issue 1

The 12 Stepper is the newsletter of the Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA).A free copy of the April and August issues are mailed to all Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) registered with NCWSA, and to the Delegate, NCWSA officers, coordinators, liaisons and District Representatives (DRs). A limited number of copies are shared with other AFG areas across the country; all others are sold on a subscription basis. A subscription form is included at the back of this issue. Typically, each issue is published shortly after the two NCWSC meetings held in February and May, and after the NCWSA Assembly in October of each year.

·  WSC Conference Assembly Issue – This issue typically includes the Annual Financial Report, One-Day Assembly agenda, and May through August announcements and reports. Deadline is one week after the February NCWSC meeting

·  Three Day Assembly Issue – This issue includes the minutes from the prior October Assembly, the next year’s budget, reports, and announcements of special AFG events from September through December. Deadline is the end of May.

·  End of the Year Issue – The web-only (paper copies will NOT be sent) issue includes information on the yearly Northern California Al-Anon Convention, committee and district reports from the prior Assembly, and announcements of special AFG events from January through April. Deadline is the end of October

Al-Anon/Alateen Declaration

Let it Begin with Me:

When anyone, anywhere reaches out for help, let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there.

And let it Begin with me.

Editor’s Corner

One Day at a Time is working for me right now. I had thought I had stepped back from a lot of service positions and in this moment is a little frightening to think I won’t do this up to my potential. The Program, my service sponsor, my Co Chair with some work with my personal sponsor my anxiety shall pass. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn, grow

Practice the principals to the best of my ability today with the love and support from all our members.

Love in Service,

Debbie O 12 Stepper Editor

Melinda N 12 Stepper Alternate-Editor

Submitting Material to the 12 Stepper

All members are invited to contribute District news and announcements.

Please include your name, address, phone number and email address.

Articles may be submitted in Microsoft Word format electronically to Debbie O and Melinda N at

Events Calendar 2015

Please see http://www.ncwsa.org/events-calendar/for latest calendar updates.

See list of monthly district events at the end of this issue.

Date / Event / Location / Information/Contact
Aug 15, 2015 / NCWSA Diversity Day / 938 The Alameda San Jose CA. / Nick D

Contacting NCWSA

A list of contacts for NCWSA is at http://www.ncwsa.org/contact-us.html. More contacts are at the end of the printed version of this newsletter.

Group or District Contribution Address:

NCWSA Treasurer

P.O. Box 728

Vacaville, CA. 956967-0728

Don’t forget to include your group’s WSO #, and donation form A25, available at: http://www.ncwsa.org/forms/

Contacting WSO (World Service Office)

·  General Al-Anon Web - http://www.al-anon.org/

·  Members’ Web – http://www.al-anon.org/members/for CAL publications, The Forum, Calendar, blogs, WSC Summary, Service Manual, other newsletters, etc.

·  Email –

·  Meeting Information: (888) 4AL-ANON [425-2666] (8am-6pm Eastern Time M-F)

·  Physical Address: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc

1600 Corporate Landing Pkwy

Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5600

·  Phone (757)563-1600


SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2015





9:00am Registration Opens – Collect voting cards. $10 pizza, salad and fruit lunch

10:00am Opening – Serenity Prayer, Traditions, Concepts, Warranties, Alateen Safety, AA/AFG Statement

Chairperson’s Welcome – Joan W.

Committee Roll Call and District Holler – Rossana H.

Approval of the Minutes - May 2014, ( www.ncwsa.com website under ‘service’)

10:35-10:45am 10 minute break

10:45-10:50am Audit Report – Bonnie M.

10:50-noon Delegate’s Report – Yvonne De G

12noon-1:00pm On- site lunch – 1 hour 10 minutes

1:05pm Announcements/7th Tradition

1:15-2:00pm Workshop “Spiritual Principles” – Patrick B., Immediate Past Delegate

2:00-2:50pm Spiritual Principles Assembly Participation - Everyone

2:50-3:00pm 10 minute break

3:10-3:50pm Resume Delegate’s Report – Yvonne de G.

3:50-4:00pm Announcements

4:00pm Closing – Al-Anon/Alateen Declaration


Campbell Double Tree Hotel, Pruneyard, 1995 S. Bascom, Campbell

Saturday, 5/16

6pm El Burro Restaurant, 1898 S. Bascom (across from hotel in Pruneyard)

8-8:45pm DR Orientation – Chaired by Rosanna/Bonnie/Joan (at the DR Meeting)

8-10pm Officer/Coordinator Meeting – Chaired by Yvonne de G.

8:45-10pm DR Meeting – Chaired by Carla F.

Sunday, 5/17

8:00am Opening – Serenity Prayer, Traditions, Concepts, Warranties, Alateen Safety, & AA/AFG Stmt

Committee Roll Call – Rosanna H.

Chairperson’s Welcome – Joan W.

Approval of the Minutes, Visalia, 2/13,14 - Rosanna H.

8:45am Treasurer’s Report – Chris M.

Alternate Delegate Report – Bonnie M.

AAPP Report – Joan W., for Tom K.

NCWSA Convention Report – Patty B. for Diana C.

DR Meeting – Carla F., District 22

Secretary’s Report – Rosanna H.

Chairperson’s Report – Joan W.

9:50am Break – 10 minutes

10:am Coordinator Reports (5 minutes each)

Facilities Coordinator – Carol S.

Group Records Coordinator – Wendy L.

Literarure Coordinator – Catalina L.

12 Stepper Coordinator – Debbie O.

Archives Coordinator – Terry C.

Diversity Coordinator – Nick de P.

10:30am Executive Committee Report (EC) – Dede W.

Website Workshop – Beth Ann B. (15 mins)

Coordinator Reports (5 minutes each)

Bylaws/Insurance Coordinators – Cindi H. and Phyllis C.

Institutions Coordinator – David B.

Alateen Coordinator, NoCAC (left word for Lisa – maybe someone is making a


PI/CPC Coordinator – Veronica P.

AIS/Intergroup Reports (5 mins each)

Sacramento AIS (6-10) – Lisa K.

SCVAFG, Intergroup (20,21,22) – Bruce D.

North California Hispanic Intergroup – Janie L.

Spanish Intergroup East Bay – Maria C- G.

Noon Lunch Break – 1 ¼ hours (checkout)

1:15pm Announcements

1:25pm Thought Force:

Inappropriate Behavior – Gael R. (10 mins)

Web Site Development – Beth Ann B. (10 mins)

Old Business:

Area Structure - Yvonne de G. / Joan W. (15 mins)

Requesting PI/CPC Name Change –Veronica P. (10 mins)

2:50pm Break – 10 minutes

3:00pm New Business:

Adjusting Mileage Reimbursement – Chris M. (15 mins)

Meet the Board – Yvonne de G.,/Joan W. (15 mins)

3:30pm Announcements and New Business (it any/time)

4:00pm Closing: Al-Anon/Alateen Declaration

Let it Begin With Me – When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help

Let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, And Let It Begin With Me


*DRAFT NCWSC Minutes February 14th, 2015 DRAFT*

Marriott Hotel, Visalia

Note: In an attempt to make the minutes more easily used as a reference, the minutes will be ordered in a topical fashion.

Table of Contents

Routine Business


Motions, Consensus and Charges

Old Business

New Business

Reports (pgs. 3- 26)

-DR Meeting

-Alateen Liaisons & Committees


-Intergroup Liaisons

-Officers & Delegate

Financial Reports (pgs. 27-42)

Roll Call (pg. 43)

Routine Business:

The meeting began at 8:02 am. The Serenity Prayer, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts, General Warranties, Dual Membership in Al-Anon/Alateen and AA, and the Alateen Safety Guidelines were read.

Committee Roll Call was taken.

Minutes for the August 23, 2014 Committee Meeting were approved with one minor correction.

Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. by consensus.


Executive Committee

DRs caucused and selected 3 members to serve for 18 months on the Executive Committee. Two members stood for the two At-Large positions and were unanimously elected by the Committee. Northern districts: 1-10, Central districts: 11-17, 25 and 26, Southern districts: 18-24 and 27.

Northern- Heide P (D9), Central- Darby T (D11), Southern- Gael R (D23), At Large- DeDe W. and At Large- Yvonne P.

Budget Committee

DRs caucused and selected members to serve on the Budget Committee for 3 years.

Northern- Kristie A (D1), Central- Mary K (D12), Southern- Sheri W (D19) along with Alternate Delegate Bonnie M, Treasurer Chris M and former Alternate Delegate John S.

Motions, Consensus and Charges



Text: To approve the NCWSC minutes from August 23, 2014 with one minor correction. Motion by: Kristie A., second by Terry H. Passes.


1. We discussed and accepted a tentative NCWSC Committee Meeting and NCWSA Assembly schedule for 2016 and 2017. The Chairperson conferred with the Officers, Delegate and Facilities Coordinators to propose a schedule for future NCWSC/NCWSA meetings. The proposed schedule took into account customarily celebrated holidays, and Area events that routinely occur on predictable weekends. The chairperson said every effort will be made to honor the accepted schedule noting that facilities may not be available when we would like them to be. The proposed and accepted schedule is:

Year: 2016

Date Meeting Section

Feb 5-6 NCWSC South

May 14 NCWSA Assembly Central

May 15 NCWSC Central

August 26-27 NCWSC North

October 14-16 NCWSA Assembly North

Year: 2017

Date Meeting Section

Feb 3-4 NCWSC South

May 13 NCWSA Assembly Central

May 14 NCWSC Central (electronic meeting?)

August 25-26 NCWSC North

October 20-22 NCWSA Election Assembly Central

2. The 2015 NoCAC chairperson asked for a grant from NCWSA. The NCWSA Chairperson indicated that by virtue of asking, the grant would be given.


Inappropriate Behavior at Meetings Thought Force was created. (Details are under “New Business”).

A Web Conferencing Thought Force was created. After a discussion regarding travel expenses, a Thought Force was created to look into what it would take to hold an NCWSA meeting as a web conference.

Website Communications Thought Force was created. Website Coordinator along with Thought Force will look into using a Google service that allows NCWSA to have a website that replaces our current Yahoo groups. The cost is free to non-profits. Issues of concern were anonymity and cyber-security.

Old Business

Translation Equipment

Diversity Coordinator stated there are lots of requests to translate documents. The problem is “who is reading them?” A lot of stuff does not get read. There is a backlog of documents to be translated. We are trying to make people more aware. We can show people how to translate themselves. The tools are 95% accurate. Diversity does not need to do all of the work. Individuals can translate using online tools and Diversity will check it. It takes a lot less time this way.

Thought Force – Gender Neutral Steps (https://www.ncwsa.org/gender-neutral-survey/)

The Thought Force presented its findings at the October 2014 assembly. It was decided by the current chairperson that the online survey, “Gender Neutral Steps“ will continue until 7/1/2015. Since October 2014, there have been 12 responses to the survey. There were 400 responses through August, 2014. At the October Assembly, the following questions were asked and percentages noted:

“Continue Conversation on Gender Neutral Steps?”

Yes- 31%, No – 63%, Abstain – 6%

“Continue the Thought Force on Gender Neutral Steps?”

Yes- 39%, No- 56%, Abstain – 5%

There is a PowerPoint presentation on the website.

New Business

1. Inappropriate behavior at meetings- An example included a man preying on a woman during a meeting. A Thought Force on Inappropriate Behavior at meetings was created.

2. We have guidelines for Conflict Resolution (B-27).

3. Changing the title of “PI/CPC” to “Public Information Outreach Coordinator”- After presentation of topic and discussion, the need to conform to WSO titles was stressed. The Chairperson said she would look at the past minutes as this issue has come up twice before, and put it on the May Committee meeting agenda.


DR Meeting – Sheri W (D19)

We opened with the Serenity Prayer. Joan W. Area Chairman explained bids for facilities/Area guidelines for bids. Carol S is the facilities Coordinator. Joan encouraged DR’s to share at the microphone during the committee meetings. Be sure to check the bins for information, name tags and at the end of the committee meeting. Members’ section on WSO website has guidelines for DRs and district meetings. It would be helpful for the new DR’s to have a meeting for the new DR’s and the agenda available. Also understanding this meeting was not the normal, and unforeseeable occurrences will happen.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

Sheri W. District 19

Alateen Liaison & Committee Reports

Alateen Liaison North - Justin T and Ashlynn (Alternate)

·  Thank you to all those who elected me Northern California Alateen Liaison, I look forward to serving.

·  I have been participating in GTW committee as translator, have attended the NoCaC turnover meeting and am participating in the NCWSA Convention as Alateen Chair. I also just recently attended the NCWSA Convention walkthrough at the Doubletree in Modesto.

·  I encourage you to attend the NCWSA Convention April 17, 18 & 19 in Modesto, and to spread the word to Alateens. We have bedrooms for Alateens, and meeting rooms for Alateens, we have a discounted registration fee for all teens.

·  I have written to the Alateen express and have e-mailed my share to Jon M. to put in the express.

·  I recently, in light of being accepted into this position, stepped down as GR of the Tuesday night Alateen meeting in Davis. (A meeting that also needs more members than its current state of two or three).

·  Important upcoming events for Alateens: February 21 GTW fundraiser in Pleasanton, 27th of February in Vacaville there will be a speaker meeting with Alateen speakers (2 Speakers, Brittany from District 1 and Kemper from District 7). March 8th AMIAS workshop in San Francisco (which I will be speaking at).